Modern Slavery Act Statement
This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
It sets out the actions ProAtria has taken to combat slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains for the financial year 2020 - 2021.

1. Introduction
ProAtria Limited and all legal entities that form part of it is opposed to all forms of modern slavery.
This statement sets out the actions we have taken to combat slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains for the financial year 2020 - 2021.
This statement is made pursuant to and is published in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for the financial year ending 31 December 2021.
The United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act of 2015 requires businesses to publish an annual statement specifying the efforts taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking anywhere in their own business or their supply chain.
2. Our Organisation
Pro:Atria Ltd was established in 2001 as a specialist consultancy and developer for enterprise software products.
Pro:Atria is also committed to not only abide by the laws and regulations that apply to us as we conduct business around the world, but to be a leader in the areas of compliance and ethics.
We are committed to keeping all our people safe from harm and abuse, this includes children, adults at risk and anyone who comes into contact with the use.
Responsibility for compliance with the Modern Slavery Act rests with our Main Board, with responsibility delegated to the Executive Director.
Our Supplier Code serves as a guide to ethical supplier conduct. The Supplier Code applies to all third party suppliers of products or services that are paid directly by ProAtria, including consulting firms, independent contractors, staffing agencies, agency temps, and licensors, regardless of their title or the product or service they provide (“suppliers”).
To date we have had no reports of modern slavery within our organisation nor our supply chains.
3. Supplier Agreements and due diligence
All suppliers are subject to legal terms and conditions with ProAtria.
All direct contracts of ProAtria are located in the UK or the European Union.
Suppliers must acknowledge receipt of the Supplier Code, and agree to provide a copy of it to all supplier personnel assigned to perform services to ProAtria.
Assessments of potential suppliers are completed as part of our supplier on-boarding process.
ProAtria reviews the performance of suppliers based on their relative risk to the company, based on the assessment of cross-functional stakeholders, including the Legal Department.
Suppliers deemed highest risk are audited or reviewed on a periodic basis.
We perform continuous monitoring of suppliers for changes in policies, environments, contracts and processes.
4. Training
Modern slavery is part of our Code of Contact training, which is a mandatory requirement for all staff to complete.
We regularly review and update our training to ensure our learning remains relevant consistent with industry norms, and can be embedded back into the workplace.
Our management training includes Modern Slavery awareness and ensures our contract managers fully understand their responsibilities.
We expect our suppliers to communicate the principles in the Supplier Code to their employees and third party partners through training, policy and other messaging.
Modern Slavery Helpline
As part of our internal rules and behaviours we encourage the reporting of any concerns or breaches.
You can find out more about Modern Slavery, report a suspicion or get help and advice from the Modern Slavery Helpline website.
They provide victims, the public, statutory agencies and businesses access to information and support on a 24/7 basis.