2.4. Advanced Linux installation

2.4.1. Overview

Make sure to follow the instructions from the Linux installation page before diving in the following sections.

This page adds specific installation instructions for Linux distributions not using systemd. Most of the information from the Linux installation page is still applicable and required.

This page also documents advanced installation setups for all supported Linux distributions.

2.4.2. Configuring the process user and group on Alpine Linux

The generic Linux commands for adding users and groups should work on Alpine Linux too, as long as you have the shadow package installed. Alternatively, to create an sftpplus group and user on Alpine Linux with the default-installed tools, use:

addgroup sftpplus
adduser -G sftpplus -g "SFTPPlus" -s /bin/sh -h /opt/sftpplus -H -D sftpplus

2.4.3. Init system configuration for Linux distributions not using systemd OpenRC-based Linux distributions

On Alpine Linux, when installing using the self-extractable package or the bin/install.sh script from the unpacked SFTPPlus archive, starting SFTPPlus at boot is handled automatically.

However, if you prefer to install manually, or you are installing on an unsupported OpenRC-based Linux distribution, you may use the included OpenRC service file, customizing the INSTALL_ROOT variable if needed for your installation:

cd /opt/sftpplus
vi bin/sftpplus-mft.openrc.sh
chmod +x bin/sftpplus-mft.openrc.sh
cp bin/sftpplus-mft.openrc.sh /etc/init.d/sftpplus-mft

Then you may use:

rc-service sftpplus-mft COMMAND

The following COMMANDs are available:

  • start

  • stop

  • restart

  • status

  • debug (start without detaching from current console)

  • force-stop (only for the SysV init script)

  • zap (only for the OpenRC service file)

  • describe (only for the OpenRC service file)

To manually set OpenRC to run at boot on Linux distributions using OpenRC:

rc-update add sftpplus-mft SysV-based Linux distributions

For SysV-based distributions such as Devuan Linux in its default configuration, a sample SysV init script is provided for your convenience. Make sure the script is executable, then amend the INSTALL_ROOT variable to the installation path of your SFTPPlus instance. Copy the modified script to the standard location used by the initialization system of your distribution:

cd /opt/sftpplus
vi bin/sftpplus-mft.sysv.sh
chmod +x bin/sftpplus-mft.sysv.sh
cp bin/sftpplus-mft.sysv.sh /etc/init.d/sftpplus-mft

Then you can call the script directly as:

/etc/init.d/sftpplus-mft COMMAND

Starting SFTPPlus automatically on boot can be set through a specific tool. For example, to enable running SFTPPlus on Devuan Linux with SysV:

update-rc.d sftpplus-mft defaults

2.4.4. Customizing the process of starting SFTPPlus

For your convenience, the SFTPPlus installation comes with files to be integrated into the boot process of supported distributions, as discussed in the relevant sections of the Linux installation pages. All these integrated init and unit files are using common commands for starting and stopping the SFTPPlus product, as described below.

To manually start a server installed to /opt/sftpplus, use the following commands:

cd /opt/sftpplus
./bin/admin-commands.sh start

By default, the configuration file from configuration/server.ini is used. The default location for storing the process ID is run/server.pid.

To stop the server, send the kill signal to the process ID stored in the run/server.pid file.

To store the process ID in a different file, start the server using -p or --pid arguments:

cd /opt/sftpplus
./bin/admin-commands.sh start --pid=/path/to/PID_FILE

If you want to launch the server using a configuration file from a specific location, use the -c or --config= argument:

cd /opt/sftpplus
./bin/admin-commands.sh start --config=/path/to/CONFIGURATION_FILE

To avoid forking in the background, use the start-in-foreground parameter. This is recommended for containerized installations such as those using Docker. More help with containerized setups is available in our public GitHub sftpplus-docker repository.

2.4.5. SFTPPlus directory hierarchy and permissions

Once unpacked, the SFTPPlus installation should have the following hierarchical directory structure on disk.

