Release Notes¶
This is the list of all changes for SFTPPlus releases, ordered by release number (not by release date).
Version 5.11.0, 2025-03-18¶
New Features¶
Emails sent by the event handler can now include information to identify the SFTPPlus server and the event handler that generated them. [email] [#4532]
The node-sync resource was added to allow a secondary SFTPPlus instance to synchronize from a primary SFTPPlus instance by automatically pulling the configuration from the main/primary SFTPPlus node. [manager] [#4984]
When loading a PFX/P12 certificate file through Web Manager, you can now set it as the certificate to be used for a relevant protocol of the SFTPPlus server. [https][ftps][manager] [#6773]
When failing to setup the TLS session over the data channel of a FTPS connection, the cause of the error is now logged in more detail. [server-side][ftps] [#6970]
The filtering user interface from the Activity Log page now defaults to searching the content of the logged messages. [manager] [#6993-1]
The Activity Log page from SFTPPlus' Web Manager now defaults to showing logs from the last 12 hours. [manager] [#6993]
The Let's Encrypt resource can now save the obtained keys and certificates as PEM files in a configurable local directory. [lets-encrypt][manager] [#7006]
The SFTP server can now show its clients a banner message before asking for user credentials. This is configured via the before_login_message option. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#7028]
Defect Fixes¶
Generated TOTP QR code images are now visible when using SFTPPlus' Web Manager behind an HTTP reverse proxy with a custom URL path. [manager] [#6997]
When failing to get a response from the Purview API, two retries are now scheduled with a delay period of 15 seconds. This reduces the error rate caused by intermittent network issues while using the Purview API. [purview] [#7024-1]
Expired Purview sessions are now successfully cleaned from the SFTPPlus cache. This is a regression introduced in version 5.10.0. The Purview session cache could end in a state that triggers the AlreadyCalled() error after each login, which prevents obtaining a new session. [purview] [#7024]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The Let's Encrypt contact_email configuration option was removed because the Let's Encrypt service no longer sends notification emails. [lets-encrypt] [#7006]
The SFTP and SCP server-side protocol banner configuration option was removed. This configuration option was not associated with any functionality. [server-side][scp] [#7028]
Version 5.10.0, 2025-02-18¶
New Features¶
Self-extractable installers are now available for Linux and macOS. The gzipped TAR archives continue to be available for these operating systems. [#6197]
Self-extractable installers can now be used to update an already existing installation of SFTPPlus. [#6973]
All server-side account passwords stored in legacy plain-text format are now automatically converted to a secure hash format when starting SFTPPlus. [server-side][security] [#6968]
Defect Fixes¶
When using operating system accounts through SFTPPlus in conjunction with the SFTP protocol and filesystems that can block, such as NFS, the main SFTPPlus process is no longer kept in the security context of an OS account for which the filesystem access was blocked by the operating system. [server-side][sftp] [#6816]
For SFTPPlus installations on filesystems which make use of Access Control Lists (ACLs) of files and directories, as set with setfacl(1), using the scripts in bin/ now scrubs the extended permissions not only when installing, but also when updating and rolling back. [#6952]
When a user with an active Purview API session logs out, SFTPPlus only ends the Purview API session associated with their web browser. In previous version, when an user was logged out or a session expired, all Purview API sessions from all connected web browsers were logged out. [server-side][purview] [#6983]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The event with ID 20069 was removed. This event was emitted at SFTPPlus start time, and was informing that the process is not running as root. This functionality was replaced with event 20008, which is now emitted when SFTPPlus is running as root. [#6816]
Version 5.9.1, 2025-01-29¶
This is an update that fixes a few errors found in version 5.9.0. Version 5.9.0 was available only as a preview.
New Features¶
The AS2 location can now send compressed files to AS2 servers with limited support for parsing smime-type headers. SFTPPlus now sends the value of the smime-type parameter from the Content-Type header without using double quotes. Some AS2 servers, like Boomi, were failing to detect the AS2 message type. [client-side][as2] [#6910]
Defect Fixes¶
The FTP/FTPS server is now compatible with FTP clients that are sending the passive transfer commands before establishing the new passive TCP connections. This is implemented via the passive_wait_connection configuration option. This makes SFTPPlus compatible with the Globalscape FTP/FTPS client. [server-side][ftp] [#6953]
The event handler web GUI now allows searching for specific components. This is a regression introduced in SFTPPlus 5.6.0. [manager] [#6960]
Version 5.8.0, 2025-01-13¶
New Features¶
The AS2 server can now receive files encrypted using the RSA AES OAEP algorithm. [server-side][as2] [#6869]
Event handlers of type extension can now define the TARGET_EVENTS instance member that configures events for which the handler is triggered. [api] [#6873]
Defect Fixes¶
When the AS2 client requests an unsigned MDN for a signed payload, the SFTPPlus server returns an MDN that has a Received-Content-MIC field generated using the same digest algorithm as the signed payload. In previous versions, SFTPPlus was using SHA256 for unsigned MDNs. [server-side][as2] [#6831]
The Purview extension now refreshes the API token for file transfer sessions that take more than one hour. In previous versions, the Purview API access was not refreshed, and it was rejected by the Purview server one hour after logging in. [server-side][http][purview] [#6873]
Linux and macOS SFTPPlus setups using mount points for the installation paths can now be automatically updated and restored using the scripts in bin/. [#6940]
Version 5.7.0, 2024-11-25¶
Security Fixes¶
Our Python-based runtime has been updated to version 3.12.6. [#6820]
New Features¶
The SFTP location now supports setting up authentications requiring both password and private SSH key. [client-side][sftp] [#5295]
You can now configure an AS2 location with debug enabled. This generates log files for all requested and received HTTP headers. [client-side][as2] [#5829]
The shell scripts located in bin/, used for installing, updating, rolling back, and uninstalling SFTPPlus on Linux and macOS, now support the option to use an existing operating system user for the SFTPPlus setup. However, it is still highly recommended to use a dedicated OS user for running SFTPPlus. This dedicated user can be created automatically during the SFTPPlus installation or separately beforehand. [#6275]
You can now configure transfers to send files to the destination location using a relative path. [client-side] [#6901]
The Purview SDK for Windows is now distributed together with the SFTPPlus installer.[#6951]
Defect Fixes¶
The Entra ID authentication method now supports users that are members of 100 groups or more. [server-side][entra] [#6806]
When closing the SSH connection for an SFTP location, the code 11 (SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION) is now used to signal that closing the connection is expected. In previous versions, code 10 (SSH_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST) was used, signalling that the SSH connection was accidentally closed. [client-side][sftp] [#6870]
The exchange-online location can now transfer attachments from folders that have more than 10 subfolders. [client-side][exchange-online] [#6874]
The set-on-first-connection configuration option for TLS connections can now be used with URLs with no port explicitly defined. [tls] [#6876]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The dedicated ssh_private_key_password configuration option was added to the SFTP location, superseding the password option. When both password and ssh_private_key options are defined, the value of the password option is migrated to the ssh_private_key_password one. The password configuration option is removed as a result of the migration. This migration is automated, there is no need for manual changes. [client-side][sftp] [#6894]
Version 5.6.0, 2024-10-29¶
Security Fixes¶
The embedded OpenSSL library in SFTPPlus has been updated to version 3.3.2. [#6770]
New Features¶
SFTPPlus now supports the symmetric SSH cipher algorithms and [client-side][server-side][sftp] [#5468]
You can now configure an AS2 location to receive asynchronous MDN messages. [client-side][as2] [#5400]
The user interface for the event details view in the Activity log has been updated [#6179]
The AS2 location can now be configured to send compressed files. [client-side][as2] [#6756]
You can now duplicate/clone an existing transfer using the Web Manager GUI. [manager] [#6774]
The AS2 server now supports signatures that are advertised to use the sha256_rsa algorithm name. This is an alternative name for the rsassa_pkcs1v15 algorithm, which implements PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures. [server-side][as2] [#6775]
The AS2 location can now be configured to use the GET method to test the availability of the remote AS2 server. [client-side][as2] [#6817]
On the Web Manager login page, you can now configure a short information box to provide additional usage or Terms of Service information. [manager] [#6833]
The HTTP REST API used by the SFTPPlus web server is now available as an OpenAPI version 3.1 YAML file. [server-side][http][https] [#6856]
Defect Fixes¶
The help text for the Authenticate Peer Certificate TLS configuration from Web Manager has been updated to indicate that the default value is now set-on-first-connection. [manager] [#4099]
The AS2 server now returns the errors as MDN messages. In previous versions, an HTTP 400 Bad request response was used to signal an error. [server-side][as2] [#5794]
The Windows Share / SMB location no longer raises the STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error when configured with an invalid path, such as when using backslash path separators. [client-side][smb] [#6239]
When using an Exchange Online location, if there is an error retrieving the list of attachments for an email that has just been removed, the email is now ignored. An error was raised in previous versions under such circumstances. [client-side][exchange-online] [#6601-2]
When an HTTP request fails, the error now includes specific HTTP information. In previous versions, an internal server error message was used instead of a specific HTTP error. [client-side][http] [#6601]
On Windows, the limit of total concurrent opened files was increased to 2048. [windows] [#6770]
When the SFTPPlus server sends asynchronous MDN messages, it now sets the Content-Type HTTP header to indicate that the content is a MDN message. In previous versions, the Content-Type header was set to application/octet-stream instead of multipart/signed. [server-side][as2] [#6775-1]
When the SFTPPlus server sends asynchronous MDN messages, the message that the AS2 file was successfully received is emitted only after the MDN message has been successfully delivered. [server-side][as2] [#6775]
The AS2 service can now receive signed files with the signature stored in binary format. [server-side][as2] [#6778]
When uploading files to Azure Files, the paths configured using backslashes as separators (Windows path separators) are automatically converted to forward slashes (Unix path separators). Previously, the Azure Files cloud server accepted backslash-separated paths. Following a recent update, only forward-separated slashed are now supported. [client-side][azure-files] [#6811]
When sending AS2 files, the MDN message returned by the remote AS2 server no longer needs to contain the "Original-Recipient" or "Final-Recipient" headers. [client-side][as2] [#6817-1]
The AS2 location now includes the AS2-From and AS2-To headers when making the HEAD or GET requests to test the availability of the remote AS2 server. In previous versions, the request was made without any extra headers. [client-side][as2] [#6817]
The AS2 transfers can now receive AS2 messages from certificates that have the serial number as one of the components of the subject field. [server-side][client-side][as2] [#6818-1]
The AS2 transfer can now receive AS2 messages for which the multipart boundary option name is defined in uppercase. [server-side][client-side][as2] [#6818]
The macOS launchd .plist configuration file is now generated with log files inside the SFTPPlus log directory. This is a regression introduced in 5.0.0 which will prevent the macOS SFTPPlus service to start using launchd. [macos] [#6864]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Alpine Linux 3.12 is no longer supported. We recommend using an Alpine Linux version with upstream support, currently Alpine Linux 3.17 or newer. [#6770]
Version 5.5.0, 2024-07-22¶
New Features¶
The Purview extension now supports recursively handling all files in set directories. [#4759]
The SFTP server protocol now supports handling blocking filesystems such as mounts from NFS servers which occasionally stop responding. [server-side][sftp] [#5001]
The shell script bin/ was added for automatically updating licensed SFTPPlus installations on Linux and macOS when there's a newer version online. [#5664]
The OpenSSL library embedded with SFTPPlus was updated to version 3.2.2. [security] [#6735]
Defect Fixes¶
When processing Exchange Online email subjects containing characters not valid on Windows (for example, colons), SFTPPlus now replaces those characters with dashes. [client-side][exchange-online] [#5040]
You can now use long file paths for Windows Share UNC paths. These are paths such as \\\\path\file.txt. [windows] [#6639]
Web Client's icons are visible again. This was a regression introduced in version 5.4.0. [server-side][http] [#6744]
Version 5.4.0, 2024-06-17¶
Security Fixes¶
The Windows service and uninstaller are now invoked using double quotes around the executable path. This can prevent a conflict when, for example, you have SFTPPlus installed in C:/Program Files, but you already have a C:/Program.exe executable. [windows] [#2609]
The TLS secure list of ciphers was updated to match the latest Mozilla recommended configuration for a general-purpose server. [server-side][client-side][tls] [#6057]
Support was added for and SSH hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) algorithms. [client-side][server-side][sftp] [#6717]
The HTTP file server protocol now sets the secure attribute of the session cookie for connections made via an HTTPS reverse proxy. [#6722]
New Features¶
The activity log now contains an audit log entry for files downloaded through Web Client as a ZIP archive bundle. [server-side][http] [#2055]
The HTTP server now emits an event when an authenticated session times out. [server-side][http][https] [#4869]
You can now use an Exchange Online mailbox as the source for a transfer. [client-side][email] [#6656]
Defect Fixes¶
Low-level operating system errors are no longer displayed unchanged when an unknown OS error is encountered. In previous versions, all details were displayed, including the full path to user files. [server-side][http] [#2370]
An internal error is no longer generated when listing empty folders over FTPS. When listing an empty folder, some FTPS servers close the data connection before confirming its end via the command connection. This was causing SFTPPlus to fail validating the server connection. This is a regression introduced in SFTPPlus 4.34.0. [client-side][ftps] [#2441]
The Purview event handler extension now uses the same proxy configured for the Entra ID authentication method. [server-side] [#4085]
Authentication without HTTP cookies works again in Web Client. This is a regression introduced in version 5.0.0. [server-side][http] [#4869]
When a transfer fails to get content from the source directory, the transfer no longer fails. Instead a new attempt is retried based on the transfer configuration. [client-side] [#6674]
When a transfer fails to get the status of the remote location, the emitted event with ID 60005 now contains the number of retries left and the retry interval. [client-side] [#6674]
The event with ID 60074 is no longer emitted when failing to take a snapshot of the remote location for a non-recursive transfer. In previous versions, the event was emitted reporting an empty directory. For recursive transfers, the event with ID 60074 is still emitted because some servers raise a generic error instead of a "file not found" error when a recursive directory is removed from the remote location. [client-side] [#6674]
Events with ID 10023, 10032, 10064, 10070, 10079, and 10084 were added to the failure-high event group. Previously, they were members of the failure event group exclusively. [ftp][ftps] [#6711]
When configuring SFTPPlus to start under the root account in order to authenticate OS users, the server configuration cache file is now owned by the dedicated SFTPPlus service account. In previous versions, the server.ini.cache file was created as the root account, raising an error from SFTPPlus, which drops privileges after launch. [#6725]
Version 5.3.0, 2024-05-16¶
New Features¶
Azure Blob is now supported as source and destination of transfers. [client-side] [#5003]
Defect Fixes¶
If the extract-archive event handler fails to extract a gzip file, the partially-extracted destination file is now automatically removed. [#5803]
When starting or stopping a location from Web Manager, the generated start/stop events are now associated with the administrator account that triggered those actions. In previous versions, the events were associated with the client username associated with the location. [manager] [#6647]
Web Client sessions are no longer timing out during upload requests that take longer than the configured inactivity timeout. In previous versions, the current session was not updated to an active state while a file was uploaded, which could result in Web Client logoffs. [server-side][http][https] [#6668]
When rolling back an SFTPPlus update on Linux, file capabilities such as binding privileged ports are now preserved. [#6660-2]
When providing a custom backup path to rollback from, the bin/ script no longer rolls back from the default SFTPPlus backup. [#6660]
Version 5.2.1, 2024-05-10¶
Defect Fixes¶
The login page alerts are now displayed only once. In previous versions, any alert related to a previous login failure was kept on the login page until the next successful attempt. [server-side][http][https] [#6662]
The SFTP server now disconnects an SFTP client that requests to receive data, but doesn't update the channel transfer window using the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST SSH command. In previous versions, SFTPPlus was buffering the data to send for when the SFTP client was ready to receive it. This could cause high memory and CPU usage. [server-side][sftp] [#6684]
Version 5.2.0, 2024-04-17¶
New Features¶
You can now configure the list of accepted SSH host keys algorithms. In previous versions, SFPPlus was accepting remote SSH connections using any SSH host key algorithm. [client-side][sftp][scp][security] [#6553]
The shell scripts in the
sub-directory used for installing, uninstalling, updating, and rolling back SFTPPlus on Linux and macOS, now feature the common switches for showing a help text:-h
. [#6654]
Defect Fixes¶
The SFTP server now accepts public key authentication using any supported algorithm. In previous versions, it was only accepting authentications from the same list of algorithms as the one used for the SSH server host keys. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#6553]
When login footnotes are enabled for SFTPPlus' Web Client, the dialog that pops up when clicking on the footnotes link now responsively handles large texts. [#6636]
SFTPPlus works again on Windows Server 2016. This regression was introduced in SFPPlus version 5.0.0. [windows] [#6651]
Version 5.1.0, 2024-03-31¶
Security Fixes¶
The ssl_certificate_authority configuration option for TLS clients can now be configured with pinned public keys. This can be used to implement a security policy that requires pinning public certificates/keys. [tls][https] [#6562]
New Features¶
You can now configure an account or a group to limit the size for an uploaded file. [server-side][ftps][https][sftp] [#3652]
The Web Manager console now automatically updates the process state in the background when you browse its pages. [manager] [#4843]
Automatic installation, update, and restore are now supported on ARM64 Linux. [linux][arm64] [#6425]
On Linux systems, when systemd restarts SFTPPlus, advanced systemd options are used to improve its default retry strategy. Some of these options are only activated with systemd 229 or newer, others require systemd 254 or newer. [#6443]
The Web Manager console now shows the name of the operating system account under which SFTPPlus is running. [manager] [#6575]
You can now configure multiple email addresses per account. [server-side] [#6579]
The LDAP authentication method can now be configured to extract the email address associated to the authenticated user. [server-side] [#6590]
The content for a transfer can now be converted on the fly from UTF-16 to UTF-8. [client-side] [#6592]
You can now define the minimum number of files that are expected to be transferred in a time interval. This is done using the minimum_transfer_count and minimum_transfer_interval configuration options for a transfer. [client-side] [#6593]
The filesystem monitor resource now emits the event with ID 20065 that includes the total number of files and directories detected in the monitored path. Event with ID 20065 is emitted only when the monitor is configured to check for old files or to auto-delete old files. [#6597]
When the source directory for a transfer is no longer available, the transfer now waits for a time interval configured via changes_poll_interval, then fails the transfer, and finally stops retrying if the source is still not available after retry_count retries. An event and a log entry are generated for each try. In previous versions, it was only generating an event entry, retrying forever. [client-side] [#6600]
The home_folder_structure configuration is now inherited from all groups, not only from the primary group. [server-side] [#6608]
You can now configure the login page of the Web Client with a link to a custom text in a message box. You can use it to inform users about privacy policy, terms of use, or any other information. [server-side][http] [#6614]
SSH private keys in Putty version 3 (PuTTY-User-Key-File-3) are now supported. [#6615]
Defect Fixes¶
When a SCP file upload operation fails, the server-side file is now closed. In previous versions, the file was left open. [server-side][scp] [#3652]
On Linux and macOS systems, when stopping SFTPPlus without support from the init system while another process restarts it repeatedly, the cycle of stop retries ends after 20 iterations. [#6454]
You can now configure an Entra ID authentication with a set of base groups that overlap with the associated groups as derived from the Entra ID group membership. [server-side][entra-id][azure-ad] [#6545]
The Web Manager now keeps the session active while using the Activity log page. In previous versions, the session access time was not updated when using only the Activity log page. [manager] [#6607]
Due to a regression introduced in version 5.0.0, SFTPPlus was not properly running on Amazon Linux 2 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Only Linux distributions based on glibc version 2.26 and 2.27 were affected by this regression. [#6612]
When downloading multiple files or multiple directories using the SFTPPlus Web Client, the memory consumption and file transfer speeds are now significantly improved. This regression was introduced in SFTPPlus version 4.30.0. In affected versions, when downloading multiple files or directories, the transfer was very slow, and SFTPPlus' memory usage was unusually high during the transfer. This was caused by a programming error. [server-side][http][https] [#6624]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Event with ID 10090 generated for FTP EPRT command was removed and replaced with the event ID 10062. Event with ID 10062 is now emitted for any FTP active transfer, for both legacy and extended commands. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#3652]
The event with ID 10061 emitted at the start of a FTP PASV or EPSV command was removed. The event with ID 10022 presents the same information. [server-side][ftp] [#6424]
The azure-ad authentication method was renamed to entra-id. This change follows Microsoft's renaming of Azure Active Directory service to Microsoft Entra ID. SFTPPlus configuration is automatically updated for the new name. [server-side] [#6545]
The event with ID 60074 no longer has a count data attribute. It was replaced by the total_directories and total_files attributes. [#6597]
Version 5.0.0, 2024-02-20¶
Security Fixes¶
SMTP email client resources now require fully-qualified domain names when configured. This is needed in order to validate the TLS/SSL certificate of the remote server. If the SMTP server doesn't have a DNS record and a matching certificate, you need to explicitly disable TLS identity checks for your SMTP email client resource using the following configuration: ssl_certificate_authority = disable-identity-security [smtp][email] [#4374-1]
WebDAVs locations now require fully-qualified domain names when configured. This is needed in order to validate the TLS/SSL certificate of the remote server. If the remote WebDAV HTTPS server doesn't have a DNS record and a matching certificate, you need to explicitly disable TLS identity checks for your WebDAVs location using the following configuration: ssl_certificate_authority = disable-identity-security [client-side][https] [#4374-2]
The TLS clients in SFTPPlus (HTTPS event handlers, WebDAV locations, HTTPS authentications) are now configured by default to only function with remote servers that have certificates signed by the Certificate Authority discovered during the very first connection. The ssl_certificate_authority = set-on-first-connection is the default configuration for these cases. [https] [#4374]
On Linux and macOS, SFTPPlus no longer starts under the root account when no service account is configured for running it. This change prevents unintentionally running SFTPPlus as root. It is highly recommended to run SFTPPlus as a dedicated non-root OS account at all times, but SFTPPlus can still be executed as root via the account = root configuration option under the [server] section. If you only need SFTPPlus to run as root for a specific purpose such as integrating with OS accounts, start SFTPPlus as root with a defined service account to have it drop root privileges as soon as possible. [linux][macos] [#4578]
The server-side and client-side FTPS data connections now require TLS session reuse to be enabled by default. [server-side][client-side][ftps] [#6421]
Components using TLS / HTTPS clients can now be configured to automatically accept and remember the Certificate Authority chain advertised during the first connection. All subsequent connections are then required to use the same CA chain. [client-side][https][ftps] [#6479]
The embedded OpenSSL libraries were updated to version 3.2.1. All SFTPPlus packages now come with updated OpenSSL, including the ones supporting Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and Ubuntu Linux 18.04 or 20.04. [#6480]
The hmac-sha1 cipher was removed from the secure list of SSH ciphers. Note that the way SHA-1 is supported by SFTPPlus when handling SFTP connections does not allow for a feasible collision attack in the near future. However, as SHA-1 can be used in an unsafe way to sign SSH PKI certificates, many security scanners flag the support for SHA-1 as generally unsafe for any product supporting the SFTP protocol. If you still require the use of the SHA-1 algorithm to support legacy SFTP clients, you can still configure it as needed. [server-side][client-side][sftp] [#6484]
New Features¶
The Web Manager console now shows the name of the instance and the path to the installation directory. [manager] [#3851]
SFTPPlus now supports macOS 11 Big Sur and newer on Apple Silicon. [#6064]
You can now configure a TLS client to trust servers with SSL certificates signed by any of the root certificates from Mozilla's CA Certificate Program. More on this at To configure a TLS client to use this list, specify ${MOZILLA_CA_ROOTS} for the option ssl_certificate_authority. [#6227]
The Activity Log page in the Web Manager console has been redesigned to improve the readability of the rows of logging data. [#6328]
Defect Fixes¶
The Windows installer now supports administrator names and passwords containing spaces. [windows][#6452]
The FTP/FTPS server now closes any file for which an upload request was started, but for which the upload operation failed. In previous versions, if a file transfer failed during the data transfer, the uploaded file was kept open by the server's operating system. [server-side][ftp] [#6514]
When using automated updates on Linux, file capabilities such as binding privileged ports are now preserved for SFTPPlus installations. [#6498]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Support for Windows 8 and Windows 2012 was removed.
The monitor service was moved to the resources category. The configuration is automatically migrated after updating. [#3165]
The events with ID 20001, 20002, and 20181 emitted when SFTPPlus starts or stops, now contain the installation instance_name instead of the product_name. [#3851]
Support was removed for SFTPPlus Windows services created when installing SFTPPlus versions up to and including 4.0.0. SFTPPlus Windows services installed with SFTPPlus 4.1.0 or newer are still supported. [windows] [#5179-1]
The priority of ECDSA key exchange algorithms for SSH was changed to the following order (from highest priority to lowest): ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521. This was done to achieve parity with the OpenSSH implementation. [sftp] [#5179]
The shared_secret RADIUS configuration option was removed. It was replaced in a previous version with the password configuration option. The UI continues to refer to this configuration as Shared Secret, since this is how it is used in the RADIUS protocol specification. The low-level configuration uses password to make it easier to perform security audits. [server-side][radius] [#5304-1]
The address and port WebDAV location configuration options were removed. They were replaced in a previous version with the url configuration option. [client-side][webdav] [#5304-2]
The address configuration option for a transfer was removed. It was replaced in a previous version with the delete_source_on_success option. [client-side] [#5304-3]
The rsa_private_key, rsa_private_key_password, dsa_private_key, and dsa_private_key_password configuration options were removed. They were deprecated in version 4 by the ssh_host_private_keys option. Encrypted SSH private keys are no longer supported. [server-side][sftp] rsa_private_key_password dsa_private_key rsa_private_key dsa_private_key_password [#5304]
Apple macOS running on Intel hardware is no longer a supported platform. Contacts us if you need to run SFTPPlus on Intel Macs running macOS. [#6064]
The ftps_force_secured_authentication configuration option was removed. The Explicit and Implicit FTPS server now always require a secure connection. [server-side][ftps] [#6509-1]
The ftps_force_secured_data_channel configuration was removed. The security of the data channel is now always enforced based on the ftps_force_secured_command_channel configuration for the command channel. [server-side][ftps] [#6509-2]
The Explicit FTPS server is now enabled by default for the FTP service. [server-side][ftps] [#6509-3]
The support for FTP CCC command was removed on both server-side and client-side transfers. Consequently, the ftps_ccc configuration option was removed. Contact us if you still need to use the FTP CCC command. [ftps][server-side][client-side] [#6509]
Version 4.35.0, 2024-01-12¶
Security Fixes¶
A critical security issue was fixed for the FTPS server.
SFTPPlus can now be configured to enforce the use of the same TLS session for both command and data connections.
For backward compatibility, the TLS session reuse is not automatically enabled for existing configuration. You will need to manually update the SFTPPlus configuration.
For TLS session reuse you might also need to update your FTPS client. For example you will need WinSCP version 6, or configure WinSCP version 5 to only use TLS 1.2. WinSCP version 5 with TLS 1.3 does not work with TLS session reuse.
In previous versions, reusing the TLS session was not enforced.
This could allow a malicious third party to hijack the data connection without any authentication, by only guessing the passive port number. As a result of such an attack, data can be leaked or corrupted. SFTP and HTTPS protocols are not affected. The security issue is mitigated when the FTPS server is configured to validate client connections against a certificate authority (CA).
In such a case, the malicious third party would also need a valid matching certificate signed by the configured Certificate Authority to successfully hijack the data connection. This issue affects all previous versions of SFTPPlus. [#6379]
New Features¶
You can now configure role permissions to allow referencing the currently authenticated administrator using the own prefix. This allows defining administrator accounts able to create, delete, and update users and groups without having permissions for configuring other administrator accounts. [manager] [#6470]
Defect Fixes¶
The HTTP(S) server now closes the downloaded file if there was an error during download. In previous versions, the affected file was left open. [server-side][http] [#6469]
Version 4.34.1, 2023-11-22¶
This is a re-release of 4.34.0, previously released on 2023-11-22, that fixes our container images published on Dockerhub.
