
2.7. Upgrade Procedures

2.7.1. Introduction

Before proceeding with any upgrade, ensure that SFTPPlus, along with all file transfer services, are stopped.

Initializing the configuration or the service account and groups is not required for an upgrade.

When upgrading from version 4.26.0 or newer to the latest version on Linux and macOS, you can use the included bin/ script providing as a parameter the latest SFTPPlus package for your OS. This takes care of all the necessary steps while backing up your current installation. If you wish to rollback the update, the backed-up installation can be used to revert to the previous version through the bin/ script.

The following directories are used for backing up the existing installation when updating to the latest version or rolling back to a previous version using the provided shell scripts (assuming the default sftpplus-mft service name):

  • /opt/sftpplus_backups/sftpplus-mft_UPDATE_AUTO_BACKUP

  • /opt/sftpplus_backups/sftpplus-mft_ROLLBACK_AUTO_BACKUP

Contact us if you need to store in a location other than /opt/sftpplus_backups the automatic backups saved when updating and rolling back the current installation of SFTPPlus.

In the case that you need to rollback to a backup other than the one automatically saved by the bin/ script, you can provide the path to its directory as a parameter to the bin/ script.

If upgrading on Windows or from a previous version, there are different procedures that you can follow, depending on the version to be upgraded:

  • When upgrading from versions 4.x to latest version, you can extract the files or run the installer using the same installation path.

  • When upgrading from versions 3.x to latest version, you can extract the files or run the installer using the same installation path.

  • When upgrading from versions 2.x to latest, it is required to uninstall first and reinstall the server and integrate the existing configuration in the new system. There are significant changes for the logging and authentication parts.

  • When upgrading from versions pre-2.0 to latest, one should be aware that major configuration changes have been implemented and the process should be performed with care.


Regardless of the chosen upgrade procedure, check if any custom paths are used for the installation. Documentation instructions use default paths and may need to be modified accordingly.

In all cases, the configuration files should be backed up before proceeding with the upgrade, otherwise the configuration data will be lost.

Consult the Server Release Notes, as it contains detailed information about the steps required for upgrading between specific versions.

2.7.2. Upgrading from trial version

Once you have obtained the full version of the software, follow the upgrade instructions under "Upgrading from version 4.X.X to a newer one" or "SFTPPlus manual upgrade on Linux and macOS", depending on your OS.

2.7.3. Upgrading from Windows 32bit to Windows 64bit

As long as a 32bit Windows version of SFTPPlus is upgraded to a 64bit version using the same installation path, no extra steps are required on top of the normal upgrade procedure.

Note that the default installation path for 32-bit Windows applications is C:\Program Files (x86)\SFTPPlus, while for 64-bit applications it is C:\Program Files\SFTPPlus. In this case you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Backup the current configuration directory from C:\Program Files (x86)\SFTPPlusconfiguration.

  2. Uninstall the existing 32bit SFTPPlus application.

  3. Install the new 64bit SFTPPlus application.

  4. After 64bit SFTPPlus is installed, go to Windows services and stop the SFTPPlus MFT service.

  5. Copy the previous configuration from C:\Program Files (x86)\SFTPPlus\configuration to C:\Program Files\SFTPPlus\configuration

  6. Go to Windows Services and start the SFTPPlus MFT service.

2.7.4. Upgrading from SFTPPlus Version 3 Windows service

SFTPPlus vesion 2 and version 3 were running inside Windows using an embedded Windows service controller.

In SFTPPlus version 4 and newer, a separate dedicated Windows service controller is used.

Any SFTPPlus that was initially installed based on version 4.1.0 or newer, already has the newest controller installed and configured. No extra changes are required when upgrading.

SFTPPlus installation that were initially installed using an older version of SFTPPlus, will receive a warning message in the web Administration Console or in the logs.

A reinstall of the SFTPPlus Windows service is required. Reinstalling the whole SFTPPlus installation is not required. Only the Windows Service needs a reinstall.

To reinstall the Windows service follow these steps:

  • Stop the current SFPPlus Windows service.

