Linux is a the perfect operating system for hosting a high-performance file transfer solution.

You can use SFTPPlus MFT on Linux with a user friendly web based graphical user interface.

If you prefer the command line, SFTPPlus MFT can be configured using .INI plain text configuration files and includes an extensive set of CLI tools to help with day to day server administration tasks.

With SFTPPlus MFT FTP server you get detailed audit logs for any file transfer or administrative operations. The logs are available via plain text log files or using a web based GUI.

SFTPPlus MFT is a Managed File Transfer and Secure file transfer solution that can replace your shell scripts and cron jobs with a unified configuration file and a unified web based management interface.

Users have access to their files in a chroot join environment, without having access to the OS files.

With a single Linux daemon you get a FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and HTTPS server, all configured via an unified configuration interface CLI or GUI.

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Supported Linux Distribution

Any modern Linux Distribution is supported, including minimal distributions like Alpine Linux with musl.

Below is a list with some of the Linux distributions supported by SFTPPlus MFT:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and 9.
  • Oracle Linux, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux and other distribution based on RHEL
  • Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2023 (formerly known as Amazon Linux 2022)
  • Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS, 22.04, 24.04 LTS
  • Alpine Linux 3.13 and newer

Supported hardware

SFTPPlus MFT supports physical and virtualized environments including KVM, Virtualbox, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware, or cloud VM providers.

It runs on Intel 64bit or ARM 64bit CPU computers with at least 512GB of RAM.

Containers, Docker, and Kubernetes

SFTPPlus MFT can be deployed as standard Linux containers. Deployment can be done via an on-premise Docker or Kubernetes or any cloud provider, like Google Kubernetes Engine, Amazon EKS, or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Installing a secure FTP server on Linux

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Installing and running SFTPPlus MFT solution on Linux is a straightforward process.

There is no need to setup additional components like Java, Apache Web server, Perl, PHP or any other 3rd party solution.

The command line installation wizard will guide you through the install process with minimum input. It will ask for the installation directory and will create an SFTPPlus administration account. Once the installation is done, the SFTPPlus MFT service is started and you can use your preferred web browser to manage SFTPPlus, using the administrator account created during the install process.