Security Fixes¶
When connecting to remote FTPS servers, SFTPPlus makes sure the same TLS certificate is used for both data and command connections. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks where a malicious third party pretends to handle the data connection. [client-side][ftps][security] [#6382-1]
When connecting to remote FTPS servers, SFTPPlus now makes sure the TLS session used for the data connection has the same session ID as the command connection. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks in which a malicious third party pretends to handle the data connection. This can also improve performance when transferring many small files. Some FTPS servers might not know how to handle a TLS session reuse. In SFTPPlus v4 the default ftps_reuse_session = no configuration is set to avoid reusing the TLS session. This default option will be changed to ftps_reuse_session = yes in the future release of SFTPPlus 5.0. [client-side][ftps][security] [#6382]
The passive data ports are now used by SFTPPlus in random order. In previous versions, they were allocated based on the lowest available port number. [ftp][server-side] [#6430]
Defect Fixes¶
The FTP location now automatically disconnects if the FTP server connection is opened, but the server doesn't send any response. [client-side][ftp] [#6401]
Multiple re-connections are no longer triggered when a location is disconnected for being idle, but then it needs to reconnect to perform multiple transfers. [client-side] [#6402]
When updating through the included
script, the saved service name fromconfiguration/INSTALL_INFO
is checked before trying to stop a running SFTPPlus instance. This prevents systemd restarting the SFTPPlus service in the background under a different service name. [#6407]The FTP/FTPS location now sends the PBSZ and PROT commands right after the AUTH command for Implicit FTPS following a successful TLS handshake. In previous versions, it was sending the PBSZ/PROT commands after the USER command and, by doing so, it was getting rejected connections from some FTPS servers. [client-side][ftp] [#6429]
The FTP/FTPS location can now transfer files to and from servers that don't support the PWD command. For servers with no PWD support, SFTPPlus assumes that the server uses Unix path separators. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#6435]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The event with ID 10020 was removed and replaced by the existing event with ID 10061. There is now a single event ID to inform that a passive transfer was requested, for both PASV and EPSV (extended PASV) transfers. [server-side][ftp] [#6395]
Version 4.33.0, 2023-10-10¶
Security Fixes¶
The OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries used for Python's cryptography on Windows, generic Linux, Alpine Linux, and macOS were updated to version 1.1.1w to fix CVE-2023-4807, CVE-2023-3817, CVE-2023-3446, CVE-2023-2975, CVE-2023-2975, CVE-2023-2975, CVE-2023-1255, CVE-2023-0466, and CVE-2023-0464. [#6399]
New Features¶
Theme support was added for HTTP ui-gen-2. [server-side][http] [#6265]
Defect Fixes¶
The configuration options that are measured in seconds are now set to the default value, when a new component is created. In previous versions, the options were set to 1 second. This is a defect introduced in 4.31.0. [manager] [#6388]
Version 4.32.1, 2023-09-18¶
This release is dedicated to fixing a bug introduced by the 4.32.0 version.
The defect was causing the analytics resource to fail when an account was configured to be auto-disabled on inactivity while not having a creation date and any previous successful authentications.
The download links for Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 9, 7, 6 and 5 were fixed. The download link for RHEL version 8 was already working properly.
Version 4.32.0, 2023-09-15¶
New Features¶
You can now configure the external-executable event handler to accept output in JSON format from a command. [#6359]
You can now configure an SFTPPlus account to be disabled if not active for a number of days. [server-side][security] [#6363]
Defect Fixes¶
A transfer no longer fails when its source location cannot connect to the remote server. The transfer now waits for the source location to be available. It automatically restarts once the source location is available. [client-side][ftps][sftp] [#5537]
Monitoring an FTP source location no longer stalls when the source location is disconnected due to an idle connection while the source directory is checked. In previous versions, the source location was disconnected due to being idle, and, if the source check operation was scheduled for the exact same time, the source check operation was failing, without rescheduling a retry or scheduling a reconnection of the source location. [client-side][ftp] [#6333]
The web management console no longer has the public URL name disabled for the HTTPS service. In previous versions, the configuration UI for the public URL name was always disabled in the web interface. The only option for configuring that value was to edit the .INI configuration file. [manager] [#6334]
A pull transfer from FTP/FTPS locations is no longer stalled when the server initially responds that the pull transfer can start, but then doesn't send any data. In previous versions, the whole transfer was blocked, requiring a manual restart of the transfer. In the latest version, the current file transfer fails, but a retry is scheduled for the current file and any other files for which a transfer was attempted. [client-side][ftp] [#6346]
Automated content conversion for a transfer initially failed and then retried is now properly working. [client-side] [#6351]
The summary text search for the Activity Log page was fixed. This was a defect introduced in 4.31.0. [manager] [#6353]
A push transfer from an FTP/FTPS/SFTP locations no longer ignores a file upload when the server is disconnecting at the same time that a file upload operation is requested. In previous versions, the transfer was still active, but the file was not retried, even though new files would have been uploaded. [client-side][ftp][sftp] [#6356]
The pending operation for a transfer no longer generates a retry when the transfer is stopped. In previous versions, for some transfer operations, a CancelledError() was generated when the transfer was stopped. This was considered a failure, therefore the transfer was retried, preventing the stopping of the transfer. [client-side] [#6375]
Version 4.31.0, 2023-08-07¶
New Features¶
You can now configure a transfer to do automatic content conversion from UTF-16 to ASCII. [client-side] [#5943]
You can now manage components from the admin-shell command line tool using component name as a reference. [manager][cli] [#6291]
A new event handler was added to compute the digest of files. [#6302]
The HTTP Post event handler can now trigger requests using the GET or PUT HTTP methods. [#6309]
Defect Fixes¶
The usernames configuration option of the deny-username authentication method now handles the configured values as case-insensitive, regardless of the actual case of the configured values. In previous versions, the configured value was required to be defined in lowercase. [security] [#6293]
Deprecations and Removals¶
In order to speed up loading past activity logs, the total number of logs is no longer displayed. [manager] [#2707]
A warning is generated in the logs and the web administration console when the SFTPPlus Windows service is still started using the legacy utility that was used in version 2 and 3 of SFTPPlus. The legacy utility still works with version 4, but will no longer work with future major SFTPPlus versions. This issue only affects SFTPPlus installations that were first installed using a version prior to 4.1.0. [windows] [#5550]
The main page of the Web Administration Console no longer contains the list of resources and locations. These lists can now be found in the dedicated pages for resources and locations. [manager] [#6236]
In the web administration console, the local filesystem monitor service was moved to the Resources section. From the resources section you can add, delete, or modify existing resource monitors. No configuration changes are required. In the .INI configuration file, the file system monitor continues to be configured from the services section. [manager] [#6279]
Version 4.30.1, 2023-06-13¶
Version 4.30.0 was released on 2023-06-09 as a release candidate.
New Features¶
When updating or rolling back SFTPPlus using the dedicated scripts in bin/, it's now possible to have multiple automatic backups in /srv/sftpplus_backups. [#6012]
The Dashboard section of the Web Administration Console now lists all failed components (services, transfers, event handlers, etc). [manager] [#6080]
The Web Administration Console now supports access via a reverse proxy with URL rewrites. [manager] [#6242]
Defect Fixes¶
SFTPPlus can now receive over the AS2 protocol files sent using multi-line headers. In previous versions, a boundary error was raised in such instances, for example when the multi-part header was defined on multiple lines. [server-side][as2] [#5795]
An informational error message is now raised when the --ssh-server-identity set-on-first-connection command line option is used for the client-shell CLI. The set-on-first-connection value is not supported for the CLI. In previous versions, an internal error was raised. [client-side][sftp] [#6190]
The page listing the accounts now only shows TOTP as enabled for accounts that have it enabled. In previous versions, due to a defect, all accounts were listed as having TOTP enabled. [manager] [#6234]
Support was added for paths longer than 255 characters on Windows. A single filename is still limited to 255 characters at most. However, the combined path for the filename and its parents can now be longer than 255 characters. [#6245]
A transfer no longer skips pulling a file from a remote location when the connection is lost just before starting to transfer the file. The failed file transfer is now retried even when failing in this way. In previous versions, a transfer failing in these particular conditions was skipped. [client-side] [#6247]
When receiving AS2 files via the SFTPPlus AS2 server, besides having the temporary files stored into a separate temporary folder, the files being transferred now also have temporary file extensions. [server-side][as2][security] [#6252]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The size data attribute associated with the 20175 event emitted when a file is rotated is now always a text value. In previous versions, it was either a number or a text value. [#6121]
Version 4.29.0, 2023-04-06¶
New Features¶
You can now configure the event handler data_filter option using multiple filtering rules. The configured rules are applied in conjunction (all of them have to match). [#6152]
Defect Fixes¶
When the ssl_certificate_authority is configured with an expired certificate, the component using the configured CA now fails to start and an explicit error message is returned. [tls] [#6102-1]
The expired root CA certificates from the SFTPPlus predefined list of CA certificates like ${MICROSOFT_IT_CA}, ${LETS_ENCRYPT_X3_CA}, or ${GO_DADDY_G2_G1} are now ignored. This allows you to continue using the predefined list, even if one of the root certificates is now expired. [tls] [#6102]
The events emitted by the local filesystem monitor service are now associated with the service that triggered them. In previous versions, the events weren't associated to any SFTPPlus component. [#6126-1]
The account interaction event handler no longer emits events for accounts that are disabled. [server-side] [#6126]
The FTP/FTPS location/client can now handle multi-line authentication responses. This was a regression introduced in version 4.28.0. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#6156]
Deprecations and Removals¶
AIX support was removed. For existing AIX customers, older versions of SFTPPlus 4 are still supported on AIX 7.1 and newer. [#6089]
Version 4.28.0, 2023-03-08¶
New Features¶
The FTP/FTPS server now accepts the STRU F and MODE S FTP commands. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#6067-1]
The web file browser now preserves the directory structure when uploading a hierarchy of files using drag and drop. In previous versions, all files from the hierarchy of a source directory were uploaded into the target directory, ignoring the structure of sub-directories in the source directory. [https][server-side] [#6067]
When transferring files using the batch_interval, the files from the same batch are now transferred in alphabetical order. [client-side] [#6069]
When receiving AS2 files for which the filename is set by the remote AS2 partner to either smime.s7m or smime.p7z, SFTPPlus now handles the AS2 transfer as if the filename is not set, using the configured default filename instead. [server-side][as2] [#6071]
The FTP/FTPS locations now support sending the ACCT command after a successful login. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#6074]
Defect Fixes¶
SFTPPlus now stores the AS2 files that have not yet been validated in a separate pending folder. This avoids having invalid files in the final destination path at any point. [server-side][as2][security] [#6011]
When receiving AS2 files, the algorithm names for the payload and MDN are now normalized. For example, sha-256 will have the same meaning as sha256. [server-side][as2] [#6071]
The Python runtime has been patched with the latest security patches from ActiveState to fix CVE-2015-20107. On Linux, AIX, and macOS, CVE-2020-10735 was also patched. [#6062-2]
The OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries used for Python's cryptography on Windows, generic Linux, Alpine Linux, and macOS were updated to version 1.1.1t to fix CVE-2023-0286, CVE-2023-0215, CVE-2022-4450, and CVE-2022-4450. [#6062]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The markers data attribute from event with ID 60006 was removed. It was replaced by the generic details attribute containg the details for the delay of a transfer. [client-side] [#6067]
Version 4.27.0, 2023-02-14¶
New Features¶
The Web Administration Console now allows authentication using the Azure AD method. [manager] [#4155]
The permissions configuration options for roles now allow defining a read-only permission for SFTPPlus components such as services, transfers, and locations. The update permission can be used to allow starting/stopping/restarting a component. [manager] [#5465]
The management UI for the event handlers filter was updated to allow configuring event groups, usernames, and components by selecting from a list of available items. [#5726]
The HTTP authentication API now supports the public_error key in the response to allow displaying authentication errors when logging into the HTTP service via the web browser GUI or through the programmatic HTTP file transfer API. [http][https][server-side] [#6035-1]
The HTTP authentication API now supports the public_response key in the response to allow displaying a structured JSON for the JSON API when the authentication is rejected. [authentication][api][server-side] [#6035-2]
You can now associate operating system groups to SFTPPlus roles for the authenticated administrators. [manager] [#6036]
The FTP and FTPS client locations can now be configured to use the IP address returned by the PASV command using the ignore_passive_address configuration option. In previous versions, the IP address for the data channel was ignored. Instead, the address configured for the command channel was used. This was a regression introduced in version 3.52.0. [ftp][ftps][client-side] [#6042]
The SFTP/SCP server-side and client-side transfers now support the rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 algorithms. [sftp][server-side][client-side] [#6044]
Defect Fixes¶
The HTTP and HTTPS connections are now disconnected by the SFTPPlus server with a timeout when no data is requested by the client after idle_connection_timeout. [http][https][server-side] [#2630]
The font features used for the SFTPPlus web-based user interfaces were updated for increased legibility. For example, lowercase l and capital I should now be easily distinguishable. [#6009]
The configuration of the Operating System authentication method is now successfully migrated from version 4.22.0 or older. In previous versions, the OS authentication method failed to start because the new base_roles and role_association values were not correctly migrated. [manager] [#6036]
The web management console can now be used to manage accounts and groups with access only to the external local file authentication method. In previous versions, managing the external local file authentication required access to at least one account or group from the main configuration file. [manager] [#6047]
The web management console now enforces unique names for accounts, groups, administrators, and roles. [server-side] [#6048]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The idle_connection_timeout service configuration option no longer accepts the Disable value. Using Disable results in setting it back to the default value. By disabling this timeout, the server is vulnerable to denial of service attacks. [server-side] [#2630-1]
Events with ID 40009 and 40029, emitted when an HTTPS connection is closed due to a TLS error, were replaced by the general event with ID 40054, emitted when closing HTTP or HTTPS connections. [server-side][https] [#2630]
The role permissions for component targets now have to be prefixed by "operation/". The existing non-prefixed targets are automatically migrated. [manager] [#5465]
The home_folder_structure value, returned by the remote HTTP authentication server as part of the SFTPPlus HTTP authentication method, was changed from being a list of lists to a list of strings/paths. This is a regression introduced in SFTPPlus version 4.23.0. The current version of SFTPPlus has support for both value types, but you are encouraged to update your HTTP API response format. [server-side][api] [#6035]
Version 4.26.2, 2022-12-19¶
Version 4.26.0 was released on 2022-12-12 as the first release candidate. Version 4.26.1 was released on 2022-12-14 as the second release candidate, in which further work was done to fix defect #5982. Version 4.26.2 was released on 2022-12-19 as the third release candidate, in which the fix for defect #6017 was added.
New Features¶
The configuration for general authentication methods was moved from the General Configuration page to the Authentications page. [manager] [#5879]
The shell scripts
were added to help with updating SFTPPlus on Linux, macOS, and AIX. The update script backs up the current installation before proceeding. Rolling back to this backup is also possible in an automated way. [#5899]When configuring the Azure AD authentication method with extra API scopes, the OAuth2 token is available as part of the user avatar exposed to the Python API extensions. [api] [#5961]
When defining a negative filter for the event handler, you can now have a space between the exclamation mark and the negated value. [#5986]
The ${MICROSOFT_IT_CA} root CA certificates were updated to include the Microsoft RSA TLS CA 01 and Microsoft RSA TLS CA 02 certificate authorities. [security] [#6002]
You can now configure SFTPPlus to receive AS2 files in a sub-path of the server's root. In previous versions, SFTPPlus was only able to receive AS2 files in a path that is a direct child of the server's root. [server-side][as2] [#6004]
Is is now possible to automatically install multiple instances of SFTPPlus on the same Linux system through the included
script by providing a custom service name as an argument. [#5995]
Defect Fixes¶
When sending files to HTTPS-based locations (SharePoint, WebDAV, Azure Files, AS2) the transfer now waits for TLS renegotiation before sending more data. In previous versions, the transfer failed because SFTPPlus sent more data, but the TLS connection was not yet ready. [client-side][https][as2] [#5279-1]
When sending files over AS2 encrypted using 3DES, the encryption is now using 192-bit keys. In previous versions, it used 128-bit keys. [client-side][as2] [#5279-2]
When sending AS2 files, the algorithm names from MDNs are normalized. For example, sha-256 is the same as sha256. [client-side][as2] [#5279]
It is now possible to configure the operating system authentication method to allow all users from all OS groups. You can associate them to a fixed set of SFTPPlus groups. [server-side] [#5955]
When SFTPPlus has an ongoing file download operation on Windows, it no longer blocks the file from being deleted. [server-side][windows][sftp][ftps][https] [#5982]
The HTTP(s) server session now expires based on the idle_connection_timeout configuration defined for each service. In previous versions, the session expiration was ignoring the configuration. A fixed value of 15 minutes was used instead. [server-side][http][manager] [#5983]
The standard output and the error output generated when calling external commands using the external-executable event handler are no longer truncated at 100 characters. [#5991]
You can now use TLS/SSL certificates with subjects or subject alternative names using Unicode characters outside of the ASCII range. In previous versions, an internal error was raised when SFTPPlus was configured with such a certificate, or when connecting to remote servers that were using such a certificate. [ftps][https][#6017]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The manager_authentications configuration of the server section was removed. The manager web console now uses the authentication defined directly in the manager service configuration. The old configuration is automatically migrated, no manual configuration changes are required. [manager] [#5879]
The CRL digital signature extension no longer supports validating the configured certificate against a certificate revocation list. [#5961-1]
The Python API event handler extension no longer allows emitting events directly via the parent.emitEvent method. The extension should now return a list of event data to be emitted by the event handler. [api] [#5961]
Version 4.25.0, 2022-11-04¶
Version 4.25.0rc1 was released on 2022-11-03 as the first release candidate, and other than changes to the text of the release note itself, there are no other changes.
New Features¶
The Azure AD authentication method now supports configuring extra API access scopes to be requested by SFTPPlus during authentication. They can be used to implement custom extensions that integrate with Azure AD and Azure API. [server-side] [#2196]
You can now configure the email-sender event handler to send emails using data attached to an event. [#5906-1]
The email address associated with an account is now available in the event handlers. [#5906]
You can now configure the email event handler to send emails to an account or all accounts in a group (if they have a configured email address). [server-side] [#5917]
A new event handler was added that can detect the accounts associated with a file that was created, modified, or removed. [server-side] [#5954]
Defect Fixes¶
When executing external scripts or commands on Linux and macOS, SFTPPlus now automatically sets the PWD and PATH environment variables. In previous versions, for security considerations, external commands were executed in a restricted environment with no default variables. [linux][macos] [#5923-1]
When executing external scripts or commands on Windows, SFTPPlus now automatically sets the SystemDrive and SystemRoot environment variables. In previous versions, for security considerations, external commands were executed in a restricted environment with no default variables. [windows] [#5923]
FTP and FTPS locations no longer fail to perform a password-less TLS certificate-based authentication for servers returning FTP code 232. Previous versions had support for password-less authentication only for servers returning FTP code 230. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#5950]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The Azure AD SFTPPlus application permissions were changed from Directory.Read.All to GroupMember.Read.All. You will need to manually change the SFTPPlus permissions inside the Azure Portal and grant admin consent. [server-side] [#2196]
When the name of the user is used to dynamically define the home_folder_path or ssh_authorized_keys_path from the group configuration, the following characters are now replaced with the dot (.) character: / : * ? " < > |. This change was made to prevent creating invalid path names. [#5959]
Version 4.24.0, 2022-10-12¶
The final release contains a bugfix for the "Reports" page of the web console. This bug was introduced in 4.24.0rc1.
The final release also contains a bugfix for the pagination of the "Activity Log" page of the web console. This bug was introduced in 4.23.0.
Version 4.24.0rc2 was released on 2022-10-11 and adds more bug fixes on top of the first release candidate.
Version 4.24.0rc1 was released on 2022-09-30 as the first release candidate.
New Features¶
The event with ID 20192 is now emitted at the start of each day with a summary of the transfer activity for the last day. [#3459]
You can now configure a transfer with a fallback destination path using the destination_fallback_path configuration option. This is used when the main configured destination path doesn't exist. It can be used together with dynamically-defined destination paths. For now, this configuration is only designed to work with non-recursive transfers. Support for fallback in recursive transfers will be added in a future release. Get in touch with us if you need the fallback functionality for recursive transfers. [client-side] [#3478]
AIX version 7.1 and newer is again a supported platform. Service Pack 7100-05-09 is required on AIX 7.1 [#5931]
Defect Fixes¶
When installing with Security-Enhanced Linux enabled, the dedicated SFTPPlus operating system user is assigned a sub-directory under
to allow the SFTPPlus system service to run scripts from the installation directory. [#5771]The FTP ALLO command is now handled as an operation that is not required, returning code 202, which is associated with a successful event. There was a regression introduced in version 4, which returned code 502, associated with an error event. [server-side][ftp] [#5909]
The web management console now keeps the session active as long as the web page is active in the web browser. In version 4.23.0, a regression was introduced, letting the session expire 5 minutes after login. [manager] [#5926]
The web manager UI was fixed for source_ip_filter configuration. This is a regression introduced in version 4.23.0. [manager] [#5929]
The retry for a failed file no longer blocks the whole transfer processing queue. This is a regression introduced in version 4.20.0. [client-side] [#5938]
The pagination now works for the "Activity Log" page of the web console. This was a bug introduced in version 4.23.0. [manager][#5947]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The session_username cookie is no longer used by the Web Manager web interface. [manager] [#5900]
The OAuth2 redirection URL for Azure AD was changed from https://SITE-ADDRESS/__chsps__/login?redirect-AUTH-UUID to https://SITE-ADDRESS/?redirect-AUTH-UUID. You need to manually update the Azure AD Application Registration Redirect URIs. [server-side][http] [#5903]
Version 4.23.0, 2022-09-23¶
Version 4.23.0rc2 was released on 2022-09-21 as a release candidate, with security updates. Version 4.23.0rc2 was released on 2022-09-14 as a release candidate, and includes more defect fixes. Version 4.23.0rc1 was released on 2022-08-23 as a release candidate, as the first release candidate.
Security Fixes¶
The cross-site scripting (XSS) protection was improved for the web console's Activity Log page. Any HTML markup produced by a malicious person via the log system is now sanitized. In previous versions, if a malicious person attempted to log in using a username formatted as an HTML link, the link was displayed on the page. More so, JavaScript and CSS code could be inserted. However, no JavaScript code would have been executed, as Content Security Policy (CSP) was already enabled in previous versions. The same sanitization was done for the review page difference view. For the review page, the risk was even lower, as only administrators could produce malicious changes. [manager] [#5872]
The Python runtime has been patched to address CVE-2022-0391 for urlparse. [#5890]
New Features¶
You can now configure the Azure AD authentication method to remove the domain name from usernames. In this way, SFTPPlus handles Azure AD users using shorter names. [#2375]
The OS authentication method now supports associating OS users with multiple SFTPPlus groups. [server-side] [#3494]
You can now override options from the main server.ini configuration file with configuration variables stored in server.override.ini. This is designed to help sharing the server.ini configuration between testing and production instances, or between nodes in a load balancer or a cluster. [#4964]
You can now install and uninstall SFTPPlus on Linux and macOS using the provided shell scripts
found in thebin/
sub-directory of your SFTPPlus installation path. [#5757]The new HTTP pull location was added to allow transferring files from arbitrary HTTP URLs. [client-side][http] [#5808]
The web console now shows the name of the current SFTPPlus instance at the top of every page. [#5823]
The http-pull location can now trigger the downloading of a remote file based on the payload extracted from a local file. Once a local file is detected in the source directory, it is used as the payload for the request, and the response is stored in the destination file. [#5835]
The http-pull location can now request to download a file using a POST or PUT method with a specific request body and a set of request headers. [client-side][http] [#5836]
The Azure AD authentication method can now connect to the Internet via an HTTP proxy. [server-side] [#5883]
The ssh_delete_delay configuration option for groups was added to instruct the SFTP server to delay performing a delete operation requested by a client. The client is informed that deletion was successful, but the operation is not done right away. This was implemented to work around an issue with the Azure Data Factory SFTP connector, that requested the file to be deleted before sending the file close operation. [server-side][sftp] [#5895]
RSA keys generated by SFTPPlus now have a default size of 3072-bit. [#3292]
Alpine Linux 3.12 and newer on x86_64 are now supported through a generic musl-based package. Other x86_64 Linux distributions using musl should work, provided musl 1.1.24 or newer is available. [#5890]
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 is now supported on x86_64. Its clones such as Oracle Linux, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux are also supported. [#5890-2]
Defect Fixes¶
The event with ID 10093 is no longer emitted multiple times for an FTP service that was restarted repeatedly. [server-side][ftp] [#5173]
Deletion of accounts and groups stored in external configuration files was fixed. This defect was introduced in SFTPPlus version 4.22.0. [manager] [#5824]
The OS authentication method no longer fails when multi-group support is enabled via group_association = base-and-os-groups if the user is already a member of the base group. This is a regression only affecting the 4.23.0rc1 version. [#5871]
The Azure AD integration now works when SFTPPlus runs behind an HTTP proxy. In previous versions, when SFTPPlus was behind a proxy, the Azure AD redirection link would be the internal SFTPPlus URL instead of the public URL. [server-side] [#5883]
The group -> home_folder_structure configuration options can now be modified using the web console. This is a regression introduced in version 4.22.0. [manager] [#5862]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Support for AIX was removed due to lack of demand. If you are an existing customer looking for an update on AIX 7.1 or newer, please get in touch with our support team.
The sync_pull permission for roles was renamed as sync. If you already have one or more roles using the sync_pull permissions, you have to manually update them to use the sync permission. [manager] [#1907]
The group_association configuration option for the OS authentication method no longer accepts a group UUID. The group UUID configuration was moved to the new base_groups option. In this way, you can configure the OS accounts to be associated with multiple SFTPPlus groups. The existing configurations are automatically migrated, manual changes are not required. [server-side] [#3494]
The shared_secret configuration option for the RADIUS authentication method was renamed as password. The change is automatically migrated, manual changes are not required. [server-side][radius] [#5865]
Version 4.22.0, 2022-07-11¶
The 4.22.0 final version was preceded by a series of release candidates. In addition to the release candidates, the final version contains an updated user interface for configuring accounts.
Version 4.22.0rc5 was released on 2022-07-08 as a release candidate. It added support for defining virtual folders containing a ${USER} placeholder.
Version 4.22.0rc4 was released on 2022-06-14 as a release candidate. Version 4.22.0rc3 was released on 2022-06-08 as a release candidate. Version 4.22.0rc2 was released on 2022-06-07 as a release candidate. Version 4.22.0rc1 was released on 2022-06-06 as a release candidate.
Security Fixes¶
This release includes a security related backward-incompatible change. This change is designed to improve the security of SFTPPlus and to discourage insecure or ambiguous configurations.
When the account or administrator source_ip_filter configuration is empty, it now uses the access rules defined in the associated groups or roles.
In previous versions, the rules from the associated groups or roles were ignored. With an empty source_ip_filter configuration at the account or admin level, the authentication was always successful, even when the source IP was not allowed by associated groups or roles.
New Features¶
You can now configure groups with dynamic virtual folders using permissions based on the authenticated username. [server-side] [#2786]
SFTPPlus Web File Browser can authenticate users via Azure Active Directory. [server-side][http] [#3250]
Virtual folders defined for a group that contains the ${USER} placeholder are considered user home paths. They are automatically created when the create_home_folder configuration option is enabled. [server-side] [#4600]
The source_ip_filter configuration option now supports defining both allowed and denied IP addresses for an account. [server-side] [#5751]
You can now configure a transfer to wait for multiple files before transferring the files as a batch. [client-side] [#5772]
Defect Fixes¶
An internal error is no longer triggered when a message encrypted for an unknown partner/certificate is received over AS2. The event with ID 40044 is now emitted with an informative error message. The remote AS2 partner is informed that the transfer failed. [server-side][as2] [#5704]
The JQuery library used by SFTPPlus Web Manager web console and the legacy web pages was updated to use the latest version. [server-http] [#5799]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The account or administrator source_ip_filter configuration option no longer supports the inherit value. Inheriting is now always set. [#5751-1]
The source_ip_filter configuration options were changed from a comma-separated value to a space-separated one spanning multiple lines. This makes it possible to explicitly list both allowed and denied IP addresses. The previous configuration format only supported allowed IP addresses. The source_ip_filter configuration is automatically converted to allow the selected IPs while denying all other IPs. [server-side] [#5751]
New SFTPPlus installations no longer automatically generate SSH DSA/DSS host keys. SSH DSA is considered a less secure legacy cryptographic algorithm. Customers may still manually enable SSH DSA/DSS host keys, they are still supported. [server-side] [#5800-1]
The following ciphers were removed from our secure list of SSH ciphers: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, hmac-sha1. SHA1 is no longer considered a secure algorithm. [#5800]
Version 4.21.0, 2022-05-31¶
In this release, we continue to redesign the user interface and to improve user interaction for the web management console.