  • From the SFTPPlus installation directory run as administrator the service-uninstall.bat script.

  • From the SFTPPlus installation directory run as administrator the service-install.bat script.

  • Open the Windows Service administration tool, find the SFTPPlus service and open the Properties window.

  • From the Log on tab, configure the Windows service account and password to be used to run SFTPPlus.

  • Restart the SFTPPlus service.

2.7.5. Upgrading from version 4.X.0 to a newer 4.Y.Z

On Windows, you can choose to upgrade the system by running the self installing archive. This is similar to a new installation, but you will have to use the same installation path as the one in your current installation.

It is very important that you check the latest version and changes, as well as recommended upgrade procedures in the Server Release Notes.

  • Before proceeding with the upgrade, ensure the system is in maintenance mode and there are no active file transfers.

  • Stop the SFTPPlus service.

  • Copy the configuration directory to a backup location.

  • Run the installer and use the same installation path as the one of your current version.

2.7.6. Upgrading from version 3 to 4.Y.Z

You can install latest SFPPlus 4.Y.Z over an existing version 3 installation, similar to normal upgrade.

Below is the list of manual configuration change required when upgrading from SFTPPlus version 3 to a newer 4.Y.Z version:

  • If you are still using a SFTPPlus init script from version 2.10.0 or older, replace the --start command line argument with the start subcommand.

  • Remove clear text passwords for accounts and replace them with hashed-based version. This can be done by setting new passwords via the Local Manager web-based management console. You can also generate hashed version of the password by using the admin-commands generate-password command line.

  • If you are using rotate_each configuration, replace it with the rotate_on configuration.

  • address, port, and path configuration options are now removed from the Syslog event handler. SFTPPlus will automatically try to use existing address, port, and path values and present them as the url configuration. If you are not already using the url configuration option, you need to update it, especially if you have address =

  • The digital-signature-validation event handler is no longer supported. It was replaced by a Python Extension. Below is a sample configuration for the new Python extension:

    enabled: yes
    type: extension
    name: Digital Signature Validation
    target: 10078
    configuration: {
      "signer_certificate_path": "test_data/pki/file-signing-cert.pem",
      "ssl_certificate_authority": "test_data/pki/ca-cert.pem",
      "ssl_certificate_revocation_list": ["test_data/pki/ca.crl"],
      "ssl_certificate_revocation_list_refresh": 10
  • SFTPPlus is now configured with a single SMTP email client resource. If your configuration already contains an email client resource, it will be automatically migrated to a resource with UUID DEFAULT-EMAIL-CLIENT. If your configuration has multiple email client resources, you will need to manually edit the configuration file and set the DEFAULT-EMAIL-CLIENT to the email client resource that you want to use. The other email client resources are ignored and can be manually removed.

  • SFTPPlus is now configured with resource monitor having the DEFAULT-ANALYTICS UUID. If your configuration already contains an resource monitor, it will be automatically migrated to a resource with UUID DEFAULT-ANALYTICS.

  • The database event handler now only support SQLite3 embedded databases and is configured with the direct path ot the database file. SFTPPlus will automatically try to migrate the configuration and use log/server.db3 as the path to the log file. You need to review the configuration for the event handler to make sure it was correctly migrated.

  • SFTPPlus' process-monitor resource was renamed as the analytics resource. You can continue to use process-monitor as the type name for this resource.

  • SFTPPlus now provides an embedded analytics component. The previous account-activity event handler was integrated into this new analytics component. If your configuration already contains an account-activity event handler, it will be automatically migrated.

  • SFTPPlus now supports a single SMTP client configuration. The previous email configuration is automatically migrated as [resources/DEFAULT-EMAIL-CLIENT].

  • Configuration for Let's Encrypt certificate generation is now always present inside the configuration file as [resources/DEFAULT-LETS-ENCRYPT]. If you don't have Let's Encrypt support enabled, this configuration is created under the disabled state.