This list also describes the permissions required for the service account.

  • bin/ - read-only Contains SFTPPlus administration scripts and the init-specific files.

  • configuration/ - read-only Stores all data related to SFTPPlus configuration.

  • configuration/server.ini - read-and-write Stores the main configuration.

  • doc/ - read-only Contains documentation and release notes for SFTPPlus.

  • extension/ - read-only Contains custom extensions implemented using the SFTPPlus API.

  • lib/ - read-only This directory is for internal use.

  • log/ - read, write, create file and delete file Stores SFTPPlus log messages. SFTPPlus will write log entries into the log files, by default. When log rotation is enabled, it will also create new rotated files and delete old rotated files.

  • run/ - read, write, create file and delete file Stores various SFTPPlus runtime information.

2.4.6. Running SFTPPlus service under an unprivileged account

Like any other OS process, the main process of SFTPPlus runs under an operating-system account. SFTPPlus can start under the root OS account, and then drop privileges in order to mainly operate under a regular OS account. As in most deployments such a regular account is dedicated to running SFTPPlus, our documentation refers to this regular OS account as the service account. We recommend to always run SFTPPlus under such an unprivileged OS account, even when the SFTPPlus process is launched as root.

In this regard, the SFTPPlus process has 2 main modes of operation, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages. Start as unprivileged account and always operate under it

This is the default mode on Linux and macOS. The included unit, init, service, plist files are configured to start SFTPPlus as an unprivileged user. Also make sure the configuration file reads as follows (account value is empty):

account =

SFTPPlus will then operate under the same OS account that is used to launch it.


  • Operating under the principle of least privilege.

  • Even if there are security bugs in SFTPPlus, a successful exploit will not have unprivileged access to OS resources.

  • On systemd-based Linux distributions and macOS, the unprivileged user can be assigned shell and home values such as /bin/false and /var/empty, respectively.


  • Using ports below 1024 requires OS-specific configuration.

  • OS accounts cannot be used for file transfer services.

  • On Alpine Linux and Linux distributions using the SysV init file such as Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03, the unprivileged user needs a valid shell and home. Start as root and mostly operate as unprivileged account

This is only needed if you require to authenticate OS accounts in SFTPPlus. This mode of operation is only supported on Linux.

To configure SFTPPlus to start as root, but to mostly run under the dedicated application account, you have to edit the default-included unit, init, or service file to use root instead of sftpplus for launching SFTPPlus. Then make sure the following option is present in the configuration/server.ini configuration file:

account = sftpplus


  • Binding to ports below 1024 works out of the box.

  • OS accounts can be used for file transfer services.

  • On Alpine Linux and Linux distributions using the SysV init file, the unprivileged user can be assigned shell and home values such as /bin/false and /var/empty, respectively.


  • Even though most of the time SFTPPlus will operate under the unprivileged account, for requests to authenticate an OS account SFTPPlus will briefly switch to running as root in order to perform the OS authentication. If there is a security bug in SFTPPlus, and that bug is exploited during the brief amount of time SFTPPlus runs as root, an attacker can theoretically gain privileged access to OS resources.


You can also start SFTPPlus under the privileged root account and keep running the SFTPPlus process as root using account = in the server's configuration file. For security reasons, we don't recommend this mode of operation and do not allow it during automated installation.

2.4.7. Running SFTPPlus on a Security-Enhanced Linux system

Some Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and its derivatives, are installed with SELinux set up in "enforcing" mode. That doesn't allow the execution of shell scripts from a user home directory.