New Features¶
You can now configure the Web Manager web console to only show server-side configuration options, client-side configuration options, or both. [manager] [#2795]
The rules for defining virtual folders were relaxed to allow defining virtual folder names without using absolute paths. [server-side] [#5680]
Defect Fixes¶
The main process no longer fails to start when configured with invalid values for numeric configuration options. The process now automatically recovers from such an error by using default values for the affected configuration options. The event with ID 20190 is emitted to inform about this error. [#1926]
On Windows, operating system accounts with unlocked / full access to all the local drives are working again. This is a regression introduced in version 3.17.0. [windows][server-side] [#5680-1]
When SFTPPlus runs on Windows, you can now set the home folder path using an UNC path to a directory inside a Windows Share. [server-side] [#5680]
When the configuration is changed for a Python API event handler, the handler is now highlighted as requiring restart. [#5722]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The event with ID 20020, emitted when an invalid value is configured for the port number, was removed. It was replaced by the generic event with ID 20190, emitted when any configuration option has invalid values. [#1926]
Version 4.20.0, 2022-05-10¶
New Features¶
The configuration documentation pages were reorganized with separate sections for server-side, client-side, and managed file transfer options. [#1925]
SFTPPlus can now call up to 3 concurrent external processes. In previous versions, the old limit was 2. The new limit of 3 is designed to reduce the general operating system memory and process handlers usage. [#5308]
To allow the transfer of a source file to a dynamic destination path, the transform option was added to destination_path_actions. The destination can be defined based on current date and time, or based on parts of the source file path. [client-side] [#5409]
You can now associate LDAP and RADIUS users with one or multiple SFTPPlus groups UUIDs using the group_mapping configuration option. [server-side][ldap][radius] [#5482]
Windows Server 2022 is now a supported platform. [#5653]
Amazon Linux 2022 is now supported on x86_64. [#5653-2]
Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS is now supported on x86_64. [#5694]
Defect Fixes¶
You can now configure the external-executable event handler and the execution action of the file-dispatcher event handler with timeouts greater than 30 seconds. In previous versions, there was a hard limit of 30 seconds. [events] [#5308]
A transfer now continues processing source files when restarted after a failure. This is a regression introduced in version 4.3.0, for which a complete product restart is required to recover from a failed transfer. [client-side] [#5615]
When no explicit source or destination location UUIDs are defined for a transfer, the DEFAULT-LOCAL-FILESYSTEM UUID is now explicitly used. In previous versions, the value was left empty, which implicitly triggered the usage of the default local filesystem. [client-side] [#5629]
Included zlib libraries were updated to version 1.2.12 to fix CVE-2018-25032 on all platforms except Windows. [#5653-2]
The OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries used for Python's cryptography on Windows, generic Linux, and macOS were updated to version 1.1.1n to fix CVE-2022-0778. On generic Linux and macOS, this fix is also applied to Python's stdlib ssl. The OpenSSL 1.0.2 libraries used on AIX for Python's cryptography and the stdlib ssl module were patched for CVE-2022-0778. [#5653]
The documentation search was fixed to prevent stalling. [#5661]
The documentation for the events was updated to show double quotes characters instead of HTML codes. [doc] [#5670]
The admin-shell command was fixed. The error was introduced in version 4.19.0. [cli] [#5681]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The disabled value is no longer supported for the transfer's source_uuid and destination_uuid configuration options. Previously, the disabled values were accidentally supported instead of the default local filesystem. [client] [#5629]
The event with ID 20034 emitted when a service is configured with an unknown protocol was removed and replaced by the event with ID 20091. The event with ID 20091 is now emitted for any component configured with an unknown type. [server-side] [#5648]
The role permission targets for accounts, roles, groups, and administrators were updated to deprecate the identity part. Access to accounts, roles, groups, and administrators can now be granted and restricted based on the configuration/accounts, configuration/groups, configuration/roles, and configuration/administrators targets respectively. The old target configuration/identity/accounts still works via the programmatic API. For access to accounts, roles, groups, and administrators via the Local Manager UI, you need to update the configuration to use the new paths. The old path is planned to be removed in future version 5 of SFTPPlus. [manager][security] [#5651-1]
The configuration.identity section from the server configuration JSON-RPC API was removed. The accounts, groups, roles, and administrator configuration are now accessible via configuration.acccounts, configuration.groups, configuration.roles, and configuration.administrators options respectively. [manager][api] [#5651]
Version 4.19.0, 2022-04-18¶
You can now associate an account with multiple groups. This simplifies managing shared virtual folders across multiple users and groups.
Version 4.19.0rc1 was released on 2022-04-07 as a release candidate. No changes were made to the final release since the release candidate.
New Features¶
You can now configure an account to be associated with multiple groups. In this way, an account has access to the virtual directories and inherited permissions defined in all of the associated groups. [server-side] [#2184]
The Web Manager's user interface for configuring the list of SSL/TLS ciphers to be used by HTTPS and FTPS services has been improved to allow selecting from a list of available ciphers. [ssl] [#5600]
The Python API extension handle method can now return a string to be emitted in an event and logged. [api] [#5626-1]
The Python API extension handle method can now return a sequence of Python dict instances containing the message attribute. This sequence is used to emit events with specified messages. A dict instance can contain other attributes to be made available to the event handling mechanism of SFTPPlus. [api] [#5626-2]
For the Python API Extension event handler, the getConfiguration method can now return a scheduled result to be used for delaying execution or for waiting for an additional external condition before executing the event. [api] [#5626]
Version 4.18.0, 2022-04-04¶
The look and feel of Web Manager's login page was refreshed. This is the first step into updating the Web Manager web console interface over the coming releases.
Version 4.18.0rc1 was released on 2022-04-01 as a release candidate. No changes were made to the final release since the release candidate.
New Features¶
The ssl_allowed_methods configuration option now supports the secure and all values, which can be used to configure a set of methods via a single configuration value. [#4453]
The as2_no_mdn_success_text configuration option was added to allow returning a custom text message on success when no MDN was requested. In previous versions, the response was a fixed empty text. [server-side][as2] [#5581]
Defect Fixes¶
When serving a file via FTP fails before its entire data is sent, the event with ID 10070 is emitted to signal the failure. The event with ID 10069 is no longer emitted, this event is reserved for successful operations. [server-side][ftp] [#5588]
You can now enable DHE ciphers for server-side services. Previously, only ECDHE-based ciphers were available. [server-side][ssl] [#5597]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The --ssl-allowed-methods configuration option of the client shell now requires a comma-separated list of TLS methods. In previous versions, it was a space-separated list, requiring extra escaping when invoked from a shell. [cli] [#4453-1]
The ssl_allowed_methods configuration option was updated from being a space-separated value to a comma-separated value. The conversion is done automatically, no manual changes required. [#4453]
Version 4.17.0, 2022-03-18¶
Version 4.17.0rc1 was released on 2022-02-28 as a release candidate. No changes were made to the final release since the release candidate.
New Features¶
The Web Manager UI for selecting multiple component identifiers was updated to allow selecting from a list of names. Copy-pasting identifiers is no longer needed. [manager] [#5559]
The file browser for HTTP(s) clients has an updated UI which is enabled by default for all new installations. Existing installations continue to use the old UI, but you can manually update them to show the new UI by changing the ui_version = ui-gen-2 configuration option. [server-side][http] [#5563]
The LDAP authentication method now supports Security Account Manager (SAM) usernames when connecting to an Active Directory LDAP server. This is done using the sAMAccountName username attribute. [server-side][ldap][ad] [#5575]
Defect Fixes¶
The AS2 server can now receive encrypted files. In previous versions, the AS2 server was only able to receive non-encrypted AS2 files. [server-side][as2] [#5499-1]
The user interface for configuring the AS2 MDN receipt for a location was fixed to describe the methods as "Synchronous". In previous versions, the description was "Asynchronous", but the configuration was always set as synchronous. [manager][as2] [#5499]
An administrator now fails to be authenticated when configured with a missing role. [manager] [#5573]
When sending files over AS2, SFTPPlus now encodes their names using MIME encoding. In previous versions, filenames were encoded using only UTF-8. [client-side][as2] [#5499]
SFTPPlus can now receive AS2 files with Unicode names encoded using the RFC 2047 or RFC 2231 standards. [server-side][as2] [#5499]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The authentication for an administrator fails if any of the roles associated with the admin is disabled. This is a change from the previous version 4.16.0, where the authentication was denied only for the first (primary) associated role of an administrator. [manager] [#5573]
Version 4.16.0, 2022-02-10¶
This release includes a security fix for a denial of service of moderate severity affecting the SFTP and the SCP server-side protocols.
New Features¶
You can now configure a role to restrict read access to parts of the configuration for associated administrators. [manager][security] [#1164]
The LDAP authentication method provides a Python-based API for augmenting the configuration for an account, after the account was successfully authenticated. [server-side] [#1886]
You can now configure roles for restricting associated administrators, making it possible to only allow certain operations. [manager][security] [#3397]
You can now associate an administrator with more than one role. [management] [#3398]
You can now configure LDAP authentications to search in multiple base DNs. [server-side][authentication] [#3631]
You can now configure a timeout for the requests made by the HTTP event handler. [server-side][http] [#3779]
You can now configure a Windows Share / SMB server to not require encryption. This allows SFTPPlus to connect to legacy servers such as Windows Server 2008 and older versions. [client-side][smb] [#4497]
The event with ID 20174, emitted when failing to handle an event, now contains the path of the associated file. [management] [#4800-1]
The HTTP POST / webhook API for event handles now emits the event with ID 20189 after a successful operation. [management][api] [#4800]
The HTTPS AS2 server now accepts requests made using the HTTP PUT method. [server-side][http] [#5509]
The file-dispatcher event handler now supports the ignore action, which does nothing. It was added to make it possible to ignore files that might be matched by more generic rules. [mft][events] [#5510]
The HTTP web file manager has a new login UI. For backward compatibility, existing installations still use the old UI after upgrading. You can switch to using the new UI via the ui_version configuration option. [server-side][https] [#5514]
Each emitted event now has a unique identifier, formatted as an UUID version 4 value. [#5516]
The source_filter configuration option for a transfer, when used with globbing expressions, can now be used to match files based on their full path. To do so, make sure the matching expression contains path separators. [client-side] [#5548]
Defect Fixes¶
You can now set the password_lifetime configuration option for a group using the Web Manager web interface. Due to a defect, in previous versions it was only possible to set it manually via the configuration file. [manager] [#5500]
The HTTPS AS2 server can now receive multiple AS2 messages (files) over the same connection. In previous versions, a single file was accepted per connection. To accept another file, the previous connection had to be closed, and a new one opened. [server-side][as2] [#5509]
A remote denial of service for SFTPPlus' SFTP / SCP servers and clients was fixed. During SSH handshakes, SFTPPlus could have been forced to use all available memory. To mitigate this until upgrading, you should reject public access to SFTP / SCP servers, only allowing connections from trusted sources. [security][server-side][client-side][sftp][scp] [#5525]
The automatic archive clean-up now works with recursive transfers. This issue was introduced in version 4.0.0. Older versions are not affected. [#5527]
When trying to generate a PGP RSA or DSA key using an unsupported key size, the error message now lists the available sizes. In previous versions, an internal server error was generated. [pgp] [#5533]
It is now possible to disable delete_source_parent_delay on a transfer, by setting it to value 0 from Web Manager. Due to a defect in previous GUI versions, you could only set it to a minimum value of 1, making it impossible to disable it from the GUI. For previous versions, as a workaround, you can still disable it by manually editing the configuration file. [#5493]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The multi_factor_authentication_attribute configuration option from the LDAP authentication method was removed. It was replaced with the python:chevah.server.extension.ldap_mfa.AugmentedTOTP extension. [server-side] [#1886]
To disable executing external commands for a transfer, you should now set the execute_before, execute_after_success, execute_after_failure, execute_on_destination_before, execute_on_destination_after_success, or execute_on_destination_after_failure configuration options to empty values. Using disable is supported until the next major release. [#2090-10]
To disable filtering the source files for a transfer, you should now set the source_filter configuration option to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-11]
To disable the process service account on Linux or macOS, you should now set the account configuration option to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-12]
To disable log file rotation based on time, you should now set the rotate_on configuration option to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-13]
To disable the usage of PAM for Linux OS authentication, you should now set the pam_usage option to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-1]
To disable the SSH public key loading for a file, you should now set the ssh_authorized_keys_path option to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-2]
To disable archiving the files for a transfer, you should now set the archive_success_path or archive_failure_path configuration options to empty values. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-3]
To disable CCC FTPS for a transfer, you should now set the ftps_ccc configuration option to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-4]
To disable the usage of an explicit FTPS passive address for an FTP or FTPS server, set passive_address configuration option to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-5]
To disable uploading files with modified names for users, set amend_write_name configuration option to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-6]
To disable attaching associated files to an email, you should now set the email_associated_files to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-7]
To disable the creation of a destination folder for a file dispatcher, you should now set the create_destination_folder to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-8]
To disable authenticating an SFTP location with SSH keys, you should now set the ssh_private_key to an empty value. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [#2090-9]
To disable the usage of a SSL certificate, CA, or CRL for a connection, you should now set the ssl_certificate, ssl_certificate_authority, or ssl_certificate_revocation_list to empty values. Using disabled is supported until the next major release. [ssl] [#2090]
The group_name data attribute of event 20137 was updated to include a comma-separated list of all the groups or roles associated to an account or administrator. [server-side] [#3398-1]
The role configuration option for an administrator was renamed as roles. The change is automatically migrated by SFTPPlus. [manager] [#3398]
The event with ID 30050 used for server-side SFTP timeout events was updated. It is now used for generic SSH connection close events. [#5525]
Version 4.15.0, 2021-10-29¶
This release contains 3 major defect fixes:
A fix for the SFTP service to close a file for which an open/upload request failed. On Windows, this no longer generates files locked by SFTPPlus, which would require a service restart to be unlocked.
A fix for the HTTP service to prevent not receiving the initial part of a transferred file for requests missing the Expect: 100-continue header.
A fix for the HTTP service to correctly detect the client source IP as the original client when multiple chained proxies are used.
The following release candidates were created for this release:
4.15.0rc1, released 2021-10-19
4.15.0rc2, released 2021-10-20
New Features¶
You can now configure the file-dispatcher event handler to perform an action on a file using an external executable or script. [mft] [#14]
The events with ID 10069 and 10078, emitted when downloading or uploading a file over FTP, now contain information about the transfer size, speed, and duration. [server-side][ftp] [#2870]
You can now configure the HTTP file upload API (REST / AS2 / multi-part POST) to accept a set of key/value metadata attached to the events associated with a file upload request. This metadata is propagated to the audit and event handling systems. [server-side][http][rest][api] [#376]
Defect Fixes¶
The full file content is now received over HTTP PUT, multipart form, and AS2 method when no Expect header is provided in the request. In previous versions, if part of the content was sent in the same data chunk as the HTTP headers, that file data was ignored. Requests made using Expect: 100-continue are not affected by this issue. [server-side][http] [#1471]
You can now edit OS accounts in the Web Manager. This was a regression introduced in version 3.46.0. [server-side] [#2873]
SFTPPlus now uses the first IP address from X-Forwarded-For or Forwarded headers as the original source IP address. In previous versions, it was assuming that the last IP address from the header is the client original source IP. [server-side][http] [#31-1]
SFTPPlus now extracts the port value from the X-Forwarded-For header. In version 4.14.0, it was assuming that the value of the header doesn't contain a port number. This concerns Azure's HTTP Load Balancer and Internet Information Services (IIS) servers, which are including the port in the forwarded header. [server-side][http] [#31]
The Web Manager web interface no longer shows the WebDAV location as requiring a restart due to updated address or port. This was a defect introduced in 4.11.0 while updating the WebDAV location configuration from address and port to URL. [manager] [#3671]
The SFTP service no longer keeps a file locked when failing to write it with the set of attributes requested by the SFTP client. In previous versions, if an SFTP client requested to create a file with a set of attributes, and those attributes were not accepted by the operating system, the operation failed, but the file was accidentally left open. [server-side][sftp] [#5142]
Version 4.14.0, 2021-10-15¶
Security Fixes¶
SFTPPlus now blocks client TLS renegotiation requests over TLS 1.1/1.2. This issue does not affect TLS 1.3 connections, as key exchange parameters are no longer negotiated between client and server. [server-side][security] [#3267]
The OpenSSL 1.0.2 libraries used on AIX for Python's cryptography and the stdlib ssl module were patched for CVE-2021-3712. OpenSSL version 1.0.2 is not affected by CVE-2021-3711. [#5728-2]
The OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries used for Python's cryptography on Windows, generic Linux, and macOS were updated to version 1.1.1l to fix CVE-2021-3711 and CVE-2021-3712. On generic Linux and macOS, the same CVEs were fixed for Python's stdlib ssl module. [#5728]
New Features¶
When SFTPPlus operates behind an HTTP reverse proxy, it can be configured via the client_forwarded_header option to extract the source address of a connection by parsing a header such as X-Forwarded-For, Forwarded, etc. [server-side][http][https] [#1555]
You can now configure a list of allowed source IP addresses for authenticating an administrator. [manager] [#2908]
You can now configure the default filename used for AS2 file transfers. In previous versions, a fixed filename was used if an AS2 request didn't include one. [server-side][http][as2] [#5717]
The events emitted for a transfer are now associated with the source location. [client-side] [#5721]
Defect Fixes¶
When a location fails while a transfer is using that location as the source, the event with ID 60040 is emitted to inform that the transfer is no longer monitoring the source. In previous versions, the event 60040 was delayed until the source location was reconnected. [client-side] [#3960-1]
If the source location of a transfer is manually stopped, the Web Manager web interface now highlights that the transfer is suspended. In previous versions, the transfer status was reported as "started". [client-side] [#3960-2]
File changes at the source location are now observed even if the connection is disconnected between checks. In previous versions, the list of changes was reset on disconnect, and no files were being transferred. [client-side] [#3960]
The utility used by SFTPPlus to manage its Windows service was updated to prevent antivirus false-positives. [windows] [#4644]
For SMTP client configuration, the authentication password is now ignored when no username is defined. In previous versions, an internal server error was generated. As workarounds for previous versions, you can either explicitly disable the password or you can define the username as two double quotes: "". [smtp][email] [#4977]
The AS2 file transfer service can now receive data for UTF-8 encoded filenames. [server-side][as2] [#5717]
Deprecations and Removals¶
32-bit Windows is no longer supported. If you still use an x86 version of SFTPPlus, it is recommended to upgrade to the x64 version. [windows] [#5713]
Version 4.13.0, 2021-08-30¶
Below are the changes since the 4.13.0rc3 release candidate.
Defect Fixes¶
The SharePoint Online authentication was updated to work with latest Microsoft server changes. [client-side][webdav] [#5710]
Version 4.13.0rc3, 2021-08-21¶
Below are the changes since the 4.13.0rc2 release candidate.
New Features¶
You can now use Azure Files as a source location for a transfer. [client-side][http] [#5016]
You can now configure a SMB (Windows Share, Azure Files, Samba) location as the source and destination for a transfer. [client-side][smb] [#4701][#5685]
Version 4.13.0rc2, 2021-08-12¶
Below are the changes since the 4.13.0rc1 release candidate.
New Features¶
Azure Storage API was updated to use API version 2020-04-08. [#3010-1]
Azure Files locations can now list directories and get the attributes of items. [client-side][http] [#3010]
You can now configure a timeout for the HTTP authentication method. In the previous version, the HTTP authentication connection was closed after a fixed 120 seconds if the server didn't return a response. [server-side] [#5696]
The RADIUS authentication method now supports CHAP, MS-CHAP-V1 and MS-CHAP-V2. [server-side] [#5701]
The RADIUS authentication method can be configured with a custom NAS-Port number and now has a debug option. [server-side] [#5702]
The group_mapping configuration now does case insensitive matching for the attribute names. [server-side][ldap][radius] [#5706-1]
You can now configure the RADIUS authentication to continue validating the credentials even when the RADIUS server returned a successful response. This can be used to implement multi-factor authentication for legacy operating system accounts, by sending first the requests to a MFA aware RADIUS server. [server-side] [#5706]
Defect Fixes¶
HTTP and HTTPS file downloads now work with cURL. This was a regression introduced in version 4.12.0. [server-side][http][https] [#5693-1]
HTTP and HTTPS file transfer services now support resuming downloads. [server-side][http][https] [#5693]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The default authentication method for RADIUS is now MS-CHAP-V2. In previous versions the default method was PAP. [server-side] [#5701]
Version 4.13.0rc1, 2021-08-02¶
Security Fixes¶
Python libraries were updated to fix CVE-2021-23336, addressing a web cache poisoning issue reported in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(). SFTPPlus is not using urllib.parse.parse_qsl() and was never vulnerable to this security issue. If you are explicitly calling urllib.parse.parse_qsl() as part of a custom SFTPPlus Python extension, update to this version to fix CVE-2021-23336. [#5682]
New Features¶
You can now configure a transfer using a temporary file name to an Azure Files location destination. [#5022]
AIX 7.1 and newer for IBM Power Systems is now a supported platform. AIX packages embed OpenSSL 1.0.2 libraries patched with latest security fixes, up to and including CVE-2020-1971, CVE-2021-23840, CVE-2021-23841. [#5581]
Alpine Linux 3.14 on x86_64 is now supported. [#5682]
When failing to initialize the data connection the error message now indicates whether a passive or active connection was attempted. In previous versions both passive and active connections had the same error message. [server-side][ftp] [#5681]
The data associated with an event will now contain the file extension and the file base name without the extension. [#5686]
You can now configure the duration for which SFTPPlus will wait for the RADIUS server to provide a response. In previous versions, a fixed timeout of 10 seconds was used. [server-side][radius] [#5694]
Defect Fixes¶
The links and commands to start the Web Manager and documentation pages will now start much faster. [local-manager] [#5677]
An extra event with ID 20024 is no longer emitted when failing to initialize the FTP client passive connection. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#5681-1]
An FTP transfer and location no longer fails when the remote directory can't be listed. The error is emitted and the directory listing is retried. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#5681-2]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Alpine Linux 3.12 is no longer supported. We recommend using Alpine Linux 3.14 on x86_64 for your containerized SFTPPlus deployments. [#5682]
Version 4.12.0, 2021-07-06¶
New Features¶
The source_ip_filter configuration option now allows defining a range of allowed IP addresses using the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. [#1044]
When a new component is created using the Web Manager interface, the component is automatically started if "Launch at startup" is enabled. [local-manager] [#1917]
WebDAVS locations now support HTTP Basic Authentication. [client-side][webdavs][https] [#3913]
SFTPPlus can now be launched with a read-only configuration file and cache. [server-side] [#5591]
Azure Files Locations now support automatic directory creation. [client-side][http] [#5593]
The account configuration now contains the account creation time in ISO format. [server-side] [#5635]
TOTP multi-factor authentication for LDAP users is now possible even with standard LDAP servers not providing native TOTP support. [#5663]
The SFTPPlus download page now has specific entries for Amazon Linux and older Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions. These entries link to the generic Linux SFTPPlus package, which works with any glibc-based Linux distribution. [#5664]
Defect Fixes¶
The "Enabled at startup" configuration option was renamed as "Launch at startup". [local-manager] [#1917]
The last login report now only shows the IP address, the port number is no longer shown. This makes it easier to search based on IP only. [#5637]
Event with ID 60070 emitted when the destination location is connecting and not yet ready for a transfer, was updated from the failure group to the informational one. [#5643]
Deprecations and Removals¶
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 and 12 on X86_64 are no longer supported. Use the generic Linux package on SLES and contact us if you need specific support for SFTPPlus on any version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, including using OS-provided OpenSSL libraries instead of our generic ones. [#5664]
Version 4.11.0, 2021-05-06¶
This is the final release of version 4.11.0. Below are the changes since the 4.11.0rc1 release candidate.