  • SFTPPlus now has a separate embedded databases used for storing the event logs and another dedicated databased used to store internal state. The internal state database configuration is automatically created under [resources/DEFAULT-SQLITE]

  • The embedded SFTPPlus authentication configuration is now always present inside the configuration file as [authentications/DEFAULT-AUTHENTICATION].

  • When authenticating operating systems accounts, you now have to define the list of OS groups for which to allow access. If you want to allow access to all OS groups, you can use the ${ALL_OS_GROUPS} marker:

    enabled: Yes
    type: os
    name: Operating System Accounts
    description: Accounts provided by the operating system.
    allowed_groups = ${ALL_OS_GROUPS}
  • The type configuration for a transfer was removed and replaced by delete_source_on_success. SFTPPlus will automatically update the configuration at start. The following equivalence applies:

    • type = copy -> delete_source_on_success=No

    • type = move -> delete_source_on_success=Yes

  • If you are using the SFTPPlus PHP Webadmin authentication, you will have to replace it with a generic "HTTP Request" authentication method. The legacy WebAdmin authentication method is no longer supported. If your previous url was configured as "" you should now use ""

2.7.7. Upgrading from version 2.X.X to 3.Y.Y

Upgrading from a 2.x version to a 3.x version requires preservation of the configuration data, reinstallation of the server, and integration of the existing data into the new system.

  • It is recommended to perform the upgrade in a maintenance window and make sure there are no active file transfers.

  • Stop the SFTPPlus service.

  • Copy the configuration directory to a backup location. Optionally, consider copying the log files as well.

  • Uninstall the SFTPPlus version running on your server.

  • Download the latest version of SFTPPlus 3, and install it on your machine.

In version 3, the default configuration file is still named server.ini.

To enable the new authentication method for application and os accounts, you will need to update the authentications option inside the [server] section, and add a dedicated method for application accounts.

Below is what the relevant parts of the [server] configuration should look like:

authentications = application-uuid, os-uuid, OTHER-AUTH-UUID
manager_authentications = application-uuid

enabled = Yes
type = application
name = Application Accounts
description = This authentication method allows authentication accounts
    defined in this configuration file.

enabled = Yes
type = os
name = Operating System Accounts
description = Accounts provided by the operating system.

To migrate the authentication of global SFTPPlus accounts, remove the sftpplus_webadmin option from the server section:

sftpplus_webadmin =

And replace it with a dedicated authentications method:

authentications = OTHER-AUTH-UUID, legacy-webadmin-uuid, MORE-AUTH-UUID

enabled = Yes
type = legacy-webadmin
name = Legacy SFTPPlus Webadmin

url =

To migrate the account report, create a new event handler. In the configuration file, replace:

database = sqlite-db-uuid

With a new event-handlers section:

enabled = No
type = account-activity
name = Account activity
description = Report last successful login for accounts and administrators.

database = sqlite-db-uuid

To migrate the file log handler, remove the logs handler section:

enabled = Yes
name = Default Local Log File
description = Append logs to a file on the local filesystem.

type = file

path = log/server.log

And replace it with a dedicated event-handlers section:

enabled = Yes
name = Default Local Log File
description = Append logs to a file on the local filesystem.

type = local-file

path = log/server.log

To migrate the Windows EventLog log handler, remove the logs handler section:

enabled = Yes
name = SFTPPlus Server
description = Send logs to Windows Event Log Service on local machine.

type = eventlog

And replace it with a dedicated event handler of type windows-eventlog:

enabled = Yes
name = STFPPlus
description = Send logs to Windows Event Log Service on local machine.

type = windows-eventlog

To migrate the WebAdmin HTTP Post Request log handler, remove the logs section for the Webadmin HTTP Post:

name = Default_WebAdmin
enabled = No
name = WebAdmin HTTP Post
description = Hook to WebAdmin over HTTP.

type = http-post
format = webadmin

url =

And create a new event-handlers section as:

enabled = No
name = WebAdmin HTTP Post
description = Send logs to Legacy WebAdmin over HTTP.

type = http
format = legacy-webadmin

url =

To convert legacy SQLite/MySQL database loggers, you should delete section(s):

enabled = Yes
name = SQLite Legacy Log Handler
description = Send logs to local SQLite file in legacy mode.

type = sqlite
path = log/server.db3

And add two new sections, one for the databases and one for the event handlers:

enabled = Yes
name = SQLite
description = SQLite file database connection.

type = sqlite
path = log/server.db3

enabled = Yes
name = SQLite Event Handler
description = Store events in local SQLite file.
type = database
database = sqlite-db-uuid

If there is already a section for the desired database, you do not need to create a section for it, just make sure to use the existing database UUID.