To avoid this limitation, when creating the dedicated SFTPPlus OS user manually, use a home directory other than the installation directory of SFTPPlus. For example, assuming that SFTPPlus is being set up at /opt/sftpplus, use these commands to add a dedicated operating system user named sftpplus:

mkdir /var/lib/sftpplus
groupadd sftpplus
useradd -g sftpplus -c SFTPPlus -s /bin/sh -d /var/lib/sftpplus -M sftpplus

On top of the above, you'll have to restore the SELinux context for the script SFTPPlus uses to start itself: admin-commands.sh. For example, assuming the SFTPPlus is being set up at /opt/sftpplus:

restorecon -v /opt/sftpplus/bin/admin-commands.sh

2.4.8. Running multiple concurrent instances on the same system

You can run multiple independent SFTPPlus instances on the same machine or VM to achieve one of the following requirements:

  • have separate testing and production systems

  • better CPU usage and high availability on multi CPU / multi disk systems

  • create a pre-production system which is hosted by the same VM as the production to allow easy rollback to older version

On systemd (modern Linux) and OpenRC init systems, this can be achieved by creating multiple service files with different names and setting specific configuration files per SFTPPlus instance, either automatically or manually.

One important consideration: you must use a dedicated system user per SFTPPlus instance to be set up in this way, either automatically or manually.

When using the self-extractable installer, you have the option to provide a custom installation path and a custom service name for each SFTPPlus instance to be set up. For example:

sh ./sftpplus-linux-x64-trial.sh -- --service-name=sftp-test /opt/sftptest
sh ./sftpplus-linux-x64-trial.sh -- --service-name=sftp-prod /opt/sftpprod

When using the gzipped TAR archive and the included bin/install.sh script, you also have the option to to set up concurrent instances automatically. You need to unpack the tarball in the desired locations, and provide a custom name for the SFTPPlus service of each instance to be set up. For example:

/opt/sftpplus-testing/install.sh --service-name=sftpplus-test
/opt/sftpplus-production/install.sh --service-name=sftpplus-prod

This takes care of all the needed system configuration. You can still use the provided shell scripts to safely update or uninstall these instances individually. Just make sure the concurrent instances are configured to use different ports for their services.

For example, considering the default-enabled FTP / SSH / HTTPS / Web Manager services, you might use the standard ports 21, 22, 443, 8443 for the production instance, while using the default SFTPPlus ports 10021, 10022, 10443, 10020 for the testing instance. Only install a new SFTPPlus instance this way after making sure the default SFTPPlus ports are free, to have both fully working side by side. Using a single installation directory to run multiple instances

When running different versions of SFTPPlus concurrently on the same machine, each instance has a dedicated root directory. Therefore, the INSTALL_ROOT variable from the OpenRC service files or the WorkingDirectory variable from the systemd unit files must be updated accordingly. This is done automatically through the self-extractable .sh shell script or through the bin/install.sh shell script from the gzipped TAR package, when following the instructions above.

When running multiple instances of the same SFTPPlus version concurrently, it is possible to set them up to run from a single installation directory, but manual configuration is needed. You still have to use dedicated operating system users per running instance to have the integration with the init system running as intended.

First, you need to edit the SFTPPlus service/unit system files to make sure each instance uses a dedicated server configuration and PID file. For example, when using a production instance and a testing one, you may use configuration/server-production.ini and configuration/server-testing.ini for the server configurations, and log/server-production.pid and log/server-testing.pid for the PID files.

Each instance must also be configured with specific paths for log and cache files, for example log/server-production.log and log/server-testing.log for the log handler's file paths, and configuration/cache-production.db3 and configuration/cache-testing.db3 for the embedded database resource paths.

The dedicated users should have appropriate reading and writing permissions for these custom configuration files, PID files, and logs. For more details, see the section above on SFTPPlus directory hierarchy and permissions.

In addition, different instances must use different ports and/or IP addresses. For example, 10022 for the first instance's SFTP port and 20022 for the second one, if using the same IP address.

For SysV-based systems, we provide a simplified init script for running concurrent instances: bin/sftpplus-mft.sysv.instances.sh. Create copies as needed in your /etc/init.d/ sub-directory, then edit the INSTANCE_ID variable for each instance. The init script assumes each instance is configured through a file named configuration/server-INSTANCE_ID.ini, where INSTANCE_ID should match the value set in the init script.