Defect Fixes¶
The LDAP authentication method now supports IPv4 LDAP. This was a regression introduced in 4.11.0rc1. [server-side] [#2227]
The FTP idle_data_connection_timeout option now uses the default value when set to zero or a negative number, as documented. In previous versions, the timeout was disabled when the value was zero. [server-side][ftp] [#5610]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Default value for connection_retry_interval was increased from 60 seconds to 300 seconds (5 minutes). Default value for connection_retry_count was increased from 2 to 12. This results in connections for remote SFTP or FTP locations being retried for 1 hour before stopping the transfers. [client-side] [#5610]
Version 4.11.0rc1, 2021-04-27¶
Security Fixes¶
Python has been patched with latest security patches from ActiveState. Fixes CVE-2020-27619, CVE-2020-26116, CVE-2019-20907, CVE-2020-8492. On Linux and macOS, CVE-2021-3177 has also been fixed. [#5600-2]
The OpenSSL libraries used for Python's cryptography on Windows, generic Linux, and macOS were updated to version 1.1.1k. Fixes CVE-2020-1971, CVE-2021-23840, CVE-2021-23841, CVE-2021-3449, and CVE-2021-3450. On generic Linux and macOS, same CVEs were fixed for Python's stdlib ssl module. [#5600]
New Features¶
The LDAP authentication method now supports IPv4 LDAP over TLS/SSL, also referred to as LDAPS. [server-side] [#2227]
It is now possible to configure the timeout delay for external commands called during a transfer. In previous versions, this was fixed to 15 seconds. [client-side] [#5549]
You can now configure the OS authentication method to associate authenticated OS accounts to an SFTPPlus group with the same name or with a specific group name. In previous versions, authenticated OS accounts were associated with the default SFTPPlus group. [server-side] [#5559]
Client-side WebDAV location is now configurable using an URL. This allows configuring connections to WebDAV pages that are not located in the HTTP server's root path. [client-side][webdav] [#5602]
The file-dispatcher event handler now supports explicit globbing matching expressions to define a full destination path. In previous versions, when a globbing expression was used, the destination path only defined the base directory, therefore the filename was always appended to it. [#5604-1]
You can now explicitly define a globbing matching expression using the g/EXPRESSION/ format. [#5604]
Events with ID 60012 and 60017 emitted on a successful client-side transfer now contain the destination file path as part of the attached data. [client-side] [#5597]
Defect Fixes¶
In Web Manager, in the list of accounts for a local file authentication method, you will now see the name of the associated group. In previous versions, the group was listed as UNKNOWN. [#2368]
The authentication page of the Web Manager web console was fixed to work with Internet Explorer. This was a defect introduced in version 4.10.0. [#5547]
Defining configuration options in Web Manager using text values containing newline characters other than the default Unix or Windows characters no longer generates an invalid configuration file. [manager] [#5553]
The OS authentication manager now shows an error at startup when no group is configured for allowed users or administrators. In previous versions, the OS authentication would start with no errors, then deny all authentication requests. [#5559]
On Linux and macOS, the OpenPGP event handler now works when the main SFTPPlus process is started as root. [#5592]
For file transfers configured to not transfer duplicated files via the transfer_memory_duration and ignore_duplicate_paths options, the entire file transfer is now retried as a transfer restart when the rename operation fails. In previous versions, the file was not re-transferred after the failed rename operation. [client-side] [#5597]
Documentation for the file-dispatcher event handler now includes details on variables available when defining the destination path. [#5604]
Deprecations and Removals¶
For transfers executed using a temporary file name, the destination_path attribute of the events with ID 60012 now contains the temporary path. This is because the file is not yet renamed to the final destination path when the event is emitted. In previous versions, the attribute contained the final destination path. [client-side] [#5597]
Specific support for Amazon Linux 2 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x (including derivatives such as CentOS and Oracle Linux) has been removed due to OpenSSL 1.0.2 no longer being supported by the upstream cryptography project. Use the supported generic x64 Linux package instead. [#5600]
The address and port configuration options for the WebDAV client were removed, being replaced with the url option. Old configuration options are automatically migrated to use url. [client-side][webdav] [#5602]
Version 4.10.0, 2021-03-17¶
New Features¶
You can now configure a recursive transfer to automatically delete the source parent directory of a successfully transferred file. [client-side] [#2594]
You can now configure a password history policy in SFTPPlus. [#5406]
A new event handler was added to allow publishing audit events to a RabbitMQ AMQP 0-9-1 server. [#5554]
SFTPPlus can now authenticate users using an external RADIUS server over the UDP protocol. [#5562]
You can now configure the authentication for an account to require both a valid password and a valid SSH key. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5573]
Defect Fixes¶
Paths containing single quotes are now correctly handled. In previous versions, single quote characters were replaced with path separators, invalidating path requests. [#5585]
On Linux and macOS, the GPG external utility required by the OpenPGP event handler is now distributed together with SFTPPlus. [linux][macos] [#5584]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The Microsoft certificate revocation lists were removed from ${MICROSOFT_IT_CRL} placeholder as they are no longer updated. [#5554]
Version 4.9.0, 2021-02-03¶
New Features¶
The SSL Certificate Authority configuration now supports validating partial CA chains. This allows for authenticating remote HTTPS connections through self-signed and self-issued certificates. Using a pinned non-CA certificate is also allowed. [#2198-1]
The AS2 server can now respond to asynchronous AS2 MDNs. [server-side][as2] [#2198]
You can now configure an account to receive files over AS2 without requiring a password. Files received over AS2 still need to be validated for signature and encryption. [server-side][as2] [#5490]
HTTP connection requests to HTTPS services such as the Web Manager web administration interface or the HTTPS file transfer service are now automatically redirected to HTTPS. [server-side] [#5512]
You can now configure a client-side transfer to operate on files using a temporary prefix. Previous versions only supported a temporary suffix. [client-side] [#5514]
The SSH (SFTP/SCP) list of secure ciphers no longer contains CBC mode ciphers. They are no longer enabled by default, although still supported. You can still explicitly enable Cipher Block Chaining modes for aes256-cbc, aes192-cbc, and aes128-cbc using the ssh_cipher_list configuration. [sftp][scp] [#5529-1]
The SFTP/SCP file transfer services and locations now support ECDSA SSH keys. Supported SSH key types are ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, and ecdsa-sha2-nistp521. [sftp][server-side][client-side] [#5529]
The SFTP/SCP file transfer services and locations now support Ed25519 SSH keys for system using OpenSSL version 1.1.1 or above. Supported SSH key type is ssh-ed25519. [sftp][server-side][client-side] [#5529]
SSH host keys for SFTP/SCP server-side services are now configured using a single configuration option named ssh_host_keys. [server-side][sftp] [#5533]
The Let's Encrypt root certificate authority certificates were updated to the list published by Let's Encrypt as of Jan 20, 2021. [#5542][lets-encrypt][security]
Defect Fixes¶
When transferring concurrent files through multiple transfers, the transfer queue is no longer stalled after the destination location is reconnected. [client-side] [#5519]
Components listed on the Web Manager general status page are now sorted in alphabetical order. [manager] [#5537]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Following SSH ciphers are no longer supported: cast128-ctr, blowfish-ctr, and 3des-ctr. The CBC mode for these ciphers are still supported. [sftp] [#5529]
The rsa_private_key and dsa_private_key configuration options were removed, being replaced by a single ssh_host_private_keys configuration option. For backward compatibility, the old configuration options are still supported. [server-side][sftp] [#5533]
The SSH (SFTP/SCP) list of secure ciphers no longer contains CBC mode ciphers. Cipher Block Chaining modes aes256-cbc, aes192-cbc, and aes128-cbc were removed for potential security vulnerabilities. [sftp][scp] [#5529-1]
Version 4.8.0, 2020-11-19¶
New Features¶
The embedded OpenSSL libraries used on Windows, macOS, and generic Linux were updated to version 1.1.1h. [#5496]
You can now configure an overwrite rule for the file dispatcher event handler. [#5510-1]
You can now configure the file dispatcher event handler to copy a file using a temporary name and then rename it to the original name at the end of the transfer. [#5510]
Defect Fixes¶
The states for authentication methods are now correctly displayed in the Local Manager GUI. This regression was introduced in version 3.51.0. Since then, their states were always shown as disabled. [#5458]
When a transfer is configured with a stable_interval value lower than the value of changes_poll_interval, the stable_interval value is ignored. The number of seconds used is 1 more than what is set for changes_poll_interval. [client-side][#5496]
Version 4.7.0, 2020-11-05¶
New Features¶
You can now configure the PGP and archive extraction event handlers using an event that has a list of files attached. [#5502]
The PGP and extract archive event handlers can now be configured to overwrite an existing destination. [#5503]
A new event handler was added to allow creating ZIP archives. [#5504]
Defect Fixes¶
A typo was fixed in the name of the configuration for {day.of_year_padded}. In previous versions it was defined as day.of_year_paddedd. [#5504]
The SFTPPlus Windows Service manager was updated to no longer depend on the .NET framework.
Version 4.6.0, 2020-10-02¶
New Features¶
You can now configure a file-dispatcher event handler to retry the processing of a file. [#5302]
The generic Linux package has been re-based on glibc version 2.5 to cover older distributions, including (but not limited to) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11. [#5453]
You can now start the SysV init script and the OpenRC service file in debug mode using the "debug" option. [#5474]
Running multiple concurrent SFTPPlus instances from the same installation path is now documented for all Linux init systems. A simplified SysV init script for running multiple concurrent instances from the same installation path has been added and documented. [#5477]
You can now convert SSL files from PFX / P12 files to PEM format using the web management GUI. [#5489]
Defect Fixes¶
An internal error is no longer generated when the FTP command channels times out before the command channel. [server-side][ftp] [#5467-1]
The ProxyProtocol v2 support now works with FTPS explicit and implicit protocols. In the previous version, the Proxy Protocol was only supported for FTP. [server-side][ftp] [#5467-2]
A transfer no longer fails when the source detects a path with multiple operations on the same node id. [#5468-1]
An internal error is no longer generated when starting an FTP service without allowing any authentication credential type. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#5476-1]
An internal error is no longer generated when starting an FTP service without a password-based authentication type. [ftp][server-side] [#5476-2]
When failing to allocate a new passive port, the error message now contains the error details provided by the operating system. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#5476]
When failing to read the configuration file at startup, an error is now visible. [#5479]
A security issue was fixed where SFTPPlus was not checking if the remote peer has a copy of the private key when using the HTTP authentication method together with SSH key authentication. This security issue only affects SSH key authentication when using the external HTTP authentication method. This does not affect the SSH key authentication when using the embedded SFTPPlus credentials validation. [server-side][sftp][scp][security] [#5480]
Web Manager's user interface for the OS authentication method was updated to inform that all OS accounts are denied access when no OS group is configured. [server-side] [#5483]
An internal error is no longer raised when trying to directly access the HTTP service login URL while already authenticated. [server-side][http][https] [#5487]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Event with ID 50012 emitted by the Web Manager web interface was removed. It was replaced by the generic event with ID 50003, which is raised when failing to apply a configuration change request. [local-manager] [#5476-1]
Event with ID 20041 was removed as it is now redundant and never emitted. [server-side] [#5476-2]
The events with ID 10017 and 10018, emitted by the FTP service for an invalid configuration, were removed and replaced by the generic event ID 20158, emitted when a service fails to start. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#5476]
Events with ID 30069 and 30070 were removed and replaced with the event ID 30007, which is emitted for any error occurred during the SSH authentication protocol. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5480]
Event with ID 50024 was removed and replaced by ID 50023, which is emitted when an administrator request fails via the web-based GUI. [#5489]
Version 4.5.0, 2020-09-04¶
New Features¶
The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer services can now receive files using the Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) protocol. [server-side][http][https]. [#4568][#1059][#1308]
You can now configure a transfer to send files to a remote AS2 location. [client-side][http][https][as2] [#221]
You can now configure virtual folders directly into the account configuration. In previous versions, virtual folders could only be configured at the group level for SFTPPlus embedded accounts. [server-side] [#5460]
You can now configure whether an HTTP authentication method will validate or not its URL configuration at startup. [server-side] [#5466]
The file transfer service can now handle new connections made using the Proxy Protocol version 2. This is done automatically without any extra configuration. [server-side][ftp][ftps][sftp][scp] [#5467]
The data for the emitted events now contains the filename and directory name as separate members for the associated file. [#5469]
When creating a matching expression based on globbing rules, you can now use the exclamation mark to reverse the meaning of the expression. This can be used to define exclusion rules. [#5473]
Defect Fixes¶
An internal error is no longer raised when the FTP server is in debug mode and receives commands with non-ASCII values. [server-side][ftp] [#5467]
A transfer no longer fails when the source detects 2 paths created at the same time for the same node id. [#5468]
Version 4.4.0, 2020-08-07¶
New Features¶
You can now define filtering expressions based on current date and time. [#5450]
You can now configure extra HTTP headers to be sent with the requests made by the HTTP Authentication method. [server-side] [#5456]
Defect Fixes¶
If, during a file transfer, the source or destination locations are no longer available, the transfer is now paused and only resumed (automatically) once the locations are available again. [client-side] [#5443]
When the destination location for a transfer is not available, the files found in the source are queued to be transferred as soon as the location is available again. In previous versions, a manual restart of the transfer was required to transfer the queued files. [client-side] [#5444]
You can now use virtual directories together with the SFTP protocol. Due to a defect, in previous versions the virtual directories were only available via the FTP/FTPS and HTTP/HTTPS protocols. [server-side][sftp] [#5457]
Version 4.3.0, 2020-07-21¶
New Features¶
You can now generate a self-signed certificate using the admin-command command line tool. [#239]
You can now configure the URL suffix used for the HTTP/HTTPS public access. [server-side][http][https] [#2586]
SFTPPlus can now use unencrypted OpenSSH RSA or DSA private keys stored as the openssh-key-v1 format. [sftp][scp] [#5435-1]
Alpine Linux 3.12 on x86_64 is now a supported platform. [#5435] [#5435]
The event with ID 50005 emitted when a configuration change is requested from the Web Manager now includes the UUID of the newly created component. [local-manager] [#5439]
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 was added as a platform with limited support. RHEL 5's Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) ends on November 30, 2020. Contact us if you need to run SFTPPlus on RHEL 5 in production. [#5448]
Defect Fixes¶
You can now use SFTPPlus on localized Windows versions. In previous versions, SFTPPlus was only working with English as main language. [windows] [#1446]
You can now run SFTPPlus on Linux from an installation path containing Unicode characters outside of the ASCII range. [linux] [#2074]
Redirecting to directory paths containing non-ASCII characters no longer generates an internal server error. [server-side][http][https] [#2586]
When a file scheduled to be transferred is removed from source, transfer attempts will no longer occur for it. [client-side] [#3796-1]
When a file scheduled to be transferred is modified while waiting in the queue, transfer attempts will no longer occur for it. [client-side] [#3796]
When a transfer is manually stopped, pending retry attempts are canceled. In previous versions, the transfer of the latest file was still retried. [client-side] [#5390]
To reduce temporary memory allocations for running external processes, they are now executed by a dedicated process. [#5407]
Waiting for a file to be retried will not block the other files queued for the transfer. [client-side] [#5436]
A transfer is no longer retried and fails right away if the source file no longer exists on the source location. [client-side] [#5438]
Microsoft Certificate Authority root certificates were updated to include the new DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA used for Microsoft's login page. [client-side][sharepoint]. [#855]
The SysV init script properly manages the SFTPPlus daemon process again. This regression was introduced in version 4.2.0. [linux][#5446]
Self-signed certificates automatically created when initializing configuration are no longer created with Version 3. This fixes an error raised by latest Chrome-based browsers which resulted in rejecting HTTPS connections using these certificates. [https][#5446]
Version 4.2.0, 2020-06-17¶
New Features¶
The HTTP Post event handler can now be configured to send a set of custom headers. [#3778-1]
The event emitted when a file is closed for an FTP/FTPS server-side connection now contains the overall transfer speed of that file. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#3778-2]
You can now send HTTP POST events using a custom format. [#3778]
You can now configure a delay for the execution of the dispatch-file event handler and the execution is ignored if the targeted file no longer exists after the delay. [#814]
Defect Fixes¶
When copying local files using the file-dispatcher event handler, the copies are now created without keeping the source file's attributes. This prevents creating extra file versions on a versioned filesystem. [#2042]
Version 4.1.0, 2020-06-11¶
New Features¶
The LDAP authentication method now provides the option to construct the home folder path based on an LDAP attribute and a template. [server-side] [#1863-1]
You can now configure a default domain for LDAP users when used together with an Active Directory server. [server-side] [#1863]
The HTTP Request event handler can now send an event as an XML SOAP message or as a generic XML document. [#1973]
The SFTPPlus instance name is now visible in the Web Manager web-based administration console. [#5296]
You can now test the configuration of the email sender resource. [#5405-1]
You can now define a default list of email recipients used for sending email when there is no explicit configuration. [#5405-2]
You can now configure the SSL/TLS details for the email resource. [smtp][email] [#5405]
Destination path for a file dispatcher can now be defined based on extra event attributes other than the source path. [#55]
You can now configure multiple remote SSH/SFTP server identities for an SFTP location. This can be used for connecting to a disaster recovery server which uses a separate SSH identity. [client-side][sftp] [#135]
Defect Fixes¶
Firefox auto-completion no longer applies to the ssl_domain field for various services and the username and password values for email resources. [#1792]
The link for changing passwords is no longer visible for accounts authenticated using X.509 TLS/SSL certificates. [server-side][https] [#2828]
The email client resource now works with email servers over TLS 1.2. In previous versions, it was only working over older TLS versions. [#5404]
Deprecations and Removals¶
OS accounts are no longer supported on Apple macOS. [server-side] [#3135]
The install-service option was removed from the admin-command.bat command line tool. There is now a dedicated command named sftpplus-service.exe for managing the SFTPPlus Windows service. [windows] [#3878]
The legacy WebAdmin authentication method is no longer supported. If you are still using the SFTPPlus PHP Webadmin authentication, you can use the generic HTTP authentication method together with PHP WebAdmin version 1.11.0 or newer. [server-side] [#425]
The OS authentication method now requires explicit configuration for the allowed list of operating system groups. In previous versions, when the "allowed_groups" was not defined, the OS authentication was allowing users from any OS group. [security] [#4972]
Version 4.0.0, 2020-05-19¶
New Features¶
There is now an admin-shell command line interface that can be used to manage and configure the SFTPPlus process from the command line. It is the CLI equivalent of the Web Manager web-based GUI console. [#1158]
The openpgp event handler was added for encrypting and decrypting files using OpenPGP. [#1177]
You can now use SSL/TLS certificates to authenticate users against the HTTPS file transfer service. [server-side] [#143]
You can now send credentials for an account via email. [#1468]
You can now create PGP keys from the Web Manager web interface or the command line administrative tool. [#1591]
SFTPPlus administration accounts now support multi-factor authentication based on the TOTP standard. [#2000]
Two-factor authentication can be enabled for user accounts defined inside the SFTPPlus configuration. [#2401]
Logged date and time can now be formatted using ISO-8601 UTC, ISO 6501 UTC with fractional seconds, or ISO-8601 with local time. [#2919]
The OpenPGP event handler can now encrypt/decrypt files using asymmetric PGP keys. [#3797]
It is now possible to create a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using an existing private key. [local-manager] [#3806]
The Python extension event handlers can now be set up with a custom JSON-based configuration string. [#3921]
You can now disable the overwriting rule for a transfer destination. In this way, the file is uploaded right away, without doing any extra requests on the server. [client-side] [#4054-1]
Details of files transferred in the past (name, size, modified timestamp) can now be recorded to prevent transferring the exact same file more than once. [client-side] [#4369]
The extract-archive event handler now also supports extracting TAR, TAR.GZ, and TAR.BZ2 archives. [#495]
You can now configure the application authentication method to only accept members of selected groups. [server-side] [#4963]
Recursive transfers can now automatically create destination folders. [client-side] [#5004]
The SFTPPlus initialization command now also asks for initializing a custom administration password. With this change, Web Manager is now accessible by default for any IP source. [#5193]
Product version is no longer advertised during protocol handshake for FTP, SSH and HTTP. [#5222]
There is now a dedicated documentation page for macOS installations. [#5297]
SFTPPlus now uses by default the SHA-512 function for hashing passwords. The hash function is now configurable, following options are available: SHA-256, SHA-512, PBKDF2 SHA-256, PBKDF2 SHA-512. In previous versions, only SHA-256 was used. [server-side] [#5322]
Accounts names, administrator names, and passwords longer than 150 characters are no longer allowed. Passwords longer than 128 characters are no longer generated. [server-side] [#5333]
The extract-archive event handler now supports extracting ZIP files. [#5346]
For the monitor service, you can now configure the type of file operations for which to emit events. [#5347-1]
The local filesystem monitor service now has a new configuration option named file_age_notification. This was introduced to replace the warn_non_modified_files_interval configuration. [#5347-2]
The monitor service can now automatically delete old files. [#5347]
A new option, delete_source_on_success. is available for a transfer to configure if the file should be removed from the source directory after a successful transfer. [client-side] [#5393]
You can now archive files using a recursive folder structure. [client-side] [#5394]
The process-monitor resource was renamed as the analytics resource. It now monitors date, time, and source IP of successful authentications. [#64]
SFTPPlus now provides an embedded self-signed certificate which can be used as a starting point for configuring TLS-based services such as FTPS and HTTPS. This self-signed certificate is automatically used for these services if the ssl_certificate configuration option is empty. [server-side] [#723]
An account can now be configured to read authorized public SSH keys from any file found in a specified directory path. [server-side][scp][sftp] [#972]
Defect Fixes¶
On non-Windows systems, the extract-archive event handler can now handle paths with uppercase characters. In previous versions, it was always using lowercase characters for the destination's filename. [#1177]
The Windows start menu shortcut to the Web Manager page now works even when the Web Manager is configured for the IP address. [#3030]
The PID file created when SFTPPlus starts in service/daemon mode is no longer readable by other system users. [linux][security] [#4402]
The SysV and OpenRC init scripts now work when SFTPPlus is started as root. This was a defect introduced in 3.42.0. [#4686]
The event with id 60005, emitted when failing to monitor the source path of a transfer, now contains the exact path which triggered the failure. In previous versions, it was only containing the base source path of the transfer. [client-side] [#5004]
A dedicated event is emitted when a service has no authenticated method. [server-side] [#5053]
The SFTP file transfer service now has improved performance for directory listing when a large number of files are present. [server-side][sftp] [#57]
You will now receive an error at service start if the configured SSH RSA or DSA keys are of an invalid type. [server-side][scp][sftp] [#723]
There is now a limit of 100kB for the file containing authorized public SSH keys for an account. [security][sftp][scp][server-side] [#972]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Event with ID 20078, used to signal that a service was stopped, was removed and replaced by event with ID 20157, used when any component is stopped. [#1158-1]
Event with ID 20045, used to signal that a service failed to stop, was removed and replaced by events with IDs 20159 and 20185, used when any component fails to stop. [#1158-2]
Event with ID 20077, used to signal that a service failed to start, was removed and replaced by event with ID 20158, used when any component fails to start. [#1158-3]
Event with ID 20076, used to signal that a service was successfully started, was removed and replaced by event with ID 20156, used when any component is successfully started. [#1158]
The 'Account activity' event handler now only works with the embedded standard SQLite database. Support for MySQL databases and custom SQLite databases was removed. [#1376]
Event with ID 20101, emitted when the configured password is invalid, was removed. It was replaced with event with ID 20142, emitted when authentication fails. [server-side] [#2000]
./bin/ --start is no longer supported. Use
./bin/ start
instead. [linux][macos] [#2783]The address, port, and path configuration options were removed from the Syslog event handler. They are replaced by the single url configuration option. [#2914]
Default format used to store log entries was changed to show date and time first. Upgrading existing installations will not automatically switch to the new logging format. [#2919]
Event with ID 20089, raised when trying to delete the default group, was removed and replaced with the generic event 20108, raised when trying to delete a component which is already in use. [#316-1]
Only one email client resource is now supported. This is the resource with UUID DEFAULT-EMAIL-CLIENT. Any other email client resource is ignored. [#316-2]
The email_client_resource configuration option was removed from the email-sender event handler. Emails are now sent using the default email client. [#316-3]
Event with ID 20063, raised when the default group is missing, was removed as SFTPPlus will automatically create the default group if missing. [#316-4]
Event with ID 50020, raised when SFTPPlus Web Manager failed to start a database, was removed and replaced by ID 20112. [#316-5]
The Past Activity page in the Web Manager web console was renamed to Activity log. [#316-6]
Event with ID 20163, emitted by SFTPPlus when failing to record the date and time when an account was successfully authenticated, was removed and replaced with the generic ID 20174. [#316-7]
Event with ID 20116, raised when failing to create a DB table database, was removed and replaced by ID 20112. [#316-8]
The database event handlers no longer use a separate database configuration. Each database event handler has now its own database file. [#3168-1]
SFTPPlus no longer supports MySQL databases. If you need to send events to a MySQL database, please get in touch with our support. [#3168-2]
Events with IDs 20161, 20162, 20164 were removed and replaced by ID 20112, used for all database errors. [#3168-3]
Events with ID 20112 and 20117, emitted when a DB operation fails, were removed. They were replaced with specific event ID errors for each SFTPPlus component using the DB. [#3168-4]
Events with IDs 50019, 50021, 50022, 50025, emitted when a Web Manager DB operation fails, were removed. They were replaced with specific event ID errors for each Web Manager operation using the DB. [#3168-5]
Support for the MySQL database event handler was removed. [#3168]
Event with ID 20160 was removed and replaced with the generic event 20165 raised when a component fails. [db] [#316]
The %(event_id)s variable for the email_subject configuration was removed, after being deprecated in 3.16.0. It should be replaced by the {id} variable. [#3655]
The amend-content event handler was removed and replaced by the python:chevah.server.extension.amend_content.RemoveLastLine extension event handler. [#3921]
The digital-signature-validation event handler was removed and replaced by the python:chevah.server.extension.digital_signature.ValidateCSV_RSASSA_PSS extension event handler. [#3956]
The rotate_each configuration option from the local-file event handler was removed and replaced with rotate_on. Existing rotate_each configuration are interpreted as rotate_on: 00:00 time-of-day. [#4351]
TEST_DELAY_EXECUTION is no longer supported. [server-side][sftp] [#4976]
Passwords stored in plain text are no longer supported. [security] [#5154]
Events with IDs 10029, 10058, 10060, 10067, emitted by the FTP server, were removed. They were replaced with generic events. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#5155]
The configuration/ssh-service.moduli file is no longer used by the SFTP and SCP services. SFTPPlus now has an embedded list of SSH moduli, refreshed every release. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5222]
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) is no longer supported in SFTPPlus version 4.0.0. You can continue to use latest SFTPPlus 3.x.x version with RHEL 6. [#5261-1]
Ubuntu Server 16.04 is no longer supported in SFTPPlus version 4.0.0. You can continue to use latest SFTPPlus version 3.x.x with this version of Ubuntu Server. [#5261-2]
Apple OS X 10.8 and newer Mac OS X versions up to and including macOS 10.12 are no longer supported in SFTPPlus version 4.0.0. You can continue to use latest SFTPPlus version 3.x.x for these systems. Only macOS 10.13 and newer versions are supported in SFTPPlus version 4.0.0. [#5261-4]
The following Unix operating systems are no longer supported starting with SFTPPlus version 4.0.0: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris. You can continue to use SFTPPlus version 3.x.x on these operating systems. [#5261]
The permission configuration option for an account will now have inherit as the default value. In previous versions, it was set to allow-full-control. The default configuration for a group is still allow-full-control. [server-side][security] [#5339]
warn_non_modified_files_interval configuration option of the monitor service was removed and replaced with a new configuration option named file_age_notification. For backward compatibility, SFTPPlus can still read the configuration stored in warn_non_modified_files_interval, but it rewrites it as file_age_notification. [#5347]
The type configuration option for transfers was removed. It was replaced by the delete_source_on_success option. [#5393]
The execute_at_startup configuration option and functionality was removed. You can use the external-executable event handler to execute external scripts. Event with ID 20181 is emitted each time the SFTPPlus process starts. [#5413]
The account-activity event handler was removed. It was replaced by the process-monitor resource. [#64]
Event with ID 20182, emitted when an account is authenticated, was removed. Only the event with ID 20137 is now emitted on successful authentication. [#888-1]
Event with ID 20023, emitted when failing to read the file containing the authorized SSH keys for an account, was removed. It was replaced by the generic event with ID 20142. [#888-2]
Event with ID 50007, emitted when an administrator was successfully authenticated, was removed. It is replaced by the generic event with ID 20137. [#888]
Version 3.55.0, 2020-04-28¶
This release includes a critical security issue for the Web Manager's web console GUI introduced with SFTPPlus version 3.24.0.
The vulnerability is a local one if Web Manager only accepts local connections, as configured by default.
Your SFTPPlus setup is not affected if you are not using the default-enabled "Store in database" event handler.
In order to audit for potential security breaches, parse the log files for events with ID 50026 and check them for any unauthorized access. Unfortunately, you can only identify unauthorized access by its timestamp.
No user data or passwords can be compromised this way. The usernames and file names are found in the logs and can be exposed to unauthorized parties.
To fix this security issue, you need to upgrade SFTPPlus to version 3.55.0.
If you can't upgrade right away, you should harden the configuration by deleting the "Store in database" event handlers. If you would rather keep using this feature without updating, make sure the Web Manager is only available through secured channels such as a VPN tunnel.
