
10.3. Identity and Access Management for administrators (IAM)

10.3.1. Introduction

The operations available to administrators are defined based on a list of allowed actions targeting the managed SFTPPlus components.

The Identity and Access Management (IAM) configuration is implemented in SFTPPlus using the following configuration elements:

  • administrators - defines the authentication and the identity of administrators

  • roles - defines the allowed access for administrators.

10.3.2. Administrators configuration

As a best practice, it is recommended to create an administrator configuration for each person interacting with SFTPPlus as an administrator.

When configuring an administrator, you define a name/username and a password.


Having multiple persons sharing the same administrator name and password is not recommended because it makes it harder to audit the actions of each administrator.

The configuration of an administrator also includes the associated role.

All the access permissions for the administrators are configured via the associated role.

10.3.3. Role configuration

When configuring a role, you define its name and a list of permissions.

By defining multiple roles, you can implement a separation of duties and have different levels of administrative access.

Each permission definition consists of:

  1. an expression matching the permission target

  2. a list of permission actions.

You can define a single permission-matching expression to target multiple configuration options or a class of configuration options.

For example, to create a role in which administrators are only allow updating the name of users and groups while denying updating any other option and creating or deleting groups, the following configuration can be used:

name = allow-name-updates
permissions =
  configuration, read
  configuration/accounts/*/name, update
  configuration/groups/*/name, update

To only allow creating, deleting, and updating users and groups the following configuration can be used:

name = user-group-administrators
permissions =
  configuration, read
  configuration/accounts/*, all
  configuration/groups/*, all

10.3.4. Available permission targets

Below is a list of the target groups that can be targeted based on member UUIDs, with or without an option name:

* me
* configuration/accounts
* configuration/groups
* configuration/roles
* configuration/administrators
* configuration/authentications
* configuration/resources
* configuration/event_handlers
* configuration/services
* configuration/locations
* configuration/transfers
* operation/authentications
* operation/resources
* operation/event_handlers
* operation/services
* operation/locations
* operation/transfers
* node_variables
* status

You can target a class of configurations, or any configuration of a certain type. The following examples are valid:

  • me/* - target any configuration of the current authenticated administrator

  • configuration/services/* - target the configuration of any service

  • configuration/services/FTPS-server-UUID/* - target any configuration for the service with UUID FTPS-service-UUID

  • configuration/services/*/name/ - target all the name options for any service

  • configuration/services/FTPS-server-UUID/name - target only the name option for the service with UUID FTPS-service-UUID

  • operation/services/* - target the status of any service

  • operation/services/FTPS-service-UUID/* - target the status of the service with UUID FTPS-service-UUID.

The following configurations do not have a member UUID, so they can only be targeted using the option name:

  • configuration/server

  • configuration/server/*

  • configuration/server/OPTION-NAME/

  • status

There is a special permission target named sync used to configure synchronization between the cluster controller and the cluster nodes. Administrative roles assigned to real persons should not use this target.

10.3.5. Multi-role permissions

An administrator can have multiple roles, each with its specific set of permissions. When an administrator has multiple roles, their permissions are defined as the union of all permissions of their roles.

The order of permissions are defined by the order in which the administrator is associated to their roles.

For example, with the following configuration:

name = Transfers Operator
permissions =
  /runnables/*, read
  /configuration/transfers/*, all
  /runnables/transfers/*, all

name = Users Operator
permissions =
  /runnables/*, read
  /configuration/*, read
  /configuration/accounts/*, all

name = John Admin
roles = 21951ed4-c281, 94a9caefd093-4677

The John Admin administrator will have the following permissions, based on the order in which the administrator roles are configured:

/runnables/*, read
/configuration/transfers/*, all
/runnables/transfers/*, all
/configuration/*, read
/configuration/accounts/*, all

10.3.6. Multi-role deny permissions

An administrator with multiple roles accumulates all the permissions of those roles.

If you want to define a role that blocks accumulating permissions from other roles, you can use the deny permission action in that role. Then use that role as first in the list of multiple roles for one or more administrators.

For example, with the configuration below:

name = Read Only Admin
permissions =
  /runnables/*, read
  /configuration/*, read
  /runnables/*, deny
  /configuration/*, deny

name = Users Operator
permissions =
  /runnables/*, read
  /configuration/*, read
  /configuration/accounts/*, all

name = John Admin
roles = 6b4b0fc2-e9c1, 94a9caefd093-4677

When administrator John Admin is authenticated it will have the following permissions:

/runnables/*, read
/configuration/*, read
/runnables/*, deny
/configuration/*, deny
/configuration/accounts/*, all

Since the /configuration/*, deny is explicitly configured in the primary role Read Only Admin, it denies access to /configuration/accounts/*, all. In this way, the John Admin administrator remains a read-only account.

The order used to configure the roles associated to an administrator is important. In the above example, if the administrator is configured with Users Operator as the primary role (configuration roles = 94a9caefd093-4677, 6b4b0fc2-e9c1), the administrator has read/write access to accounts configurations.

10.3.7. Allow administrators to change own configuration (for example password)

To allow an administrator to create, delete, and update users and groups without changing the configuration of other administrators, the following configuration can be used. The own prefix can be used to allow the administrator to change own configuration such as the password of the multi-factor authentication token:

name = user-group-administrators
permissions =
  own/password_update, all
  own/multi_factor_authentication, all
  configuration, read
  configuration/accounts/*, all
  configuration/groups/*, all