New Features¶
Ubuntu 20.04 on x86_64 is now a supported platform. [#1512]
The "Download as CSV" functionality from the Activity Log will now download only the entries selected by the active filters. [#4233]
The embedded OpenSSL libraries on Windows, generic Linux, and macOS were updated to version 1.1.1g. [#5400]
Red Hat Entreprise Linux 8 on X86_64 is now a supported platform. [#5324]
The bundled OpenSSL libraries on Windows, SLES 11, and generic Linux distributions were updated to version 1.1.1g. [#5357]
Defect Fixes¶
The "Download as CSV" link from the Web Manager no longer allows unauthenticated requests. [security][web-manager] [#4233]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The macOS package no longer depends on the system-included LibreSSL libraries. On macOS, SFTPPlus now uses embedded OpenSSL libraries. [#5400]
On SLES 11, RHEL 6, and other unsupported Linux distributions, SFTPPlus uses a generic glibc-based Linux runtime which includes OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries. [#5312]
Version 3.54.0, 2020-04-21¶
New Features¶
You can now define custom triggers for the HTTP / HTTPS service. These triggers are available as buttons in the web client GUI and as custom actions in the HTTP API. [server-side][http][https] [#3832]
You can now configure the SFTPPlus Let's Encrypt resource with email addresses as contact information to be submitted to the ACME server. [#5351-1]
SFTPPlus now supports the Let's Encrypt ACME v2 protocol. [#5351]
64bit packages for Windows x64 were added. [#5376]
Defect Fixes¶
You can now define the password when creating a new account. This was a defect introduced in a previous version. [#5379]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Let's Encrypt ACME v1 protocol is no longer supported. You will need to manually update your configuration to use an ACME v2 server. For example, you can use: If you were using the Let's Encrypt V1 server at, it will be automatically upgraded to [#5351]
Version 3.53.0, 2020-01-17¶
New Features¶
A new option was defined for the overwrite_rule configuration to allow the file to be skipped and not transferred when destination already has a file with the same name. [client-side][sync] [#4709]
The bundled OpenSSL libraries in Windows, Generic Linux, and OS X, were updated to version 1.1.1d. [#5348]
Defect Fixes¶
SFTPPlus can now successfully push large files over SFTP even if the remote SFTP server is not accepting large file chunks. This affected large file transfers to servers such as Microsoft's OpenSSH For Windows Server. [sftp][client-side] [#5367]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Support for Debian Linux 9 on X86_64 was removed. Please use the generic Linux package on any Debian Linux version. [#5373]
Version 3.52.0, 2019-12-17¶
New Features¶
A new HTTP redirect service is available to help redirect HTTP requests to an HTTPS file transfer service. [server-side][http] [#5352]
You can now configure a redirection URL for any requests made to the Let's Encrypt resource HTTP service that do not match ACME validation requests. This can be used to combine the functionality of the HTTP to HTTPS redirection service with that of the Let's Encrypt client validator. [#5352-1]
The FTP/FTPS client will ignore the IP address returned by the server's PASV command, always using the same IP address for both the control and data channels. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#5362]
Defect Fixes¶
Let's Encrypt resource will now highlight in the Web Manager that a restart is required after changing the address and port configuration. [server-side] [#5352]
When upgrading, the existing Windows service is no longer reset and the configured Windows service account is kept between installations. This defect was introduced in SFTPPlus 3.50.0. [windows] [#5358]
Version 3.51.0, 2019-11-05¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to configure HTTP POST event handlers and HTTP authentication methods with multiple URLs which will act as a fallback. [#1788]
You can now configure file transfers to ignore source files older than a certain time. [client-side] [#5081]
SFTP and SCP protocols now support the hmac-sha2-512 MAC algorithm. [sftp][scp] [#5313-1]
SFTP and SCP protocols now support diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group15-sha512, diffie-hellman-group16-sha512, diffie-hellman-group18-sha512, and diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 key exchange algorithms as required by RFC-8268. [sftp][scp] [#5313]
You can now configure a retention period for the archived files of a transfer. Older files from the archive folder will be automatically removed by SFTPPlus. [client-side] [#5314]
The SFTPPlus globbing expressions now support defining multiple patterns in a logical disjunction expression OR using the vertical bar character |. [#5316]
Remote SSH server's fingerprint can now also be defined as SHA1, SHA256, an SSH public key, or an X.509 SSL/TLS certificate. MD5 fingerprints are still supported. [client-side][sftp] [#5327-1]
When configuring a new account from the Web Manager web console, permission and other configuration options are set by default to inherit from group configuration. [server-side] [#5340]
Alpine Linux 3.10 on X86_64 is now a supported platform. [#5282]
On macOS 10.13 and newer, the OpenSSL 1.0.2 libraries from Homebrew are no longer required. [#5243]
For old Linux distributions with unsupported system OpenSSL versions, SFTPPlus is statically-linked against OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries. This version of SFTPPlus is distributed as the "Generic Linux" version. The Generic Linux version also runs on unsupported Linux distributions, provided they are based on glibc/eglibc version 2.11 or newer. [#5312]
The bundled OpenSSL libraries in Windows, Generic Linux, and OS X, were updated to version 1.1.1c. [#5286]
Defect Fixes¶
The ignore_create_permissions configuration option will now also ignore setting attributes when a file is created. In previous versions, attributes were ignored only for folders. [server-side][sftp] [#1741]
The HTTP CONNECT proxy now works with HTTP endpoints. In previous versions, it was only working with HTTPS endpoints. [#1788]
Transfers with a WebDAV location as source no longer fail when the WebDAV server returns a "302 FOUND" response. The response is now ignored and considered a transient error. [client-side][webdav][sharepoint] [#5300], [#5309]
File dispatcher event handler can now handle events with more than 2 associated paths. In previous versions, only the first and the last paths for an event were handled. [#5317-1]
The value for the paths attribute from the event with ID 60017 is now a plain text value. The new success_list attribute was added to access the raw list value. The values for failed_paths and success_paths for ID 60016 are now plain text values. failed_list and success_list attributes were added to access raw list values. In previous versions, these attributes were used in an internal list which was not available for pattern matching. [client-side] [#5317]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The ssh_server_fingerprint configuration option was replaced by a new ssh_server_identity option in new configurations. The ssh_server_fingerprint option is still accepted for backward compatibility with older configurations. [client-side][sftp] [#5327]
Support for Alpine Linux 3.7 on X86_64 was removed. [#5282]
Support for Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS on X86_64 was removed. Please try the generic Linux package if you still use this version of Ubuntu Linux. [#5312]
Version 3.50.0, 2019-07-24¶
New Features¶
The embedded Let's Encrypt client now has the option to debug the HTTP ACME protocol. [#5287]
It is now possible to install multiple SFTPPlus instances on the same Windows system, all operating and active at the same time. [#5291]
Defect Fixes¶
The embedded Let's Encrypt client can now successfully request certificates. Version 3.48.0 introduced a defect which prevented requesting new certificates. [lets-encrypt] [#5287]
Version 3.49.0, 2019-06-24¶
New Features¶
You can now use PXF / PKCS#12 certificates in SFTPPlus without converting them to the PEM format first. [#2596]
The HTTP file transfer server web UI now has dedicated ID for each UI element making it easier to implement themes. [web-server][http][https] [#3224]
Defect Fixes¶
Documentation for the group's ssh_authorized_keys_path configuration option was updated to specify that reading multiple SSH keys from a single file is not supported. This implementation change was done in version 2.6.0, but the documentation was not updated until now. [server-side] [#1296]
FTP client transfers no longer create empty files on transfer failures. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#3006]
You can now create new SFTP services from the Web Manager web interface. This issue was introduced in version 3.46.0. [server-side][sftp] [#4124]
When using the client shell, passwords are now masked by default. [security][client-side] [#5213]
Web Manager's web interface now has an explicit button for disabling a password. In previous versions it was required to type disabled to disable the usage of a password. [manager] [#5236]
Version 3.48.0, 2019-05-27¶
New Features¶
HTTP POST event handler can now be configured to automatically retry on network and HTTP errors. [server-side][http-api] [#2619]
It is now possible to configure a file transfer service to emit debugging events for the low-level protocol used. [http][ftp][ftps][sftp][scp][server-side] [#2697]
The Python Extension event handler now handles events on multiple CPUs. In previous versions all events were handled by a single CPU. [#5262]
A new destination path action named single-file was added to transfer multiple source files as a single destination file. [client-side] [#4054]
You can now disable the overwriting rule for a transfer destination. In this way, the file is uploaded right away, without doing any extra requests on the server. [client-side] [#4054]
Debian 9 is now a supported platform. [#3353]
Defect Fixes¶
When changing the current folder in FTP, the SFTPPlus server now only checks that the path is a folder and that path traversal is allowed. It no longer tries to see if the operating system allows listing content. Asking the operating system to list content for every target directory could have caused performance issues. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#2111]
You can now use a local directory with a large number of files (more than 10.000), as the source for a transfer. [client-side] [#1319]
The local filesystem source location no longer stops to monitor the source on I/O errors. It will log an error and retry to get the content again after changes_poll_interval seconds. [client-side] [#3350]
The SysV and OpenRC init scripts now work when executed as root user. This was a defect introduced in 3.42.0. [#3353]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The Python Extension event handler no longer takes a parent argument. The events are no longer handled in separate threads. Instead, they are added to a queue to be executed on a dedicate CPU. [#5262]
Support for Ubuntu 16.04 on ARM64 was removed. [#3353]
Support for Debian 8 was removed. [#3353]
Version 3.47.0, 2019-04-11¶
New Features¶
You can now configure multiple domains for a free Let's Encrypt certificate using the subjectAlternativeName field. [server-side][ftps][https] [#5108]
A new event handler of type external-executable was added to execute external scripts or programs. [#5234]
Windows Server 2019 is now a supported platform. [#5241-1]
The bundled OpenSSL libraries in Windows, SLES 11, and OS X were updated to versions 1.1.1b, adding support for TLS 1.3. [#5241]
Defect Fixes¶
The WebDAV location now ignores HTTP proxy errors when they occur while monitoring a remote SharePoint Online site. [client-side][https] [#5114-1]
The WebDAV location now works with multiple parallel transfers from the same SharePoint Online source. [client-side][https] [#5114]
The SFTP and SCP file transfer services will no longer block the whole SFTPPlus process during the SSH handshake. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5202]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Event with ID 20057, emitted when execute_at_startup times out, was removed and replaced by event with ID 20056. [#5234]
Version 3.46.0, 2019-03-11¶
New Features¶
The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service now supports downloading multiple files at once as a Zip file. [server-side][web-api][http][https] [#5093]
It is now possible to set up password expiration for accounts and groups. [server-side][security] [#5146]
It is now possible to configure the preferred size of the group in the SSH Diffie-Hellman group key exchange method. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5205]
The file dispatcher event handler now supports the copy action. This will copy the source file to one or more destinations without removing the source file. [server-side][client-side] [#5210]
The file dispatcher event handler now supports the rename action. This will rename the source file (with an atomic move operation) without overwriting an existing file. [server-side][client-side] [#5220]
Defect Fixes¶
An event is now emitted when a file is closed after it was open for reading through the HTTP file transfer service. [server-side][http][https] [#5093]
The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service now responds with 401 Unauthorized for requests made with 100 Continue when no credentials are provided in the request. [server-side][http][https] [#5223]
Version 3.45.0, 2019-02-13¶
New Features¶
It is now possible for SFTP/SCP clients to change their own password using the SSH command execution service. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5129]
It is now possible to transfer files using temporary names, renaming to their initial names once successfully transferred. [client-side] [#5156]
Events emitted when a file is closed after a server-side SFTP or SCP transfer now include transferred size, duration, and average speed. [server-side][scp][sftp] [#5196]
You can now configure an account to allow authentication only from a specific list of source IP addresses. [server-side][security] [#5201]
Defect Fixes¶
The SFTP/SCP file transfer service no longer generates an internal server error when the SCP protocol is requested as an SSH subsystem. [server-side][scp] [#5129]
For move transfers, the removal of the source file is now retried when the operation fails. In previous versions, once the file was transferred, the source removal was attempted only once. [client-side] [#5156-1]
The transfer of a file is now retried when the operation to check the existence of the remote file fails. [client-side] [#5156]
For the SCP protocol, the event with ID 30042 is no longer emitted when the client is sending the whole file without an end of file marker. In previous versions, if the SCP client uploaded all the file data, but did not send the explicit confirmation for the end of file or stream, SFTPPlus was emitting the event 30042 to inform that the transfer was not complete. [server-side][scp] [#5196]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The events emitted for rename operations now have the destination path as the default path attribute. In previous versions the source path was used. The from attribute will contain the source path. The following event IDs are affected: 60043, 60044, 30025, 30026, 30027 [server-side][client-side] [#5156]
Support for FreeBSD 10.x on X86_64 was removed. [#5170]
Version 3.44.0, 2019-01-25¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to configure the name associated to the sender email address in the email client resource. [#3069]
It is now possible for file transfer users to change the password associated with their accounts via the HTTP / HTTPS protocols. [server-side][http][https] [#5128]
It is now possible to configure an email sender event handler with CC and BCC fields. [#5158]
It is now possible to monitor OS resources used by SFTPPlus, and trigger an event when their usage hits certain configurable limits. These features are not available on HP-UX, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and AIX. [#5175]
Alpine Linux 3.7 on X86_64 is now a supported platform. [#5179]
It is now possible to schedule a transfer based on week days. [client-side][#5184]
Defect Fixes¶
The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service login page is now accessible in HTML format for Internet Explorer in compatibility mode. [http][https][server-side] [#5188]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The URL of the login page used by the HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service was moved from /login to /__chsps__/login. [server-side][http][https] [#5128]
Support for Alpine Linux 3.6 on X86_64 was removed. [#5179]
Event with ID 60019 emitted when a transfer has invalid schedule configuration was removed and replaced with the generic event ID. [#5184]
The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer API now requires an explicit Accept: application/json header in order to use the JSON variant of the API. Otherwise, it will default to the HTML/WebDAV variant. [http][https][api][server-side] [#5188]
Version 3.43.1, 2019-01-07¶
Defect Fixes¶
SFTP client now waits for a maximum of 60 seconds for the server to respond. In previous versions it was waiting forever, causing transfers to stall if the server never responded to the request. This could happen if the server drops the connection during a transfer. [client-side][sftp] [#5172]
Version 3.43.0, 2018-12-19¶
New Features¶
When defining a new password for an account, it is now possible to define a minimum level of complexity and strength. [#4700]
You can now set an email as part of the user's account details. [#5125]
You can now allow FTP/FTPS users to change their passwords. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#5127]
The bundled OpenSSL library was updated to OpenSSL 1.1.0j on Windows, SLES 11, and OS X. [#5148]
A new event handler was added for extracting GZIP compressed files to a destination folder. [#5150]
Debian 8 (Jessie) on X86_64 is now a supported operating system. [#5152]
Defect Fixes¶
SFTP and SCP file transfer services no long fail when the client is sending a "keep alive" global request. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5149]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Debian 7 is no longer supported as it was replaced by Debian 8. [#5152-1]
Solaris 11 on SPARC and X86 is no longer receiving new SFTPPlus updates due to weak demand for Solaris 11 and increasing costs in keeping Solaris 11 infrastructure up to date. [#5152]
Version 3.42.0, 2018-11-27¶
New Features¶
You can now define a custom CSS file for HTTP/HTTPS file transfer services. [server-side][http][https] [#5101]
You can now automatically get SSL/X.509 certificates signed by Let's Encrypt's certificate authority. [ftps][https] [#5117]
The sample init scripts were updated to allow starting SFTPPlus directly under an unprivileged service account. [#5132]
It is now possible to set a database event handler which will automatically delete older events. In this way you can limit the size of the database. [#5137]
Amazon Linux 2 on X86_64 is now a supported platform. [#5139]
Defect Fixes¶
The MySQL database resource is no longer erroneously marked as requiring a restart in the Web Manager. [#5137]
Version 3.41.1, 2018-11-21¶
Defect Fixes¶
In marker-based batch transfer, the marker file is now always transferred last. [client-side] [#5143]
Version 3.41.0, 2018-11-15¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to define a list of HTTP Host header origins accepted by the HTTP file transfer services and the Web Manager. This allows running compatible SFTPPlus services behind a load balancer without compromising on the default CSRF checks. [server-side][http][https] [#5138]
Version 3.40.1, 2018-11-14¶
Defect Fixes¶
The option to hide the SFTPPlus authentication session from the www-authenticate headers is now visible in the Web Manager. [server-side][http][https] [#5134]
Version 3.40.0, 2018-11-13¶
New Features¶
SuSE Enterprise Linux without the Security Module and OS X are now distributed with OpenSSL 1.1.0h, making it possible to use TLS 1.2 and SHA2. [#5030]
It is now possible to use variable placeholders when defining the path for the local file event handler. [#5095]
You can now define the SSH keys used by the SFTP/SCP file transfer service and by the SFTP location as text values inside the configuration file. Storing SSH keys in external files is still supported. [sftp][scp] [#5096]
You can now define the SSL certificate and key pairs used by HTTPS/FTPS and the local manager services as text values inside the configuration file. [ftps][https] [#5097]
You can now hide the SFTPPlus session authentication method from the www-authenticate header. This can be used as a workaround for an authentication issue when using SFTPPlus with older HTTP clients, which don't recognize multiple www-authenticate headers. [server-side][http][https] [#5099]
It is now possible to make the files of an account available over HTTP as a public file transfer site. No username or password is required to access and manage those files. [server-side][http][https] [#5100]
It is now possible to filter event handlers based on the source IP address. [#5120]
Defect Fixes¶
When an SFTP transfer (upload or download) is interrupted, a dedicated event is emitted. In previous versions, no event was emitted to signal the transfer failure. [server-side][sftp] [#5027-1]
When an SCP transfer (upload or download) is interrupted, the emitted events now clearly signal the transfer failure. In previous versions, the same events as for a successful transfer were emitted. [server-side][scp] [#5027]
SFTPPlus no longer uses the MIME type database provided by the operating system. In older operating systems like SuSE 11, the MIME type for JavaScript files was defined as text/x-js, which caused failures in modern versions of Chrome and Firefox. SFTPPlus now defines the MIME type as application/javascript on any operating system. [local-manager] [#5075]
The speed for listing the folder content using the FTP/FTPS or HTTP/HTTPS file transfer services was improved. The improvement is observed especially on Windows, and when listing folders hosted by a remote Windows or NFS share. [server-side][ftp][http] [#5083]
The SCP server will now use the correct name to write a file when the client is requesting an upload without providing the base path. In previous versions, a file named '-t' was created instead. [server-side][scp] [#5094]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Event with ID 20107 was removed and replaced with the event with ID 20158. [#5095]
Events with ID 30013, 30048, 30052 were removed and replaced with the generic event ID 20077. Event with ID 30075 was removed and replaced with the generic event with ID 20158. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5096]
Loading of SSL/X.509 certificates and keys from .DER files was removed. You should convert your certificates and keys to PEM format. PEM format is the only format supported by SFTPPlus. DER support was removed, as not all of its features were supported. For example, loading the certificate chain or using multiple certificate authorities was only supported for the PEM format. [ftps][https] [#5097-1]
Loading the certificate authority configuration from a directory containing multiple files is no longer supported. You can still use multiple certificate authorities for the same configuration by storing all the CA certificates in the same file. [https][ftps] [#5097]
Version 3.39.0, 2018-10-05¶
Customers using the SCP protocol are urged to upgrade to this version. Any previous version contains a security issue when overwriting files over SCP.
New Features¶
In the event handler configuration, it is now possible to filter the events based on their groups. [#2483]
When the remote FTP/FTPS server supports the MLST command, SFTPPlus will use it to determine the existence of remote paths. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#3885]
The events emitted at the start or at the end of a client-side file transfer now contain the size of the file, duration and transfer speed. [client-side] [#5067]
Defect Fixes¶
When using execute_on_destination_before in a transfer for which the destination location is stopped, the transfer will automatically start the location. In previous versions the transfer would failed as the location was stopped, requiring a manual start of the location. [client-side] [#3511]
When checking the existence of a remote FTP file, the operation now fails when the server returns an error other than 'Path not found'. In previous versions, the error was ignored and the path was considered as non-existing. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#3576]
FTP/FTPS client operation can now successfully detect the absence of a file on a remote server. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#3885]
You can now disable the timeout for the FTP data connection by setting its value to 0. In previous versions, when set to 0, the connection was disconnected right away due to the timeout. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#5049]
When changing the extra_data configuration for the HTTP event handler, the Web Manager UI now shows that a restart is required for the event handler. [#5079]
You can now change from the Web Manager the list of SSH ciphers available to the SFTP and SCP file transfer services. This was a regression introduced in 3.37.0. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5085]
When overwriting files using the SCP file transfer, the content of the existing file is completely erased. In previous versions, when overwriting an existing file with a new file which was smaller in size, the resulting file would still have the file size of the previous file, with the extra data kept from the previous file. [security][server-side][scp] [#5087]
Deprecations and Removals¶
When a FTP server-side operation fails due to a permission error, the error code is now 553. In previous versions, it was 550, which was the same error code for Path not found or the generic error code for other error cases. [server-side][ftp] [#3576]
Version 3.38.0, 2018-09-21¶
New Features¶
When the remote FTP/FTPS server supports the MLST command, SFTPPlus will use it to determine the existence of remote paths. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#3885]
For a transfer, it is now possible to execute on destination commands which will include the source and destination path and file name. [client-side] [#4522]
New permissions allow-create-folder, allow-delete-folder, allow-delete-file, and allow-set-attributes were added to help defining a stricter configuration. [server-side] [#4955-1]
A new permission, deny-full-control was added to deny any action to the configured path. [server-side] [#4955]
You can now add custom values to the JSON payload sent by the HTTP event handler. This allows sending SFTPPlus HTTP events to existing webhooks like Slack or Splunk. [api] [#5068]
Defect Fixes¶
FTP/FTPS client operation can now successfully detect the absence of a file on a remote server. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#3885]
Version 3.37.1, 2018-09-13¶
Defect Fixes¶
The HTTP API authentication for an account now fails when the account is accepted by the remote HTTP API but the associated group is disabled. [server-side][security] [#5058]
A defect was fixed in Web Manager which was causing the Web Manager to fail on Internet Explorer 11. [#5061]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Event with ID 20060 was removed and replaced by event with ID 20136. [server-side] [#5058]
Version 3.37.0, 2018-09-06¶
New Features¶
HTTP and HTTPS file transfer API now supports session-based authentication. Basic Auth login is still supported. [server-side][http][https] [#5009-1]
HTTP and HTTPS file transfer services now have a session-based login page. Basic Auth login is still supported for web clients which don't support cookies. [server-side][http][https] [#5009]
LDAP authentication method was extended to allow defining a LDAP filter for LDAP users which are allowed to act as administrators through the Local Manager service. [manager] [#5010-1]
You can now define multiple authentication methods for the Web Manager service. [manager] [#5010-2]
OS authentication method was extended to allow defining a list of Operating System account groups which are allowed to act as administrators through the Web Manager service. [manager] [#5010]
You can now use Web Manager to configure the accounts and groups of the local-file authentication method. [#5041]
It is now possible to configure an event handler filter based on excluded usernames or components by using the ! (exclamation mark) to mark a value which needs to be excluded. [server-side][client-side] [#5043]
The MDTM FTP command now shows microseconds when displaying time. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#93-1]
FTP/FTPS server now supports MLST and MLSD commands (Listings for Machine Processing) as specified in RFC 3659. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#93]
Defect Fixes¶
The authentication process now fails when an authentication is configured but not running. In previous versions, the stopped authentication method was skipped, and the authentication process continued with the next configured method. [security] [#5010]
When sending files to an FTP or FTPS destination location, transfers will no longer saturate the network, instead they will follow the TCP congestion signaling. In previous versions this issue was causing excessive memory usage and transfer failures over low bandwidth networks. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#5033]
Comma-separated values in Web Manager can now be configured using a simple free-text input box. This allows editing existing values and makes it easier to reorder them. [management] [#5043]
Deprecations and Removals¶
HTTP file transfer service API now uses cookie-based authentication by default. In previous versions the default authentication method was HTTP Basic authentication, which remains an available method. [server-side][http][https] [#5009-1]
HTTP file transfer service API now uses JSON as default content type for responses. In previous versions you would have to explicitly ask for JSON. Now you need to explicitly ask for HTML. [server-side][http][https] [#5009]
Events with ID 20005 and 50008 were removed and replaced with event 20136. Events with ID 20135 and 20138 were removed and replaced with event 20142. [#5010-1]
Event with ID 50009 was removed, as OS administrators now use the OS authentication method. [#5010-2]
With the introduction of multiple authentication methods for the Local Manager service, you will now need to explicitly define the [server] manager_authentications configuration option. If manager_authentications is not defined (or left empty), SFTPPlus will fall back to the first defined Application authentication method. [#5010-3]
The include_os_group configuration options for roles was removed. Now you can explicitly define an OS authentication method for the Web Manager server. include_os_group was replaced by the manager_allowed_groups configuration option for the OS authentication method. [server-side] [#5010]
Version 3.36.0, 2018-08-02¶
New Features¶
The Azure File Service of the Azure Storage Account is now available as a location for client-side transfers. [client-side][http] [#4988]
It is now possible to define a client-side file transfer that will wait for a signaling filename before it starts transferring the files. [client-side] [#4989]
It is now possible to configure transfers which will monitor the source recursively and will then transfer to the same non-recursive destination. [client-side] [#4998]
It is now possible to configure a transfer rule which will use a destination file name that is different to the source name. [client-side] [#5007]
Defect Fixes¶
The Windows installer is now signed. [#4794]
It is now possible to clear the data attributes and structured fields configuration for an event handler and the allowed groups for an OS authentication mode from the Web Manager. In previous versions saving these configuration changes was generating an error. [#5018]
When local file event handler is rotating the files based on time, it now preserves the file extension. In previous versions the timestamp was used as the file extension. [#5036]
Version 3.35.0, 2018-07-03¶
New Features¶
The OpenSSL library used by SFTPPlus on Windows was updated to OpenSSL 1.1.0h. [#4579]
It is now possible to define virtual folders that are available to all accounts from a group. These virtual folders can point to directories outside an account's locked home folder. [server-side] [#4928]
It is now possible to allow authentication of operating-system accounts only for those belonging to a configured group. [server-side] [#4962]
Python version on all supported platforms except HP-UX was updated to 2.7.15. Consequently, the Expat libraries bundled with Python were updated to 2.2.4 on these platforms. [#4579]
Defect Fixes¶
An internal error is no longer raised when a SSH client sends a message for a method which is not supported by the SSH transport. Instead, the client receives a standard SSH not-implemented error. [server-side][sftp] [#4579]
The speed of the SSH handshake for the SFTP service has been improved. Previously, there was a noticeable difference for certain customers during the SSH handshake authentication process. [server-side][sftp][#4579]
pyOpenSSL was updated on AIX and Solaris to fix CVE-2013-4314. The X509Extension in pyOpenSSL before 0.13.1 does not properly handle a '0' character in a domain name in the Subject Alternative Name field of an X.509 certificate, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof arbitrary SSL servers via a crafted cert issued by a legitimate Certification Authority. The experimental packages for HP-UX are still vulnerable to this and will to be fixed in a future release.[server-side][#4579]
Once set, passwords for locations or email resources are no longer readable from Web Manager. A password can be read only before being set and applied. Afterwards, its value cannot be read, only updated. [security] [#4938]
Comma-separated configuration values may now contain comma characters, as long as they are enclosed in double quotation marks. [#4951]
The event generated when a peer's certificate validation fails during a TLS/SSL handshake now shows the detailed error message, not just the error code. [#4979]
Version 3.34.1, 2018-06-07¶
Defect Fixes¶
The files downloaded using the HTTP file transfer service now have explicit headers to disable caching. [security][http][https] [#4953]
The HTTP service no longer returns user input as part of the error messages. [security][http][https][server-side] [#4954]
Version 3.34.0, 2018-05-28¶
New Features¶
You can now set up an UNC path or a symbolic link to Windows Shares as home folder for an account. [#4635]
The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service and the Web Manager service now provide the option to configure a set of headers which are sent for all responses. You can use this to set the Strict-Transport-Security header or the use a custom Server header in an attempt to conceal the identity of the server. [security] [#4784]
The LDAP authentication method can now connect to LDAP servers using IPv6 address literals. [server-side] [#4824-1]
It is now possible to dynamically associate LDAP accounts to SFTPPlus groups based on arbitrary LDAP entry attributes. This is designed to augment the LDAP configuration without requiring any updates to the LDAP database. [server-side] [#4824]
We now provide limited support for running SFTPPlus on legacy Windows 2003 Servers. For more details, check the known issues section in our documentation. [#4896]
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on X86_64 is now a supported platform. [#4912]
A new permission, allow-traverse, was added to allow viewing only the folder structure without any files. In this way, accounts can traverse the folder hierarchy without seeing what files are already there. [#4931]
A new permission allow-list was added to allow configuration of only the folder/directory listing operations. This has no effect for the SCP protocol, as the protocol itself does not support the folder listing operation. [#4932]
A new permission allow-rename was added to allow configuration of only the rename operations available in the SFTP and FTP/FTPS file transfer servers. [#4933]
The Ban IP for a time interval authentication method is now enabled by default in new installations. [#4934]
Defect Fixes¶
The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service and the Web Manager service now advertise a set of HTTP headers to mitigate CSRF and XSS attacks. [security] [#4930]
The low-level JSON-RPC used by the Web Manager service now explicitly informs the web browser not to cache its POST responses. In the previous version, only GET requests were instructing the web browser not to cache the response. [security] [#4937]
The LDAP authentication method no longer accepts credentials with empty passwords. [server-side][security] [#4939-1]
When receiving a request which is authenticated via SSH key or SSL/X.509 certificates, the LDAP authentication method now emits a message informing that only password credentials are supported. [server-side] [#4939]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The allow-read permission will no longer allow listing the content of a folder. If you want to allow folder listing, you will need to update the configuration and add the new explicit allow-list permission. [#4932-1]
The error message returned when denying a folder listing operation was changed to include allow-list instead of the previous allow-read details. [#4932]
The error message returned when denying a rename operation was changed to include allow-rename instead of the previous allow-full-control details. [#4933]
Version 3.33.0, 2018-04-23¶
New Features¶
A new authentication method was added which allows the server to read application accounts from a separate file. [server-side] [#1056]
It is now possible to configure the supported ciphers for an SFTP location using the ssh_cipher_list configuration option. [#4619]
The FTP and FTPS file transfer services now support IPv6 as specified in RFC 2428. [server-side][ftp][ftps] [#4823-1]
The HTTP and HTTPS file transfer services now support IPv6. [server-side][http][https] [#4823]
The event with ID 30011 now contains details about the encryption used by the SFTP and SCP connections. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#4850]
Defect Fixes¶
A defect was fixed in the SFTP service for the chmod operation. In previous versions, the chmod was ignored and always returned a success result. [server-side][sftp] [#4338]
The HTTP PUT method of the file transfer service now returns a correct code when the HTTP request contains Expect: 100-continue and the request fails to be authenticated. [server-side][http][https] [#4856]
When uploading files into an empty folder using a web browser which has Javascript enabled, you will now see the uploaded file in the folder listing. This issue was introduced in 3.31.0. This was not an issue for web browsers with Javascript disabled. [server-side][http][https] [#4865]
The HTTP file transfer service will now force any file to be downloaded by the browser. Previously, it was displaying HTML or images inside the browser without forcing a download. [server-side][http][https][security] [#4877-1]
The HTTP file transfer service and the Web Manager service were updated to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF / XSRF) attacks by validating the Origin and Referer headers against the Host header. [server-side][http][https][security] [#4877]
The HTTP file transfer service will now set the session cookie using the httpOnly and 'sameSite' options. [server-side][http][https][security] [#4881]
The error messages in the HTTP service were updated to prevent cross site scripting attacks (XSS). [server-side][http][https] [#4884]
Version 3.32.0, 2018-04-03¶
New Features¶
SFTP and SCP file transfer services can now listen on IPv6 addresses and accept connections from IPv6 clients. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#1924]
The HTTP and HTTPS service now accepts creating new folders with the HTTP PUT and WebDAV MKCOL methods. [server-side][http][https] [#4828-1]
The HTTP and HTTPS service now accepts deleting folders and files with the HTTP DELETE method. [server-side][http][https] [#4828-2]
The HTTP and HTTPS service now accepts file uploads using the HTTP PUT method. [server-side][http][https] [#4828]
Defect Fixes¶
FTP and FTPS client side transfer can now transfer files larger than a few bytes from a remote FTP/FTPS server and to the local filesystem. This issue was introduced in SFTPPlus version 3.20.0. This defect was not affecting uploading / pushing files to a remote FTP/FTPS server. [client-side][ftp][ftps] [#4754]
The Developer Documentation for the HTTP authentication method was updated to make it clear the expected repose codes for the authentication server. [server-side] [#4758]
The JavaScript UI for the HTTP and HTTPS file transfer services no longer limit the file size to 256MB. This defect was introduced in 3.31.0. [server-side][http][https] [#4815]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The default secure ssl_cipher_list configuration was updated to HIGH:!PSK:!RSP:!eNULL:!aNULL:!RC4:!MD5:!DES:!3DES:!aDH:!kDH:!DSS. The previous value was ALL:!RC4:!DES:!3DES:!MD5:!EXP. In this way, when updating the OpenSSL library you will automatically get an update in the list of secure ciphers, without the need to update SFTPPlus. [security][ftps][https][client-side][server-side] [#4748]
The event (ID 40025) that was emitted when an unknown error was generated by the HTTP service during a JSON API request was removed. It has been replaced with event ID 40003. [server-side][http][https] [#4828]
Version 3.31.0, 2018-02-20¶
New Features¶
The option to enforce unique names for uploaded files is now available for the HTTP and HTTPS file transfer services. [server-side] [#4465]
A SOCKS version 5 (SOCKS5) proxy without authentication can now be used to connect to remote SFTP and SCP servers. [client-side][sftp][scp] [#4546]
A new event handler option is added in order to send filtered events to standard output. This can be used when running SFTPPlus in Docker or with other process supervisors. [#4645]
The option to enforce unique names for uploaded files is now available for the FTP, Implicit FTPS and Explicit FTPS protocols. [server-side] [#4650]
The file-dispatcher event handler can now be configured to automatically create destination folders. [#4652]
The close event description for SFTP and SCP client-side and server-side connection now contains the encryption used to protect connection. [client-side][server-side][sftp][scp] [#4668]
The HTTP and HTTPS file transfer services now allow uploading multiple files and adding files via drag and drop. [server-side][http][https] [#4673]
Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 7.0 to 7.3 with OpenSSL 1.0.1 was readded alongside support for RHEL 7.4 and newer using OpenSSL 1.0.2. [#4691]
A new secure configuration value is available for the ssl_cipher_list and ssh_cipher_list as part of the FTPS, SFTP, SCP, and HTTPS file transfer services. [security][client-side][server-side] [#4727]
Defect fixes¶
The transfer for SFTP and SCP locations is no longer interrupted when the remote server is requesting a SSH re-key exchange. This was affecting client-side transfers of files bigger than 1GB, as this is the point where some servers are re-keying. This is when either side forces the other to run the key-exchange phase which changes the encryption and integrity keys for the session. [client-side] [#4302]
It is now possible to stop the client shell at any time by pressing the Ctrl+C key combination. In previous versions this was not available while an operation was in progress. [#4626]
The AIX 7.1 build of SFTPPlus was updated to work with older OpenSSL versions. Previous versions of SFTPPlus (from 3.27.0 to 3.30.0) on AIX 7.1 required OpenSSL 1.0.2k or newer. [#4696]
SFTP and SCP client and server side can now handle key exchange process even for peers which advertise their SSH version string with trailing spaces. This can happen for Bitvise SSHD Server when configured to omit its version. [client-side][server-side][sftp][scp] [#4718]
The documentation for expression matching was updated to explain that regular expression matching is done as a search operation. For an exact match, use the start and end regex anchors. [#4724]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Events with ID 40015 and 40016 were replaced by already existing event with ID 40022. Event 40022 is now the only one emitted when there are errors during an upload operation. [server-side][http] [#4465]
The default configuration for SFTP, SCP, FTPS, and HTTPS connections was updated to exclude the 3DES cipher in order to prevent SWEET32 attacks. To not break backward compatibility for existing installations, this change affects only new installations. Existing installations will need to be manually updated to exclude the 3DES-based ciphers. [#4727]
Version 3.30.0, 2018-01-23¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to dynamically dispatch files to different destinations based on the name of the file which was dispatched. [#4555]
The HTTP authentication method can now send requests which are authenticated using the HTTP Basic authentication (BA) method. [#4589-1]
The HTTP event handler can now send requests which are authenticated using the HTTP Basic authentication (BA) method. [#4589]
The file-dispatcher event handler now has the capability to delete files. [client-side] [#4624]
You can now configure an account to amend the requested file for an upload by prefixing it with a universally unique identifier (UUID4). This option is available for the SFTP and SCP protocols. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#4643]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The ${SHAREPOINT_CA} and ${SHAREPOINT_CRL} placeholders were replaced by the more inclusive ${MICROSOFT_IT_CA} and ${MICROSOFT_IT_CRL}. The ${SHAREPOINT_CA} and ${SHAREPOINT_CRL} placeholders will continue to be available as an alias for Microsoft IT CA. [#4625]
Version 3.29.0, 2018-01-09¶
New Features¶
An event with ID 30079 is now emitted when an SFTP location sends a banner message during authentication. [#4293]
The HTTP file transfer service now supports the HEAD method for folders which return OK when the folder exists. [#4493]
The HTTP event handler now sends the local timestamp for the generated event. Previously, the event was sent without a timestamp and the event timestamp was supposed to be created by the PHP WebAdmin. To take advantage of this change, you will need PHP WebAdmin version 1.9.0 or newer. [#4577]
Defect Fixes¶
An error is no longer produced when the source location for a SFTP transfer is a Bitvise SSH server. [#4297]
An internal server error is no longer produced by the HTTP file transfer service when a file or a folder is accessed with an unsupported method. [server-side][http] [#4493]
The HTTP event handler now sends the IP and PORT of the remote peer associated with the event. Previously, this detail was omitted and PHP WebAdmin was using the address of the SFTPPlus server instead of the client connected to the server. [#4577]
The limit of pending files to be transferred for a single transfer was raised from 5 000 files to 100 000 files. [client-side] [#4586]
Version 3.28.0, 2017-11-29¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to set permissions for file management operations for accounts authenticated with the FTP/FTPS service. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#3399]
You can now implement custom event handlers using our Python-based API. [#4192]
SFTPPlus is now distributed with the CA chains for SharePoint Online and Let's Encrypt. [#4365]
The FTPS client-side connections now show the SSL/TLS method used together with the cipher protecting the communication. [client-side][ftps] [#4370]
FTPS server-side events emitted when the command connection is closed now contains the cipher used to secure the connection. [ftps][server-side] [#4458]
It is now possible to define the permissions of file management operations set by accounts that are authenticated with the SCP and SFTP services. [scp][sftp][server-side] [#4461]
It is now possible to define the permissions of file management operations set by accounts that are authenticated with the HTTP/HTTPS services. [http][https][server-side] [#4462]
A rename-prepend-unixtime method was added to the file dispatcher event handler. It will allow the event handler to conduct an instant, atomic rename of the source file. [#4466]
You can now use additional SSL/TLS configuration options to protect HTTPS URL set for the HTTP authentication method. [server-side] [#4482]
HTTPS client connections now support the Server Name Indication (SNI) TLS extension. [#4490]
You can now use HTTPS url for the HTTP Post event handler. [#4512]
Defect Fixes¶
The WebDAV location can now be configured with SSL/TLS details in order to set up the parameter for the SSL/TLS connection. [security][client-side][webdavs][https] [#3912]
The events emitted by the file dispatcher event handler will now contain the full path to the destination file. In previous versions, the events contained the destination paths. [#4501]
An internal server error is no longer raised when the SMTP client connects to the server and the server drops the connection. [#4509]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The event with ID 40002 is now associated with a server-side error when obtaining the attributes of a path. In previous versions, it was only used when the path was not found. [server-side][http][https] [#4462]
Support was removed for the s390x IBM Systems z mainframe and the Hercules mainframe emulator, for both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and generic Linux. If you are still using this platform, please get in touch with us. [#4503-1]
Support was removed for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on POWER8 (little endian). Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is still supported on Intel X86_64. If you are still using this platform, please get in touch with us. [#4503-2]
Support was removed for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 on POWER8 (big endian). Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 is still supported on Intel X86_64. If you are still using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 on POWER8, please get in touch with us. [#4503-3]
Support was removed for Solaris 10 11/06 U3 on SPARC and X64. Latest Solaris 10 on both SPARC and X64 are still supported. If you are still using these platforms, please get in touch with us. [#4503]
Version 3.27.0, 2017-11-06¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to define the expiration date and time when configuring an account of type application or OS. [server-side] [#1152]
An audit event is now emitted when the HTTP connection is made and when it is closed. [client-side][http][https] [#3925]
Defect Fixes¶
When the user is authenticated based on the SSL certificate, the FTPS server now responds with code 230 instead of 232. [ftps][server-side] [#3563]
FTPS client connections will now verify the identity of the remote FTPS server when configured to check against a certificate authority. [ftps][client-side][security] [#3566]
When a WebDAV location fails to re-authenticate, it will enter the fail state and no other operations are performed. [client-side][http][https] [#4339-1]
When a WebDAV client session has its session credentials rejected and multiple WebDAV client requests are made at the same time, only a single re-authentication request is made. [client-side][http][https] [#4339]
Use a PID file in $INSTALL_ROOT in the init/unit files too, as used by the bin/ script by default. This avoids mismatches when the daemon is started with this script and the status is checked with an init script. [#4388]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Support for AIX 5.3 was removed. AIX 7.1 is still supported. If you are still using this platform, please get in touch with us. [#4361-1]
Support for Raspbian Linux was removed. If you would like to use SFTPPlus on this platform, please get in touch with us. [#4361]
Support for SUSE Enterprise Linux 10 was removed. If you are still using this platform, please get in touch with us. [#4397]
Version 3.26.0, 2017-10-03¶
New Features¶
It is now possible for the LDAP authentication to accept a direct username. In this way, you can leverage the Active Directory implementation and authentication using the User Principal Name (UPN). [server-side] [#4352]
Defect Fixes¶
An internal server error is no longer emitted for long uploads taking more than 15 minutes to complete over HTTP/HTTPS. [server-side][http][https] [#2533]
Stopping the SFTPPlus during a transfer which is pending a reconnection, the stop procedure is no longer delayed until all reconnection retries are exhausted. [client-side] [#2656]
The WebDAV location will detect changes into folders, when the letter cases in the configured path does not match the cases on the server. [client-side][http][https] [#3945-1]
The WebDAV location can now get members and attributes for paths containing the + (plus) character, as well as detecting changes into folders with such names. [client-side][http][https] [#3945]
When the destination of a transfer is changed, the Web Manager will not mark the transfer as requiring a restart. Unless the transfer is restarted, the files are transferred using the destination defined at start time. [client-side] [#4245]
The event with ID 10079 was updated to show the reason of the failure. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#4326]
The references to recursive transfers were removed, as recursive transfers are not yet supported. Recursive transfers were never supported, and we have accidentally referenced them in the documentation and the administration UI. [client-side] [#4367]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Support for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003 was removed. If you are still using these operating systems, please get in touch with us. [#3415]
Events with IDs 30009, 30010 and 30066 were replaced by the generic event with ID 30008. [server-side][sftp] [#4326]
Version 3.25.1, 2017-09-14¶
Defect Fixes¶
When using the client-shell with a FTP/FTPS location, the path attributes will show the modified time assuming that the server is in the same timezone as the client. [ftp][ftps][client-side] [#3038]
When using OS and application accounts containing @ in their names, the home folder is no longer automatically translating the @ character to the dot (.) character. [server-side] [#4257]
Version 3.25.0, 2017-09-07¶
New Features¶
Ubuntu Server 16.04 on ARM64 (ARMv8-A/AArch64) is now a supported platform. [#4321]
Defect Fixes¶
When downloading files over WebDAV, the file content is now correctly transferred. In the previous version, small files (below 10kB) might have be transferred without content and larger files (over 10kB) may have the last few bytes missing. [client-side][http][webdav] [#4329]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Support for Ubuntu Server 14.04 on ARM64 (ARMv8-A/AArch64) was removed. Please contact us if you still need to deploy on this Ubuntu version. [#4321]
Version 3.24.1, 2017-08-29¶
Defect Fixes¶
When a failure occurs rotating a Local File Handler event handler, the error is now logged properly and the event handler will stop after a specified number of failures. [#4176]
Timeouts for HTTP and WebDAV requests were increased from 15 to 30 seconds for downloads requests and from 20 to 120 second for file upload requests. [#4306]
An internal server error is no longer generated when uploading large files to a WebDAV server. [client-side][http][https] [#4306]
Version 3.24.0, 2017-08-09¶
New Features¶
The Past Activity page, accessible from Web Manager, now has an option to download all events in CSV format.
The WebDAV location now supports the get_attributes client shell command. [http][https][webdav][client-side]
The Solaris 10 and 11 packages for SPARC are now only available in 32bit in order to keep Python's memory usage low.
SUSE Enterprise Linux 11 with Security Module is now a supported platform, providing stronger cryptography than base SLES 11, with support for TLS 1.2 and SHA2.
The OpenSSL version distributed in our Windows version was updated to OpenSSL 1.1.0f. [ftps][https]
Transient errors generated while watching a location will now emit an event. [client-side]
Defect Fixes¶
You can now run file uploads taking longer than 20 seconds. A timeout is no longer raised after 20 seconds when performing a long upload over HTTP, as long as chunks are transferred with a delay smaller than 20 seconds. [http][https][client-side] [#4227]
A defect was fixed which previously allowed bad configurations for the structured_fields Local File Event Handler configuration option. [#4207]
An internal error is not triggered when a local file event handler with time-based rotation has a bad configuration. [#4208]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The following events where renamed as part of event ID reorganization. Event with ID 32001 was renamed to 30004, 70001 to 30071, 70002 to 30072, 70003 to 30073, 70005 to 30075, 70006 to 30076, 70007 to 30077, 70008 to 30078, 80002 to 10102, 80003 to 10103, 80004 to 10104, 80005 to 10105, 80006 to 10106.
Standard support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 was removed. RHEL 5 has reached the end of production phase. Please contact us if you need extended life-cycle support.
The Windows renamed installation file is no longer provided as part of the standard download files. Please contact us if you are not able to download the standard Windows installation kit.
Version 3.23.0, 2017-07-04¶
New Features¶
The Local File Event Handler now includes a header when log entries are stored using the CSV format.
Defect Fixes¶
FTP client-side transfer now works with FTP servers which don't support the FEAT command. [ftp][ftps][client-side] [#4180]
For WebDAV client-side operation, the authentication token is automatically refreshed once it is no longer valid. [http][https][client-side] [#4194]
Version 3.22.0, 2017-06-15¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to configure the Local File Event Handler to rotate files on a certain time every day using the option rotate_on.
It is now possible to configure the certificate chain advertised by the SFTPPlus services which act as SSL/TLS servers. [ftps][https]
It is now possible to define an event handler which will remove the last line from a copy of the file attached the the event.
It is now possible to define the filter for an event handler based on the structured data associated to the event.
Defect Fixes¶
The time-based log rotation now occurs exact at the configured time, not only when a new event is emitted. [#3604]
HTTP/HTTPS client-side connections which take more than 15 seconds to be initialized, more than 20 seconds to send the headers once connection is established, more than 15 seconds to send a fragment of the body content, are now considered stalled and are closed with a timeout error. [client-side][webdav] [#4117]
Version 3.21.0 (2017-05-30)¶
This release fixes a security issue initially introduced in SFTPPlus version 3.17.0.
Users that are on SFTPPlus version 3.17.0, 3.18.0, 3.19.0 and 3.20.0, using FTP with OS accounts, should upgrade to version 3.21.0 or newer.
New Features¶
New configuration option structured_fields is now available for local file event handler, making it possible to store events in a CSV file.
FreeBSD 10 on X86_64 was introduced as a new supported platform.
Defect Fixes¶
When executing the FTP LIST command for an OS account, it will no longer put on hold the whole SFTPPlus process running under that OS account while the LIST command is executed. This affects environments in which both OS and application accounts are used. This issue was introduced in 3.17.0. This issue does not affect SFTP operation, FTP operations when using only application accounts, nor FTP operations when using only OS accounts. [security][os-accounts][ftp][ftps][server-side] [#3692]
A transfer with a WebDAV source location will no longer fail at runtime if the WebDAV server is temporary unavailable. [#4062]
When failing to close the source or destination file for a transfer, the failure is no longer ignored and the transfer failure is observed. [client- side] [#4094]
The audit message, emitted after an account is successfully authenticated, now includes the correct information about the local path used by that account and whether it is locked. [server-side] [#4103]
When using the FTP LIST command with an explicit path, the member's name in the resulting listing will no longer include the parent path. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#3692]
A transfer with a WebDAV source location will no longer fail at runtime if the proxy server is temporary unavailable. [#4062]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The event with ID 30063 was removed and replaced by the event with ID 30011. [scp][server-side] [#4103]
Version 3.20.1, 2017-04-12¶
Defect Fixes¶
SFTP connection will not hang on QUIT command. [#3994]
Version 3.20.0, 2017-04-08¶
New Features¶
The HTTP authentication method can now use an HTTP 1.1 proxy via the CONNECT command to connect to the final destination.
Solaris 10 11/06 U3 on SPARC and X64 are now supported platforms. A new distributable / installation kit is available for Solaris 10 U3. It can be used for any Solaris 10 releases up to U7.
It is now possible to configure the SSH service using only the rsa_private_key or the dsa_private_key configuration options.
The SysV init script for Unix and Linux now shows the PID of the SFTPPlus process when invoked with the status parameter.
SharePoint Online from Office365 Online suite is now available as a location using the WebDAV over HTTPS protocol.
The file dispatcher event handler can now be used together with the events emitted by the client-side transfer for a successful or a failed event.
The file dispatcher event handler can now be configured to use a specific event attribute as the path of the file which will be dispatched.
The LDAP authentication method can now filter the accepted LDAP entries based on an LDAP search filter. In this way you can restrict the access to the file transfer services.
It is now possible to authenticate LDAP entries which are located inside the LDAP tree in multiple branches. For example, you can authenticate users from multiple organizations where each organization has its own subtree.
It is now possible to configure a group in such a way so that all users which are configured to inherit their home folder path from the group can share the same path. In previous versions this configuration was not possible as the system was designed to prevent accidental configuration of multiple users with the same home folder.
Defect Fixes¶
An internal server error is no longer generated when the admin-commands CLI tool fails to execute the requested task. [#2338]
The SSL/TLS shutdown operation was updated to abort the connection when the remote peer is no longer actively undergoing the shutdown. The connection is aborted if the shutdown sequence needs more than 2 seconds to complete. [ftps][https] [#3388]
When the SCP server-side service successfully received an uploaded file, it will exit with exit code 0. [#3507]
When execute on success or execute on failure are used for a transfer with a destination of type local filesystem, the path which is passed as the first argument is now a full path to a local file. [#3781]
The output produced by using the command line tools can now handle non ASCII characters with terminal supporting UTF-8 encoding. [#3833]
The Local File event handler will now detect failures occurred during operation and will stop the handler. [#3848]
An internal server error is no longer produced when a SFTP client will try to authenticate using a non ASCII password which contains an invalid UTF-8 encoding. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#3864]
For FTPS server-side connection the data channel is now closed even if an internal error was encountered on the server-side. [FTPS][server-side] [#3904]
HTTPS connections will no longer produce an internal server error at closing. [#3904-1]
Entities with configuration referring to its own UUID can now be deleted. [#3924]
HTTP authentication method and HTTP event log handler will now accept HTTPS URLs. The server is not yet validated. [#3929]
The Web Manager UI will not show the available locations inside the Locations page, even when no resources are defined. [#3981]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The configuration options rsa_public_key and dsa_public_key are now deprecated and kept for compatibility purposes. The public key is now read from the file configured by the correspondent _private_key option. [#3800]
The event with ID 60017 was updated to signal that the path argument contains multiple paths. The event with ID 60016 was updated to have separate attributes for the failed and success files. For both of the above elements the path attribute was removed. [#3959]
Version 3.19.0, 2017-02-21¶
New Features¶
The Web Manager now shows the key fingerprint using SHA1 and SHA256, together with the MD5 format, when generating or importing a key.
MacOS Sierra 10.12 with OpenSSL 1.0.2 provided by the Homebrew community is now a supported platform.
Defect Fixes¶
It is now possible to stop a component while it is being started or when it is connecting. Previously, a component that was starting or already connected was not considered as being active, and there was only the option to start and not stop the component. [#3439]
When a resource is disconnected it will now be in the Disconnected state instead of the previous Stalled state. When the source or destination for a transfer are not available the state will be Source has failed or Destination has failed instead of the previous Stalled state. [client-side] [#3439-1]
A transfer no longer fails to stop when it is started with an unknown source UUID. [client-side] [#3496]
An internal server error is no longer produced when a transfer fails to start. [client-side] [#3496-2]
A transfer with scheduled resume/stop action will no longer have the actions active after the transfer was stopped. [client-side] [#3496-3]
Fix the issue when event data is not displayed in the "Attached data" section on event details page. The page is available from "Past activity" page ("Web Manager") by clicking on any event link. [#3641]
An internal server error is no longer produced when the SSH server is sending a global request. [sftp][client-side] [#3735]
Installing on Linux with partitions mounted with noexec or with SELinux restriction will no longer trigger a MemoryError. [#3777]
The Legacy WebAdmin authentication method now has a visual hint that it requires restart after changing the URL configuration. [#3786]
Format strings such as the entry_content configuration for event handlers are now better protected, preventing misuse when configuring them. [#3788]
A location and any resource component can't any longer be accidentally triggered to started multiple times in parallel. In previous versions this was triggered by clicking multiple times, in a short period of time, on the Start button of a location or a resource. [client-side] [#3795]
The restart required label is no longer displayed for components which are in the process of being started, but only for those which are already started and operational. [#3795-1]
The configuration file for the SFTP service which is created by default as part of the installation process was fixed to point to the right DSS/DSA private key. It was wrongly pointing to the RSA key. The configuration file should be dsa_private_key = configuration/ssh_host_dsa_key instead of the wrong dsa_private_key = configuration/ssh_host_rsa_key. [sftp][server-side] [#3799]
A location or a resource will not attempt to reconnect on failure after it is stopped. [client-side] [#3826]
An internal error is no longer raised when calling the admin-commands command line tool with unknown parameters. [#3837]
Globbing/wildcard operation are now available for the FTP NLST command. This regression was introduced in 3.17.0. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#3842]
The stop operation for a SFTP location will no longer hang when stopping from the stalled or disconnected state. [client-side][sftp] [#3846]
Monitoring a SFTP location for changes will no longer hang for a SFTP transfer when the folder listing operation is done in the same time as the remote server is closing the connection. [sftp][client-side] [#3847]
A warning is displayed when cookies are not allowed for the HTTP service, informing the user that some features might not be available. [http] [#3852]
An internal server error is no longer produced when the command channel is closed while the data connection is waiting to connect. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#3853]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The event with ID 10099 was removed and replaced with the event ID 10048. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#3842]
Version 3.18.0, 2016-12-14¶
New Features¶
It is now possible for event handlers to filter an event based on the UUID of the component which has generated the event.
It is now possible to configure email-sender event handler to send an email with the associated file as an attachment.
It is now possible to configure a template for generating the body of the email sent by the email-sender event handler.
A group can now be configured to create a set of directories and subdirectories after an account is successfully authenticated.
The audit message for loading a CRL was updated to include the date and time at which the CRL will be reloaded together with information about the date and time advertised by the CRL for the next publish and next update.
The HTTP and Legacy WebAdmin authentication method were updated to support the new home_folder_structure configuration option.
It is now possible to listen on Linux and Unix on ports below 1024 using a non-root user as long as the user or the SFTPPlus application was configured with the required capabilities / permissions. [server-side]
Defect Fixes¶
When a file is created and then moved immediately a single event is now emitted informing of the creation at the moved path. [#2311]
When a file in a monitored location is modified and then moved/renamed now both the rename and modify events are observed. [#2311-1]
Email event handler now ignores events emitted by the email client it's using to prevent vicious circle of loops. [#3620]
On Linux and Unix systems, when the SFTP server-side creates new files, their permissions are filtered against the configured umask. This was a regression introduced in version 2.8.0, in which the umask value was not used for the newly created files. [sftp][security][linux][unix] [#3698]
When the FTP server-side implementation fails to execute the requested NLST command an error is now created in the audit trail. [ftp][server-side] [#3717]
Monitoring/watching a location is no longer stopped when a file is quickly moved then removed, moved then create another file with the same name or moved and then modify the moved file. [#3719]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The Port configuration option is no longer validated when saving, only when the value is used. Consequently the event with id 20011 is no longer used. [#3210]
Default value for email_subject configuration option has changed. For now its default value equals to [{id}] [{}] New event from SFTPPlus. [#3675]
Event with ID 20028 is no longer used as the group configuration is no longer validated when it is defined, but only when it is used. [#3706]
Events with ID 20054 and 20064 were removed and replaced with the event 20031. The Event with ID 20031 was converted into a generic event emitted when the home folder or the home folder structure could not be created. [#3711]
Version 3.17.0, 2016-11-15¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to configure event handlers to ignore certain event IDs.
The audit messages for initiating the FTP authentication and closing the data channel now contain the negotiated SSL/TLS protocol version and cipher name used to protect the connections. [ftps][server-side]
It is now possible to configure the LDAP attribute used to associate the username when creating the full DN used for the BIND (authentication) operation. In previous version the BIND DN was always constructed using the cn attribute.
Defect Fixes¶
When a FTP command fails to be processed due to an internal server error, the error message will now display the root cause of the error. [ftp][ftps][server-side] [#3630]
The FTP server-side protocol no longer blocks the whole SFTPPlus process when listing the content of a directory with many members. [ftp][server-side] [#3690]
The server-side FTP command channel is now successfully closed after the FTP client is requesting the QUIT command. In the previous version (3.16.0) we have introduced a regression causing the command channel to close in a incorrect way and it was closed only after the timeout period. [#3691]
Version 3.16.0, 2016-10-26¶
New Features¶
For the FTP/FTPS services you can now use the MDTM, MFMT and SITE UTIME commands to set the modify time of a file. [ftp][server-side]
It is now possible to configure email_subject configuration option using variable interpolation.
The FTP/FTPS service now support the REST command for the REST, STOR and APPE commands. [ftp][server-side]
Defect Fixes¶
The javascript error "old_text is null" doesn't appear anymore on Local Manager when a user reviews a change with the empty old value. [#3625]
Monitoring/watching a location is no longer stopped when a file is quickly moved to overwrite an existing file. [#3653]
The processes executed by a transfer before and after a file is transferred are now executed as the SFTPPlus service account. In previous versions they were executed as the root account leading to possible security issues. [client-side][security] [#3668]
An internal error is no longer generated for STOR and APPE FTP commands when failing to open the requested file due to a generic error. [ftp][server-side] [#91]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Variable notation %(event_id)s for email_subject configuration option (event handler of type email-sender) has been deprecated. It is preserved for backward compatibility. Use context variables instead for customization of the subject. See documentation for email_subject for more details. [#3647]
Version 3.15.0, 2016-10-24¶
New Features¶
On Web Manager you can now access the configuration page of a component directly from the "Require restart" section of the "Review changes" page.
The FTP/FTPS service can now be configured to not show the product name and version as part of the FTP banner / welcome message.
Defect Fixes¶
The FTP command channel timeout is no longer ignored after a RETR command. [ftp][server-side]. [#2078]
WinSCP FTPS client functionality no longer times out when connecting to the FTPS (implicit or explicit) server side implementation of SFTPPlus. [#3243]
Version 3.14.0, 2016-10-19¶
New Features¶
The CRL can now be reloaded based on the CRL Next Publish extension, when the CRL has this extension defined.
Defect Fixes¶
Fix the typo in the message of the event with ID 20178, where CRL was referred as CRP. [#3623]
Version 3.13.1, 2016-10-31¶
Defect Fixes¶
The processes executed by a transfer before and after a file is transferred are now executed as the SFTPPlus service account. In previous versions they were executed as the root account leading to possible security issues. [client-side][security] [#3668]
Version 3.13.0, 2016-09-13¶
New Features¶
Add support for authenticating SFTPPlus application accounts based on a remote LDAP server.
Explicit FTPS is now a supported protocol for the location used in client side transfers.
When a service using SSL/TLS is configured to not enforce client from a certain certificate authority, certificates received from the clients are completely ignored.
It is now possible to configure a custom format string for the Log File event handler using the option entry_content.
It is now possible to configure a local file event handler to rotate the file each month on a specific day.
Implicit FTPS is now a supported protocol for the location used in client side transfers.
After applying the configuration changes using the Web Manager, the components requiring restart after the changes are now also listed on the "Review changes" page and you can restart them from this same page.
An audit entry is created when a CRL is loaded, informing the date and time of the next update for this CRL.
The digital signature validation event handler can now check if the configured certificate is not part of a CRL.
Defect Fixes¶
Database event handler and account activity report now check database and table permissions for INSERT/UPDATE and DELETE on start. If permissions are not properly configured they will fail to start and report the cause. [#3219]
The user account is now correctly registered in the Account Activity Report. [#3585]
On Solaris 10 is it now possible to authenticate FTPS clients using an SSL/X.509 certificate generated by latest CAs and using UTF8STRING. In previous releases, Solaris 10 was expecting that UTF-8 values are stored in BMPSTRING fields. [#3610]
The digital signature validation event handlers can now work with X.509 certificates version 1 which have an implicit version field. Newly generated certificates are at least at version 3 and have an explicit version field, so this defect had a very low impact. [#3614]
Version 3.12.0, 2016-08-01¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to load the certificate revocation list based on the CRL distribution points extension advertised by the peer's certificate.
It is now possible to use the fips configuration value in the ssh_cipher_list configuration option to allow using only FIPS 140-2 compliant ciphers and algorithms for the SSH-based services.
Event handlers of type local-file are now emitting an event after each rotation.
The local file event handler now supports in place rotation. This will reset the file content without keeping any rotated copy.
Accounts authenticated using the HTTP authentication method can now be configured to be associated with any group defined in SFTPPlus. In previous implementation they were always associated with the default group.
You can now authenticate legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin accounts as operating system accounts using the "User Alias" configuration option defined by the WebAdmin.
Defect Fixes¶
An internal server error is no longer emitted when a response from the Local Manager is produced after the Web Manager page was closed or refreshed. [#1890]
Certificates signed by unknown certificate authorities are now rejected right away, without being first checked for revocation. [#2466]
Transfers will no longer fail shortly after being started or resumed when the source locations fails. The transfers enter the suspended stated and will automatically resume once the source is available. [client-side] [#3441]
When a transfer is active after being stalled due to a failure occurred at the source location, it will re-check that source path exists. In previous version, the source path was only checked when the transfer was started or resumed. [client-side] [#3441]
An internal server error is no longer produced on Linux and Unix when the product is started with a configured service account which doesn't exist. [#3473]
An internal server error is no longer generated for a transfer when failing to close the source file after failing to open the destination file. [client-side] [#3512]
Rotating files base on size will now keep all rotated files when rotate_count is set to 0. [#3531]
The HTTP/HTTPS service will now request the web browser to download files with unknown mime types (extensions) rather than trying to display them as HTML files. [server-side][http] [#3533]
Home folder path configuration can no longer be defined with empty values. This prevents accidental configuration in which the account is given access to the application's installation folder. [security] [#3537]
Home folder path configuration is now enforced to absolute paths. This prevents accidental configuration in which the account is given access to the application's installation folder. [security] [#3537]
An internal server error is no longer generated when an invalid path is configured as a home folder for users when running on Windows operating systems. [#3529]
An internal server error is no longer generated when home folder creation fails due to an invalid home folder path configured. [#3529]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Event with id 20053 was removed and replaced with event 20031. [#3529]
Version 3.11.2, 2016-11-16¶
Defect Fixes¶
Monitoring/watching a location is no longer stopped when a file is quickly moved to overwrite an existing file. [#3653]
On Linux and Unix systems, when the SFTP server-side is creates new files, their permissions are filtered against the configured umask. This was a regression introduced in version 2.8.0, in which the umask value was not used for the newly created files. [sftp][security][linux][unix] [#3698]
Version 3.11.1, 2016-10-26¶
Defect Fixes¶
The processes executed by a transfer before and after a file is transferred are now executed as the SFTPPlus service account. In previous versions they were executed as the root account leading to possible security issues. [client-side][security] [#3668]
Version 3.11.0, 2016-06-09¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to configure a list of ciphers used by the SSH-based services. You can now configure the accepted symmetric encryption, key exchange and MAC algorithms. [sftp][scp]
The certificate revocation lists can now be refreshed based on the value advertised in the Next Update field.
It is now possible to load CRLs from local filesystem in both PEM and DER format. Previously only the PEM format was supported.
When the destination location of a transfer is not available, the file changes detected on source are observed but not processed. [client-side]
Now it is possible to use the all option when configuring ssh_cipher_list.
Add support for certificate revocation lists (CRL) when configured with Certificate Authority (CA) certificates.
Support was added for SUSE Enterprise Linux 10 SP3 on X86_64.
Certificate revocation list can now be loaded over HTTP.
It is now possible to configure a service with a list of certificate revocation lists (CRL).
Defect Fixes¶
Database event handlers will now resume once the associated database becomes available again. [event-handlers] [#3258]
Services using TLS/SSL will now fail to start when configured with a CRL which has a Next Update field earlier than current time. [ssl][tls] [#3266]
The configured certificate revocation list is now validated against the configured certificate authority. A failure is raised when the CA doesn't match the CRL. [security] [#3270]
The state of a transfer is now correctly reported as stopped, when the transfer was stopped while in the stalled state. [client-side] [#3431]
Properly and conservatively escape paths in the and Unix shell scripts to allow for paths with spaces. Portably check for errors in and [#3442]
Values for the type configuration options are now case-insensitive. [#3449]
Web Manager web GUI was updated to instruct web browser to update HTML pages cached from previous versions. [#3486]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The default value for ssl_certificate_revocation_list_refresh is now 0 to allow refreshing of CRLs based on the advertised Next Update field. [#3266]
Version 3.10.1, 2016-05-11¶
Defect Fixes¶
Account activity monitor table uses indexed columns for improved performance. [event-handlers] [#3281]
An internal server error, which was observed when stopping a location or a transfer, was fixed [client-side] [#3440]
Files that are open for writing and kept open by other processes are skipped when transferring until they are closed by all other processes. [#3452]
Version 3.10.0, 2016-05-10¶
New Features¶
It is now possible to configure the default data type used by the FTP service, in transfers for which the client is not explicitly requesting a transfer type. [ftp][ftps][server-side]
Defect Fixes¶
The script was updated to work in environment which don't export the PATH variable. Such environments are rare but can be encountered for example when using cron. [#1403]
Version 3.9.0, 2016-04-29¶
New Features¶
Event with ID 20181 is now emitted when all server components have started.
Add configuration option to filter an event based on account names. [event-handlers]
It is now possible to configure the FTP and FTPS services to pretend that ASCII data type is supported, while the actual data is transferred in IMAGE mode. [ftp][ftps]
Allow configuring rules for re-trying failed connection to a location. This can produce a fault-tolerant location. [client-side]
Defect Fixes¶
Log entries stored in databases are indexed for improved performance. [event-handlers] [#3280]
Now adding a Syslog Event Handler using the target configuration option will save the values. [#3402]
Transfers for which the source location has failed are now entering the Stalled state and will be automatically resumed once the location is available. [#3425]
Locations and transfers are now successfully auto-stopped when their configuration is removed. [#3429]
It is no longer possible to delete a location if it is configured as source or destination for a transfer. [#3429]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Event with ID 20108 is now use to signal any configuration delete request which was blocked as the configuration is already used by another component. ID 20108 was previously used only for database configurations. [#3429]
Events with IDs 20088, 20175, 20176, and 20178 were converted into 20108. [#3429]
Version 3.8.0, 2016-04-21¶
New Features¶
Event with ID 10042 is now emitted for all FTP command channels which are not closed in a clean way. [ftp][ftps]
A sample systemd unit file was added, together with documentation for setting up SFTPPlus as a systemd service.
Change the human readable text message for the FTP 226 response from "Transfer Complete." to "Transfer complete." to work around some FTP clients which are also validating the human readable text. [ftp][ftps]
Add support for Syslog over TCP as documented in RFC 6587. [syslog]
Add support for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on X86_64
Add support for running SFTPPlus on hardened Linux system in which the OpenSSL library is compiled only with TLS support and in which SSL (v2 and v3) are not available.
Defect Fixes¶
The digital signature event handler will now reject reading and validating files with lines longer than 16,000 character. This was done to prevent handling accidental binary files. [event-handlers] [#3201]
The digital signature file handler was updated to support a simple format in which the whole file content is validated and in which the signature is appended to the end of the file using a comma delimiter. [#3365]
Improve error handling when loading incomplete SSH keys. [#2545] [#3408]
SSH key import now fails when a password is specified for an unencrypted private key. [#2547] [#3408]
Transfers that process multiple files in distinct batches are working now. [client-side] [#3409]
Syslog messages are now formatted according to RFC 3164 also known as syslog-bsd. [#3410]
Fix new line delimiter conversion for server-side FTP downloads in ASCII mode. [ftp][ftps] [#3413]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The address, port and path configuration options of the SysLog event handler are now deprecated and replaced by the url configuration. They continue to work in the current major release, but will be removed in the next major release. [syslog] [#3395]
Version 3.7.0, 2016-03-28¶
New Features¶
The OpenSSL version distributed in our Windows version was updated to OpenSSL 1.0.2g. [ftps][https]
Update the generic error handling to include more messages when running as normal server. Previously, these log messages were available only in the debugging mode.
SFTP and SCP server-side file close operations now emit dedicated event ids. In this way you can filter file upload or download operations based on a specific event ID. The previous event with ID 30017 is now used only when the file was not opened in read-only or write-only mode. [SFTP][SCP]
Allow simple negation of the regular expression used in source filter. In this way you don't need to use look-around zero-length assertion regex rules to exclude a certain pattern.
The SSH protocol was updated to support hmac-sha2-256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, and diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256. [sftp][scp]
Defect Fixes¶
The SCP server-side implementation now sends a response for successful SCP initialization, before starting to process the SCP transfer requests. This fixes a bug in which the Cisco SCP client (SSH-1.99-Cisco-1.25 implementation) hangs when SCP is initialized. For example when running copy start scp:// [scp] [#3356]
Allow using the file dispatcher with any event from the file-operation group. Previously only the FTP upload events were supported. [#3366]
Documentation for matching expressions was fixed to include examples with valid regular expressions. [monitor][transfers] [#3373]
An internal server error was fixed caused by invalid regular expressions defined for the source_filter configuration option of a transfer. [client-side] [#3374]
Fix parsing the SCP arguments for client sending command line arguments with leading spaces. This affect the integration with the SCP client available on Cisco ASA and ASAv systems. [scp] [#3376]
Deprecations and Removals¶
The path data attribute for events with ID 10074 was change from from to to so that the path and real_path attributes point to an existing path. [ftp][ftps] [#3366]
Version 3.6.0, 2016-03-17¶
New Features¶
Service monitor now emits dedicated events for files and folders which already exists when service is started.
The OpenSSL version used by SFTPPlus is advertised as part of the events generated when starting the SFTPPlus process, as well as in the Web Manager status page.
Now you can configure the source port used by the FTP and FTPS services to initiate active data connections. [ftp][ftps]
Allow generating certificate signing requests using exceptionally reserved country codes like UK, UN, EU and others.
When HTTPS connection fails due to SSL/TLS errors a dedicated event is emitted.
The matching rules for file dispatching are now applied to the full path, not only to the file name.
Defect Fixes¶
Fix an internal server error produced when removing the account configuration for an account which has still active connections. [#3060]
When a transfer requires multiple files to be transferred, they are now queued so that the files are transferred sequentially, one at a time. [#3131]
When a location fails to start, it is no longer auto-started by a transfer. Now it needs to be manually started after the failure was investigated. All components/transfer trying to use a location which failed, will also have their operation failed. [#3176]
Locations are now auto-started in the correct state, emitting an event and not leaving them in a 'restart-required' state. [#3176]
When no type specified for new account it will be created as an application account. [#3213]
The file transfer services secured by TLS/SSL and using a CRL will automatically stop/fail if the CRL can not be updated at runtime. In previous versions a warning was raised but the file transfer service continued to operate with a version of CRL which was previously loaded, resulting in an insecure operation. [security] [#3216]
The files already present on the source location for a transfer are now filtered based on the transfer configuration and processed only after they are stable. [#3223]
In the Web Manager the Enabled label for the configuration options was renamed to Enable at startup to provide a better description of its effect. [#3256]
The file dispatcher event handler now no longer enters an infinite loop by handling its own events. [#3261]
The dedicated event with ID 20077 is emitted when failing to start a file transfer service due to errors in SSL/TLS setup. In previous versions only the event with ID 20032 was emitted to signal the SSL/TLS setup error, without emitting event 20077 to signal that the service failed to start. [ftps][https] [#3271]
No internal server error is now produced when failing to remove the remote file after the file was successfully transferred on the local machine. [client] [#3283]
Loading a non-existent page in the Web Manager now produces a single event with ID 40001. [local-manager] [#3285]
Starting the Web Manager or the documentation pages from the Windows Start menu or using the command line using the admin-commands manager command, now successfully opens the default browser. [local-manager] [#3295]
Locations and resources now completely ignore the enable configuration option as they are auto-started when a component needs them. They are no longer automatically started at process launch if another component doesn't need them. [#3305]
Deprecations and Removals¶
Event with ID 20037 and 20141 were replaced by the event with ID 20036. Event with ID 20039 was replaced by the event with ID 20040. [#3216]
Events with ID 20033, 20035, 20092, 20093, 20094, 20095, 20096 and 20140 were replaced with the generic event dedicated to start failures 20077. [#3216]
Event with ID 20040 was converted into a generic event emitted for any client certificate validation error. [#3216]
Databases no longer have the enable configuration option as they are auto-started on demand. In the Web Manager, the status for the databases and the locations was merged into the resources status. [#3256]
Events with ID 20044 and 20098 were replaced by the generic ID 20010. [#3305]
Version 3.5.1, 2016-02-05¶
Defect Fixes¶
Event with ID 20024 is now emitted for internal errors caused by unhandled runtime errors. [#3242]
Include the sample Library_LaunchDaemons_sftpplus.plist file in the distributable archive. Documentation was updated to document the filesystem permissions required for the service account. [osx] [#3238]
Fix SCP protocol interoperability with the OpenSSH scp command. [scp] [#3240]
Version 3.5.0, 2016-01-25¶
New Features¶
Add an event handler which can validate the trailing, comma separated, digital signature.
Add an event handler which can dispatch a file in one or multiple destination directories based on a set of matching rules.
The monitor service can now emit events for files which were not modified in a configured number of seconds.
Upgraded bundled OpenSSL to version 1.0.2d for Windows distributions. [windows][https][ftps]
Defect Fixes¶
Authentications that are being used by other components are no longer removed. A dedicated failure event will be emitted. [#3211]
Version 3.4.0, 2015-12-22¶
New Features¶
When a component needs a restart, in the Status page of the Web Manager now is displayed the list of configuration options which determine the required restart.
Add a new event handler which can send a copy of the events as email.
Add configuration for defining an email client component which can be used to send email via a remote SMTP server.
Defect Fixes¶
Configuration for local-file event handler from the Web Manager GUI is now fixed. [#3152]
Fix client transfers for destination locations which were not been previously started. [#3175]
Events emitted during SFTPPlus' startup before any event handler is started are now buffered and sent to the first event handler which is started. [#2989]
Events with ID 20122, 20131, 20132 were removed as they were never used directly. The already event with ID 20044 will contain the error details. [#3147]
Events with ID 20147 and 20148 were removed and replaced with the existing event ID 20010. [#3147]
Version 3.3.0, 2015-12-09¶
New Features¶
Event with ID 20136 now also includes the type of the credentials which were rejected by the authentication method.
Add support for the FTP CLNT command. The command was implemented to prevent generating an error when a FTP client is sending this command, and the received client name is ignored.
Extend the OS authentication method to provide explicit configuration for the PAM authentication used on Linux, OSX, and AIX. You can now configure a custom PAM service name. In previous versions the PAM service name was hardcoded as login.
Defect Fixes¶
admin-commands debug output now correctly shows audit/log messages containing non US-ASCII characters. [#3117]
The pam_unix PAM module is no longer ignored by the os authentication module as the PAM authentication can now be configured as the preferred method. In previous versions if the pam_unix PAM module was configured in the login PAM service, SFTPPlus was ignoring the PAM configuration as it was doing direct checks for the /etc/passwd and the /etc/shadow files. [#3054][linux][unix]
Fix parsing of the FTP command TYPE A N. [#3149][ftp]
Remove trailing carriage return characters from the path used in the FTP RETR command. This should fix transfer failures in the AIX's FTP client when mget is used in binary mode. [#3149][ftp]
Event with ID 20008 was removed and replaced with the generic authentication failure event with ID 20136. [#3054][sftp]
Version 3.2.1.aixpam1, 2015-11-24¶
On AIX, disable OS account authentication from /etc/passwd and only use PAM authentication.[aix]
Version 3.2.1, 2015-11-17¶
Defect Fixes¶
When database event handler is unable to process events at the speed they are produced and the internal queue is full it will emit a failure event. [#3084]
Improve product responsiveness while monitoring big recursive directory structures. [#3085]
Fix PAM authentication on AIX. [#3097][aix][os-accounts]
Add a dedicated SFTPPlus package for AIX 7.1. The SFTPPlus AIX 5.3 package is working on AIX 7.1 only if OpenSSL 0.9.8 is also installed on AIX 7.1. [#3097][aix]
Version 3.2.0, 2015-10-30¶
New Features¶
Add support for blocking source IP address if they generate consecutive failure attempts. This is implemented using a dedicated authentication method.
Add support for anonymous accounts using the Anonymous Authentication Method as specified in RFC 1635.
Allow defining specific authentication methods per service. You can still use the global authentication methods.
Add support for the FTP LANG command as described in RFC 2640. For now only English is supported. The command will accept any language request while preserving English for server greetings and the textual part of the command responses.
Defect Fixes¶
SFTP client events with ID 70001, 70002, 70003, 70006 and 70007 now include the name of the associated SFTP location. [#2552][sftp]
The multi-line response of the FEAT command now uses FTP new lines
rather than Unix new lines\n
. [#3074][ftp][ftps]When the client is requesting an unsupported option using the OPTS command the server now replies with error code 501 (option not implemented), rather than the generic 502 (command not implemented). [#3074][ftp][ftps]
Support for the EPSV and EPRT commands from RFC 2428 is now advertised in the response of the FEAT command. [#3063][ftp][ftps]
When a service monitor is configured with an unknown source path, it now fails to start. [#2676]
Fix an internal server error triggered by a rare condition in which both the FTP command and data channel generate a timeout in the same time. [#3079][ftp][ftps]
Event with ID 70004 was replaced by 70008 as it was a duplicate. [#3033][sftp]
Version 3.1.0, 2015-10-09¶
New Features¶
Added support for recursive monitor services.
Event with ID 20137 now includes the accepted credentials type in the human readable message. Credentials type were already part of the event's data.
A dedicated event with ID 30005 is now used when an unknown SSH message id is requested. [#3026][sftp][scp]
A dedicated event with ID 30006 is now used for internal server error while processing the SSH requests. [#3026][sftp][scp]
Defect Fixes¶
The SFTP service can now be identified using DSA (ssh-dss) SSH host keys. It no longer ignores the configured DSA keys. [#3021][sftp]
On Linux, when failing to get a file descriptor for /dev/urandom the SSH layer no longer generates an internal server error but will fall back to a simpler random generator. [#3025][sftp][scp][linux]
When the SFTP service receives an authentication request for an unknown SSH authentication method it now emits a dedicated event, rather than an internal server error event. [#3026][sftp][scp]
On Linux and Unix, when running under a dedicated service account, you can now use port below 1024 for the file transfer service. [#2987][unix][linux]
Events with ID 20060, 20094, 20095, 20096, 70004, 70008 now have a valid text representation. [#3027]
Stopped event handlers no longer emit error information for events which failed to be processed. [#2991][event-handlers]
Allow PROT command to be issued by a FTPS client before the USER command. [#3016][ftps]
Fix an internal server error when the FTP specific AUTH command is issued by a client for a FTP service for which the FTPS extensions were not enabled. [#3016][ftps]
Display a warning when Web Manager UI is accessed in Compatibility View mode in Internet Explorer browser. [#3020][local-manager]
Display a warning in the logon page if it's using an unsupported IE version. [#3028][local-manager]
Removed Startup column in Web Manager Status page for locations as they are started on demand.
Version 3.0.0, 2015-09-18¶
Major Changes¶
The product was renamed from SFTPPlus Server to just SFTPPlus. In some places, to avoid confusing it with the previous SFTPPlus Client, the new SFTPPlus product is referred to as SFTPPlus MFT.
All log handlers were converted to event handlers. This allows an unified method for interacting the the audit events produced by SFTPPlus.
All authentication methods are now explicitly defined and ordered. You can now choose the order in which different authentication methods are used.
Client-side file transfers were introduced using locations and transfers. Locations represent the endpoint servers used by the file transfers. Transfers represent the rules for exchanging files between locations.
On Linux and Unix, when running the process using a dedicated service account, all event handlers and the log files are handled by the dedicated service account. In the previous version they were handled as the root account.
Please consult the documentation for upgrade instructions.
New Features¶
Added support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 on Intel x86_64.
Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Generic Linux on IBM System z s390x mainframe and the Hercules mainframe emulator.
Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 on POWER8 (big endian).
Added support for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on POWER8 (little endian).
Added support for Generic Linux on IBM Systems z s390x mainframes and the Hercules mainframe emulator.
Added support for Generic Linux on IBM Power Systems POWER8 in big and little endian versions.
Added support for Solaris 11 on SPARC.
Now, each time the 401 Unauthorized response is sent by the HTTP service, the event with id 40000 is emitted with details about the reason why that response was given.
Added support for configuring the number of consecutive errors after which the event handler and log handlers will automatically stop.
Added an event handler which stores the received event in a local file. This is used to implement the log file functionality.
Added an Account Activity event handler that keeps a record of the successful authentications of regular accounts and administrators. The records are stored in a database.
Added Syslog event handler. It replaces the Syslog log handler.
Added a new authentication method which allows denying users based on a pre-configured list of users.
Added a dedicated authentication method for authenticating global accounts provided by the legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin.
Added a dedicated authentication method for authenticating application accounts defined in the configuration file.
Added a dedicated authentication method for authenticating accounts provided by the operating system.
Added event handler which sends events to the Legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin.
Events sent to the event handlers now also contains the full text as in the previous log system.
Added create-folder-if-missing command to the HTTP JSON API of the HTTP service. It will allow creating new folders without raising an error when the folders already exists.
Removed legacy SQLite/MySQL loggers. They were replaced by a generic database logger.
Removed database log handler and replaced with a dedicated event handler.
Defect Fixes¶
Fix an internal server error generated while stopping the SFTPPlus process before it has finalized its start phase. [#2961]
Read /etc/passwd files as the service account to get account information. In previous version the file was read as the root account. [#2845][linux][unix][os-account]
Database connection will no longer stop after 10 consecutive failures, but rather the internal components using the database will stop. [#2818][database]
Fix an internal server error occurring in the HTTP service when credentials were validly encoded to BASE64, but the payload was not validly encoded to UTF-8. [#2967][http]
Events with id 20109 and 20111 are no longer emitted. They are replaced by events 20156 and 20157. [#2818][database]
Event with id 20051 is no longer emitted; it has been replaced by event 20158.
The cipher suites based on RC4, DES (not 3DES), MD5 and weak export ciphers are disabled by default for SSL and TLS.
Support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 has been updated from SP1 to SP3. SLES 11 SP1 and SP2 are no longer supported. We recommend upgrading to SP3 or the forthcoming SP4. If you still need support for SP1, please contact us.
Support for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS has been discontinued. If you still need support for 10.04, please contact us.
Support for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS has been discontinued. If you still need support for 12.04, please contact us or try the Generic Linux versions.
The server reports have been removed. They were replaced by the Account Activity event handler.
Global accounts from the legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin are no longer authenticated using a generic server configuration. They now have a dedicated authentication method, and you can choose the order in which global SFTPPlus accounts are authenticated, in respect with other account types. The following event IDs are no longer used: 20006, 20012, 20015, 20018, 20025, 20026, 20027, 20029, 20030, 20048.
Events with id 20009, 20061 and 20068 are no longer emitted.
File log handler was removed and replaced with an event handler.
WebAdmin HTTP Post Request log handler was removed and replaced with an HTTP event handler which uses the legacy-webadmin format.
Legacy SQLite/MySQL log handlers were removed.
The Syslog log handler was removed and replaced by a dedicated event handler.
Database log handler was removed and replaced with a database event handler.
Events 20133, 20134 and 20050 are no longer emitted. They are replaced by 20161, 20162 and 20160 respectively.
The process can now be started even if no services are configured to start at startup. Event with ID 20003 is no longer emitted.
Version 2.12.1, 28/09/2015¶
Defect fixes¶
Allow PROT command to be issued by a FTPS client before the USER command. [#3017][ftps]
Fix an internal server error when the FTP specific AUTH command is issued by a client for a FTP service for which the FTPS extensions were not enabled. [#3017][ftps]
SFTPPlus Server 2.12.0, 26/04/2015¶
New features¶
Added support for Solaris 10 on SPARC.
server-commands command line tool was reorganized into sub-commands to improve readability of available options for each command.
server-commands start options was added to help start the SFTPPlus Server on Unix and Linux as a daemon.
Server SSH configuration is now initialized with an RSA key of size 2048.
Added a version for generic x86_64 64bit Linux. This version is provided for testing purposes only. It is not supported for production use, where we advise you to deploy the version specifically built for your Linux distribution. Please contact us in case we don't have a release for your distribution yet.
Add command line option to generate an SSL key and the associated certificate signing request / CSR.
Add Web Manager option to generate an SSL key and the associated certificate signing request / CSR.
Emit audit events when setting the representational type for FTP data.
Defect fixes¶
Fix an internal server error generated by the HTTP and HTTPS service when displaying the failure message for removing files or folders with Unicode names. [#2777][http]
Fix generating of passwords from command line on Windows. [#2782][windows]
Database connection and database log handlers now stop after 10 consecutive failures. [#2738][database]
--start option of server-commands command line tool was replaced by the start sub-command. It is still available to provide backward compatibility with previous init scripts, but will be removed in the next major release.
server-commands command line tool was reorganized into sub-commands and the following commands were renamed:
--generate-uuid into generate-uuid
--validate into validate
--debug into debug
--manager into manager
--documentation into documentation
--generate-key into generate-ssh-key
--generate-password into generate-password
--generate-uuid into generate-uuid
--start-in-foreground into start-in-foreground
--initialize into initialize
--migrate into migrate
Remove support for RHEL 4. Please contact us if you still need to deploy on this RHEL version.
SFTPPlus Server 2.11.0, 27/03/2015¶
New features¶
Support Solaris 11 for x86.
Initial update for HP-UX 11iv3 support.
Add support for ARM64 architecture on any Linux distribution providing the OpenSSL 1.0.X library.
Update HTTP GET API for a folder to return content in JSON format.
Update HTTP POST API for a folder to accept commands in JSON format.
HTTP events with ID 40010, 40011, 40012 and 40013 were updated so that now path data will contain the actual file/folder which was removed/created and not the parent path.
HTTP events with ID 40012 and 40013 are now emitted for each file which was removed and no longer aggregated into a single event.
HTTP events with ID 40026 and 40027 are now emitted for each folder which was removed and no longer aggregated into a single event.
Defect fixes¶
Fix an internal server error generated by the HTTP and HTTPS service for invalid requests originating from accounts authenticated using the external HTTP authentication method. [#2758][http]
SFTPPlus Server 2.10.0, 13/03/2015¶
New features¶
Allow filtering source files for monitored folders based on glob or regular expressions.
When a file is closed in SFTP or SCP include in the emitted event the mode in which the file was opened.
Add experimental modular authentication method over HTTP. This allows authenticating external accounts over HTTP as well as implementing a high-availability / resilient authentication.
Add a failure-critical group for events which should not occur during normal server operation.
Add experimental HTTP POST hooks for events.
Add a version for generic x86 Linux. This is only for testing and evaluation and is not supported for production use, where we advise you to deploy the version specifically built for your Linux distribution.
Monitoring local folders is now an officially supported feature, provided as part of server side services.
Add support of ARM64 (ARMv8-A/AArch64) CPU architecture on Ubuntu 14.04. Please contact us if want to use SFTPPlus Server on ARM64 with a different operating system.
Defect fixes¶
Fix an internal server error generated by the FTP and FTPS service when a client issues a command which fails but then disconnects before receiving the command's response. [#2628][ftp][ftps]
Allow EPSV command after EPSV ALL request. In previous versions all data connection command were denied, including EPSV. [#2566][ftp][ftps]
Fix --validate server command option. [#2622]
Convert transfer specific start/stop events into generic events for components. Changed events are: 20135 -> 20156, 20136 -> 20157, 20137 -> 20158, 20138 -> 20159 [#2639]
Fix internal server error when receiving an invalid or not supported public SSH key from the client. [#2623][sftp][scp]
Improve error logging when launching the server in debug mode. [#2615]
Experimental event ID 60007, 60008, 60009 were change to generic external command execution.
Fix Windows EventLog handler to record the IDs for events. In previous releases it was always using id 1. [#2676][windows]
Fix an internal server error when removing from Web Manager a component which was already running. Introduced in 2.6.0. [#2684]
Fix database logger memory usage footprint. In previous versions the database loggers consumed significant amounts of memory when a lot of events were logged. [#2413]
Fix resetting the maximum failures count after restarting a database component. [#2736]
protocol configuration option for a service was replaced with type configuration option. This should help create an uniform configuration process, in which each configurable object has a standard type option. For backward compatibility, protocol option still works but it will be removed in the next major release. [#2563]
Experimental event ID 60011, 60019, 60020, 60021, 60022, 60023, 60024 were removed.
We no longer provide support for Ubuntu Server on x86. For testing you can now use our generic Linux x86 version. If you still need Ubuntu Server x86 for production, please contact us and we will make it available to you.
SFTPPlus Server 2.9.0, 09/12/2014¶
New features¶
Allow configuring SSH key authentication by directly associating public SSH keys with an account. Authorized public SSH keys can now be stored in configuration file, rather than on a separate file.
Event monitors will automatically restart on configuration changes.
Log an error when an account is configured with invalid public SSH keys [#998][sftp][scp]
To prevent creating huge log files, the default configuration creates a log file which is automatically rotated at the end of the day.
Allow importing/exporting public and private SSH keys (including encrypted private keys) to and from the following formats:
OpenSSH (Tectia SSH and other commercial implementations)
Show public SSH key MD5 fingerprint when importing a public SSH key from Web Manager. [sftp][scp]
Generate SSH keys from Web Manager. [sftp][scp]
Allow configuring a static IP address to be advertised in the PASV response for the case when server is accessed from behind a NAT. [ftp][ftps]
Defect fixes¶
Fix monitoring local files. [#2472]
Use valid default values when creating a new SSH (SFTP/SCP) service from local manager. [#2485][sftp][scp][local-manager]
Fix deleting read only files on Windows, or folders containing read only files. In previous versions, files were prevented to be removed with an access denied error. [#2467][windows]
Fix keeping Web Manager session alive while web browser page is open. [#2532][local-manager]
SFTPPlus Server 2.8.0, 24/10/2014¶
New features¶
Add support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 x86_64 and CentOS 7.
Add support for Apple OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
Add configuration option to disable TLS version 1.1 and 1.2. In previous version TLS versions 1.1 and 1.2 were always enabled and there was no configuration option to disable them. There is no known vulnerability in TLS version 1.1 and 1.2 and for now, there is no reason to disable them. This option was added as a proactive measure in case a vulnerability is discovered in these versions.
Allow refreshing the CRL stored as local file using the ssl_certificate_revocation_list_refresh configuration option.
Defect fixes¶
Fix loading of CRL files from disk. [#2465][ftps][https][local-manager]
Support for SSLv3 in FTPS and HTTPS services is discouraged due to the SSLv3 POODLE vulnerability. It is still possible to use SSLv3, but the server will emit a warning informing that SSLv3 is no longer secure and will be removed in future versions. When SSLv3 is still required, it is highly recommended to use a non-CBC cipher, for example RC4-SHA.
SFTPPlus Server 2.7.0, 18/09/2014¶
New features¶
Add support for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x86_64.
Add support for FTP SITE CHMOD command on Unix and Linux.
Add support for obsolete FTP commands XCUP, XCWD, XMKD, XPWD, XRMD as described in RFC 775.
Add support for executing external command on files from monitored folders.
Add an option to configure the amount of time after which a file is considered stable, if no changes are made to it.
Defect fixes¶
FTP data channel stops accepting new connection as soon as FTP client connects to the data channel. In previous version the data channel stops accepting new connections only when the FTP client requested the close of data channel. This case should reduce the time a data channel port is used and allow it to be reused faster in another session. [#2354]
For FTP transfer, fix a data channel error which was returned when a new data channel was requested after the previous requested data channel timed out. [#2354]
Fix an internal server error when FTP client drops the connection during a transfer [#2355][ftp].
Fix FTP text/ASCII transfer to Unix and Linux server [#1024][ftp].
SFTPPlus Server 2.6.0, 07/08/2014¶
New features¶
Update support for Solaris x86_64. Solaris support was temporarily discontinued after version 2.0.0 was launched.
Add new "force-stop" command for the Unix init script to be used when PID file would be missing or kill -9 is required to stop the server.
Add dedicated configuration for databases used by the server to allow using the same database for both log handlers and activity reporting.
Log handlers attached to a database are now configured using the shared databases configurations. The old method of directly configuring a SQLite or MySQL connection is obsolete.
Last account login information is collected and available as a report from the Web Manager UI. Data is stored in a user definable database.
Experimental feature to monitor local filesystem paths and audit changes to files and folders. See documentation for more info. In the next release, we plan to allow the execution of an external command based on observed changes.
On Linux and Unix, add support for FTP SITE CHMOD command.
Defect fixes¶
When upgrading the server on Windows, the existing configuration file is no longer overwritten.
Fix ssh_authorized_keys_path expansion of username when placeholder has not been defined for group path. In the previous version, when a path for a group did not contain a placeholder, it was used as such, without appending the username. [#2199][sftp]
Improve error reporting when failing to save configuration file, due to permissions errors. [#2193][local-manager]
It is no longer possible to configure a log handler directly attached to a database. Due to this a log handler with type: sqlite or mysql is no longer supported. Those options are replaced by type: database. Users now have the option to configure a log handler with a shared database configuration.
SFTPPlus Server 2.5.0, 03/06/2014¶
New features¶
Add support for downloading and uploading a single file using SCP. For now, SCP protocol is very limited and available as a preview.
Add new configuration option to independently enable SCP or SFTP support inside the SSH service.
Defect fixes¶
Fix an internal server error when SSH client requests to execute a command, a shell or a pseudo-terminal. [#2116][sftp]
Event with ID 30049 emitted when trying to open a folder as a file was removed and replaced with the generic file open error ID 30044. [#2130][sftp]
protocol: sftp for service configuration was replaced with protocol: ssh to permit configuring SCP protocol on same service/port as SFTP service. sftp still works and is an alias for ssh but it will be removed in the next major release.
SFTPPlus Server 2.4.0, 14/04/2014¶
New features¶
Add support for uploading files with unlimited size over HTTP and HTTPS. This puts HTTP/HTTPS service capabilities in line with SFTP and FTP/FTPS services.
Add support for application accounts for creating and reading symbolic links on Windows using SFTP protocol. On Unix/Linux symbolic link support was already available.
Add connection limits for HTTP/HTTPS file transfer services and Web Manager service.
Allow disabling account passwords from Web Manager.
Add more details to audit trail when reporting failures for SFTP service.
Add more details to audit trail when reporting failures for FTP/FTPS service.
Add details for FTP active and passive data connection failures.
Add development mode for Web Manager service to help audit Local manager code and actions.
Fix a JavaScript error logged in browser console while applying changes for services.
Defect fixes¶
Fix page not found error generated while configuring a Windows EventLog from Web Manager.
Fix FTP/FTPS service for listing folders with names similar to FTP globbing expressions.
Fix configuring idle_connection_timeout to a disable value from both configuration file and Web Manager.
Fix disabling of maximum connection limit from Web Manager for all services.
Fix FTP/FTPS service for listing folders with names similar to FTP globbing expressions.
Fix an error in FTPS service reconfiguration where FTPS service failed after Explicit FTPS was enabled.
Fix accessing files over HTTP/HTTPS service for operating system accounts which are not locked inside home folder.
Add account name to SFTP disconnect event (id 30015) for connection which are authenticated.
Fix a condition in which SFTP subsystem closed event (id 30012) was emitted twice.
In Unix and Linux fix listing of symbolic links to folder using the same visual identifier as normal folders.
SFTPPlus Server 2.3.0, 17/02/2014¶
New features¶
Add initial public version of HTTP and HTTPS file transfer service. See documentation for more details.
Windows installer generates an install log file called install.log. The file is saved in the installation folder.
Defect fixes¶
Improve Unix init script together with improving documentation installation procedure on Unix.
SFTPPlus Server 2.2.0, 24/12/2013¶
New features¶
Add support for AIX 5.3 (L6 and above) operating system.
Add support for authentication legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin accounts based on ssh keys. This requires a version of SFTPPlus WebAdmin greater than 1.7.0.
Defect fixes¶
Fix intermittent errors when displaying audit log from a MySQL database.
Use CR/LF as line terminator for all file-based loggers on Windows systems.
Mask clear passwords in audit entries.
SFTPPlus Server 2.1.0, released 26/11/2013¶
New features¶
Add a graphical user interface for managing SFTPPlus.
Add support for FTP APPE command. For more details consult the IETF RFC 959.
Implement globbing for FTP NLST and LIST commands. Globbing support is limited to Unix Shell wildchars
* , ? , [ and ]
command line options to generate UUIDs.Add
command line options to server-commands to validate server configuration.Add
command line options to server-commands to allow specifying a comment for the generated SSH public key.[windows] Allow automatically creating missing home folders for OS accounts with a custom owner and group.
[windows] Added links to local manager and documentation in start menu on Windows at installation.
Allow sending log entries to remote HTTP server using HTTP Post requests.
Use a generic HTTP POST request for sending logs to legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin.
Add support for storing server logs inside a database. MySQL and SQLite are supported.
Allow configuring an arbitrary number of log handlers, including multiple log handlers of the same type.
Defect fixes¶
SFTP errors are reported with specific event IDs and details instead of internal server errors.
When requesting a file open operation on SFTP the action will emit a single signal (log entry) containing information about both action result and result file open mode. In previous versions 2 signals were emitted at file open.
When starting the server in debug mode, the configured loggers are no longer disabled. A logger to standard output is added on top of configured loggers.
When the server fails to launch a service at startup, it will log an error and continue to try loading the other services. In previous version, the startup was aborted as soon as a service was failing to start. The server will still abort the startup if no service was started.
[unix] Fix launching the server as an Unix daemon.
Fix reporting of timeout errors for passive connections.
Fix reporting of errors for PORT command with address in bad format.
Internal error report for FTP service error now shows full command which triggered the error condition.
With the introduction of Web Manager GUI and managing services without restarting the server, the enable configuration option for a service was updated to configure if the service should be automatically started at server startup.
[windows] The SFTPPlus service is stopped gracefully, both on system shut down and when stop command is received via the Services Management Console.
Allow sending log entries to remote HTTP server using HTTP Post requests.
Upgrade information¶
With the move to dynamic log handlers, all configuration option from
section are ignored and new log handlers are required to be
The upgrade procedure will depend on the current version installed:
If you have installed Server 2.0.X, you only need the upgrade steps specific for version 2.1.0.
If you have installed Server 1.8.X or 1.7.X then you need to uninstall the previous version, install the new version and follow all upgrade steps since your version up to version 2.0.1
The upgrade steps involve only updating the configuration files and for most customers will be straightforward. We will guide you as necessary.
SFTPPlus Server 2.0.1, released 22/04/2013¶
[security][sftp] Fix checking public key signature when authenticating SFTP sessions using public key authentication method.
SFTPPlus Server 2.0.0, released 08/04/2013¶
Fix message for event with ID "20009". The appropriate account type is displayed in the message, instead of always having "application account".
Licenses for 3rd party libraries are now published in doc/legal folder.
On Windows system, server can be configured to send logs to Windows Events Logger.
Improve logging of internal server errors.
Fix authentication of domain accounts on Windows server. For domain accounts, the automatic home folder name for account
is generated asuser.DOMAIN
Upgrade information¶
Due to the configuration changes that were merged in this version, the upgrade from any previous version of SFTPPlus Server to version 2.0.0 can only be done by uninstalling the product and installing the new version.
In order to be able to reconfigure the server after upgrade, do not delete the configuration files.
The following manual changes are required for the 'configuration/server.config' file:
has been renamed toconfiguration/server.ini
. Having .ini extension, the configuration file should be automatically associated with a text editor. The rename is optional on Unix/Linux since the Unix init script can work with any filename.[services]
, renamed to[server]
prefix from all configuration options.The new
section has new attributes uuid, name, description. For more details see documentation.Renamed
is automatically associated to all accounts for which a group was not explicitly defined. These are operating system accounts not defined in the configuration file or legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin accounts.OS_GROUP
is now a normal group and accounts are not automatically associated to this group. We recommend renaming it to 'os_group' to hint that it is just a normal.${DEFAULT_GROUP}
placeholder was renamed to${DEFAULT_OS_GROUP}
. The new name should make it clear that it is referring to a group name as defined in the operating system.${DEFAULT_USER}
placeholder has been renamed${DEFAULT_OS_USER}
. The new name should make it clear that it is referring to an account name as defined in the operating system.Services configuration are now defined using a new section marker. Each service has now an universally unique identifier (UUID) and a human readable short name. This allows rename operations and operating multiple services in a cluster environment. For more details see documentation.
For example to update the service configuration for a service named
having the following configuration:[ftp-partners] service_enabled = yes
update it as:
[services/550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000] name = ftp-partners enabled = yes
Service configuration options have been moved from dedicated files into the main configuration file. All configuration options for the
section of each service configuration file need to be copied inside the dedicate section for each service.Here is an example of service section definition for an FTP protocol:
[services/550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000] name = ftp-partners enabled = yes ; Protocol options copied from configuration-server/ftp-service.config file. banner = Welcome to the FTP/FTPS Service. passive_port_range = 9000 - 9200
Groups and accounts configuration have been moved from dedicated file into the main configuration file. All accounts and groups should now have an associated UUID. For more information please check the dedicated documentation.
Configuration sections for groups are now in the format
, and group name has been as a configuration option. 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440001 is the group unique ID.Configuration sections for accounts are now in the format
and account name has been moved as a configuration option. 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 is the account unique ID. This allows renaming for accounts.Here is an example of new account definition:
[accounts/550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000] name = john type = application
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.10, released 25/04/2014¶
Update Unix initialization scripts.
Add support for FTP APPE command. For more details consult the IETF RFC 959.
Implement globbing for FTP NLST and LIST commands. Globbing support is limited to Unix Shell wildchars * , ? , [ and ].
Add more details to audit trail when reporting failures for SFTP service.
Add more details to audit trail when reporting failures for FTP/FTPS service.
Add details for FTP active and passive data connection failures.
Defect fixes¶
Fix reporting of timeout errors for passive connections.
Fix reporting of errors for PORT command with address in bad format.
Internal error report for FTP service error now shows full command which triggered the error condition.
SFTP errors are reported with specific event IDs and details instead of internal server errors.
When requesting a file open operation on SFTP the action will emit a single signal (log entry) containing information about both action result and result file open mode. In previous versions 2 signals were emitted at file open.
Fix a condition in which SFTP subsystem closed event (id 30012) was emitted twice.
Fix FTP/FTPS service for listing folders with names similar to FTP globbing expressions.
Fix an internal server error when SSH client requests to execute a command, a shell or a pseudo-terminal.
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.9, released 17/12/2013¶
Add support for authentication legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin accounts based on SSH keys. This requires SFTPPlus WebAdmin version 1.7.0 or higher.
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.8, released 16/10/2013¶
Use persistent HTTP connections when sending logs to legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin.
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.7, released 01/05/2013¶
Fix initialization of SFTPPlus server configuration using server-commands --initialize.
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.6, released 22/04/2013¶
[security][sftp] Fix checking public key signature when authenticating SFTP sessions using public key authentication method.
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.5, released 28/01/2013¶
Allow application account to work together with SFTPPlus WebAdmin. In SFTPPlus Webadmin, "application" and "os" account are configured as "Local users".
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.4, released 23/01/2013¶
When the FTP/FTPS data channel connection is closed abruptly (connection lost), the server will ignore these kinds of errors.
Upgrade information¶
The following manual changes are required for the 'configuration-server/ftp-service.config' file:
, renamed toservice_idle_data_connection_timeout
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.3, released 21/01/2013¶
Display more details about a failed SSH authentication, instead of an internal server error.
[security] When writing into existing files, truncate file size to the new uploaded file. Previously, when uploading a file smaller than the existing one, the file content was overwritten only with the new data, leaving the remaining data unchanged.
Close FTPS control channel when the remote client does not close the connection in a clear way.
Close idle FTP/FTPS data connections. For more details, check documentation for FTP/FTPS service configuration.
Send an error to the client when failing to start an FTP/FTPS session due to an internal server error.
Log an error when FTP/FTPS data connection has not been closed correctly.
Log the amount of data received and sent over FTP/FTPS data channel.
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.2, released 20/12/2012¶
Add support for user groups.
[win] Add limited support for OS accounts on Windows XP and 2003. Accounts are locked inside their home folders and an explicit home folder is required to be defined for each user or the group associated with these accounts.
Upgrade information¶
The following manual changes are required for the 'configuration/users.config' file:
add the new settingstype: group
Instead of:
enabled: yes
enabled: yes
You should have:
type: group
enabled: yes
type: group
enabled: yes
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.1, released 29/11/2012¶
Add support for Implicit FTPS service. Protocol type "ftpsi" is used for configuring Implicit FTPS services.
Allow external / 3rd party mechanism for authentication and retrieving account configuration.
Document event's data properties.
Add a command for generating encrypted passwords.
Add support for using encrypted password for application accounts. Passwords are salt-based SHA-256 hash values.
Add 'allow_certificate_authentication' option to user's configuration. This allows per user enable / disable the authentication based on SSL certificates.
Fix data channel connections closing in passive mode. The connection is cleared as soon as it is closed.
Upgrade information¶
The following manual changes are required for the 'configuration/users.config' file:
, renamed todescription
SFTPPlus Server 1.8.0, released 03/10/2012¶
Service configuration was changed to allow starting an arbitrary number of services for each supported protocol. Each service has its own configuration file.
[technology preview] Add initial support for transferring files over HTTP and HTTPS services. Full support and documentation will be available in the next updates.
Add support for enabling / disabling logs using log groups.
Log file is initialized as services_account (if defined), rather than the account launching the server.
Upgrade information¶
When upgrading to version 1.8.0, the 'configuration/server.config' file should be changed according to the following notes:
all ftp_* options renamed to service_*
all sftp_* options renamed to service_*
in the '[ftp]' section you should add 'service_protocol: ftp'
in the '[sftp]' section you should add 'service_protocol: sftp'
With these changes you can start multiple FTP and SFTP services from a single configuration file.
The following options from 'configuration/service-ftp.config' file should be renamed according to this notes:
service_ftps_ssl_certificate -> service_ssl_certificate
service_ftps_ssl_key -> service_ssl_key
service_ftps_cipher_list -> service_ssl_cipher_list
service_ftps_allowed_methods -> service_ssl_allowed_methods
service_ftps_certificate_authority -> service_ssl_certificate_authority
service_ftps_certificate_revocation_list -> service_ssl_certificate_revocation_list
These changes have been made to create unified configuration options for all services working with SSL/TLS connections. Explicit FTPS will use the same configuration files as the planned Implicit FTPS and HTTPS services which will be added in future updates.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.21, released 22/04/2013¶
[security][sftp] Fix checking public key signature when authenticating SFTP sessions using public key authentication method.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.20, release 03/09/2012¶
Fix installation errors introduced by 1.7.19.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.19, released 14/08/2012¶
Add idle connection timeout configuration for FTP/FTPS service. This is configured by the
directive from service configuration file.Add idle connection timeout configuration for SFTP service. This is configured by the
directive from service configuration file.Add maximum number of concurrent connections for FTP/FTPS service. This is configured by the
directive from service configuration file.Add maximum number of concurrent connections for SFTP service. This is configured by the
directive from service configuration file.Allow loading encrypted SSL certificate's key. This is configured by the
from the FTP/FTPS service configuration file.Allow loading encrypted SSH private keys. This is configured by the
from the SFTP service configuration file.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.18, released 27/06/2012¶
Log unknown or unimplemented FTP commands.
Add support for Extending Passive (EPSV) and Extended Port (EPRT) commands.
Add support for FTPS Clear Command Channel (CCC).
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.17, released 30/05/2012¶
When the server starts, list privileges for the account under which server was started. This should help troubleshoot permission related configuration errors.
[Windows] Create home folders for newly created accounts. For this action, the account under which the server is executed will require "SeBackupPrivilege" and "SeRestorePrivilege".
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.16, released 23/05/2012¶
[Unix] Add support for running the server as a simple account. In this case only application accounts will be authenticated by the server.
Refactor the way local user is queried. This should fix some errors on the Windows systems.
Prepare local web administrator to support a dedicated administration username and password.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.15, released 05/04/2012¶
Add support for internal and external log file rotation.
Fix SFTP service automatically generated config file.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.14, released 21/03/2012¶
Improve user configuration file to allow configuring local account and add more flexibility to the way accounts are configured.
Create dedicated groups for specifying general behaviour for all application accounts and for all operating systems accounts.
Add a server command for initial configuration that will generate new ssh key files and a self-signed certificate.
Upgrade information¶
When upgrading to SFTPPlus Server 1.7.14, the 'configuration/users.config' file should be changed according to the following rules:
ALL_OS_USERS section renamed to OS_GROUP
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.13, released 25/01/2012¶
Add service_ignore_create_permissions to SFTP service configuration for ignoring SFTP clients to set file and folder permissions at creation time.
Add a log when a file transfer was done in SFTP.
Add IP and port number for SFTP logs after an account was successfully authenticated.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.12, released 20/01/2012¶
Fix server initialization.
Allow server to execute under the same account used for starting the main server process.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.11, released 19/01/2012¶
Add support for authenticating Centrify accounts.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.10, released 18/01/2012¶
[security][sftp] Don't allow application account to authenticate with SSH keys when SSH keys are disabled.
Allow using SFTPPlus Webadmin only for authentication, only for storing audit entries, or for both.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.9, released 13/01/2012¶
[security][sftp] Don't allow application account to authenticate with SFTP without specifying either a non-empty password or an SSH key.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.8, released 26/12/2011¶
Fix access to files from supplementary groups.
Add logs for disabled accounts.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.7 (0.2.7), released 16/11/2011¶
Fix closing connection when transferring an empty file over FTPS.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.6 (0.2.6), released 15/11/2011¶
Update OpenSSL library on Windows.
Improve handling SSL connections close procedures before the SSH handshake was finalized.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.5 (0.2.5), released 02/11/2011¶
Improve Unicode handling on POSIX-based locale.
Add support for Solaris 10 on Intel x86.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.4 (0.2.4), released 14/10/2011¶
Add option to specify FTPS SSL/TLS cipher list.
Add option to specify FTPS methods.
Allow FTP FEAT command to be called at any time during an FTP session.
Allow FTP authentication based on SSL certificate and no longer require a password. Certificate's Common Name must match user name.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.3 (0.2.3), released 30/09/2011¶
Fix FTPS Active connections.
Raise an error if a download request is made on FTP for a folder.
[security][unix] Fix user impersonation under Unix.
Update installation documentation.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.2 (0.2.2), released 24/08/2011¶
Add startup execution command.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.1 (0.2.1), released 23/08/2011¶
Fix ssh key generation.
Fix SFTP operations for application users.
SFTPPlus Server 1.7.0 (0.2.0), released 01/08/2011¶
GUI installer on Windows.
Add utility for generating RSA/DSA keys.
Check for OpenSSL support.
Add support for application users.
Add server name and version into FTP welcome message and SSH protocol string.
[0.1.11] Add support for ignoring SFTP file/folder mode on creation.
[0.1.10] Add support for username and password PAM authentication.
[0.1.8] Add umask option for uploaded files.
[0.1.7] Fix SFTP set attribute command.
[0.1.5] Add an option for creating home folders for SFTPPlus users.
[0.1.5] Improve unicode support for authentication errors.
[0.1.4] Fix setting initial working folder for SFTPPlus users.
[0.1.4] Add support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5.
[0.1.4] Log an error if service account is not available.
[0.1.4] Log an error if RSA/DSA keys could not be found.
[0.1.3] Add FTP passive port range.
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.11.a (0.1.11), released 27/06/2011¶
Add support for ignoring SFTP requested mode on file and folder creation.
Ignore mode on creation is enabled by default.
Ignore mode can be changed from via IGNORE_CREATE_PERMISSIONS
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.10 (0.1.10), released 24/06/2011¶
Add support for username and password PAM authentication.
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.9 (0.1.9), released 23/06/2011¶
Use 0666 as default mode for files and 0777 for folders.
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.8 (0.1.8), released 21/06/2011¶
Add umask option for uploded files.
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.7 (0.1.7), released 16/06/2011¶
Fix file transfers using WinSCP.
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.6 (0.1.6), released 16/06/2011¶
Allow SFTPPlus WebAdmin users to authenticate based on RSA/DSA keys.
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.5 (0.1.5), released 07/06/2011¶
Add an option for creating home folders for SFTPPlus users.
Improve unicode support for authentication errors.
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.4 (0.1.4), released 03/06/2011¶
Fix setting initial working directory for SFTPPlus users.
Add support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5.
Log an error if service account is not available.
Log an error if RSA/DSA keys could not be found.
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.3 (0.1.3), released 22/05/2011¶
Add FTP passive port range.
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.2 (0.1.2), released 19/04/2011¶
Use default port numbers for services.
[Windows] Fix Windows service install for SFTP service.
[Windows] Fix Windows service uninstall for services.
[Windows] Log service startup errors in Windows Event logger.
[Windows] Use Windows end of line for log file on Windows.
[Windows] Add error number when failing to get user home folder on Windows
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.1 (0.1.1), released 11/03/2011¶
Add more FTP and SFTP logs.
Send logs to SFTPPlus Webadmin
SFTPPlus Server 1.6.0 (0.1.0), released 01/03/2011¶
[Unix] SFTPPlus users will always run under a single local account defined by 'service_account' configuration key.
[Windows] SFTPPlus users will run under the account configured for the specific windows service.
Operating system users can use the default OS home folders, or a custom home folder specified by 'os_users_custom_home_folder_path' configuration key.
SFTPPlus users are always locked into their home folder