Make sure your database UUID matches the one configured for the event handler in order to pair them.

For MySQL logger(s), you should delete the logs section:

enabled = No
name = MySQL Legacy Log Handler
description = Send logs to MySQL database in legacy mode.

type = mysql

address =
port = 3306
username = test
password = test
database = test

And create two new sections for databases and event-handlers:

enabled = No
name = MySQL
description = MySQL database connection.

type = mysql

address =
port = 3306
username = test
password = test
database = test

enabled = No
name = MySQL Event Handler
description = Store events in a MySQL database
type = database
database = mysql-db-uuid

The above note on SQLite's database section also applies to MySQL's database section.

To migrate the Syslog log handler, remove the logs handler section:

enabled = Yes
name = Syslog Backup
description = Sends logs to backup syslog server.

type = syslog

url = udp://
port = 514

And replace it with a dedicated event-handlers section:

enabled = Yes
name = Syslog Backup
description = Sends logs to backup syslog server.

type = syslog

url = udp://

For converting the database log handler into an event handler, remove the logs section:

enabled = Yes
name = SQLite Log Handler
description = Send logs to local SQLite file.
type = database
database = sqlite-db-uuid

And replace it with a dedicated event-handlers section:

enabled = Yes
name = Database Event Handler
description = Send logs to local SQLite file.
type = database
database = sqlite-db-uuid

2.7.8. Upgrading from versions 1.X.X to 2.Y.Y

Upgrading from a 1.x version to a 2.x version requires preservation of the configuration data, reinstallation of the server, and integration of the existing data into the new system.

  • Make sure the system is in maintenance mode and there are no active file transfers.

  • Stop the SFTPPlus service.

  • Copy the configuration files to a backup location. Optionally, consider copying the log files as well.

  • Uninstall the SFTPPlus version running on your server.

  • Download the latest version of SFTPPlus Serve 2.x and install it on your machine.


The main changes that were introduced with version 2.0 are highlighted below. Please consult the Release Notes in order to have a more detailed view of particular changes in each release.

You will notice the new version is now using a single configuration file. The settings contained by the server.config, users.config, sftp-service.config, ftp-service.config and ftpsi-service.config will need to be manually migrated to the new server.ini configuration file. This can be done by following the instructions below.

The sample server.ini configuration file includes some explanatory comments. However, for a thorough understanding of all the options, please consult our documentation.

The services_ prefix has been removed from all configuration options. When moving information from one file to the other, please remember to delete the prefix, otherwise the option will be ignored. Migrating Server configuration options

The options defined under the [services] section in the server.config file have to be copied over to the [server] section in server.ini.

All services_ prefixes should be deleted.

The services_users_configuration_file option is no longer of any use, as the users are defined in the same configuration file. Therefore, it should be removed.

New attributes have to be defined in the [server] section: the UUID, name, and description. More information about each of them can be found in the documentation files. Migrating Log configuration options

The options defined under the [log] section in the server.config file have to be copied over to the [log] section in server.ini.

No other changes are required. Migrating Services configuration options

Services configurations are now defined using a new section marker in the server.ini file.

Each service now has a universally unique identifier (UUID) and a human readable short name. This allows rename operations and operating multiple services in a cluster environment. For more details see documentation.

For example, to update the service configuration for a service named ftp-partners with the following configuration:

name = ftp-partners
service_enabled = yes

Please use the example below to update the services configuration section:

name = ftp-partners
enabled = yes

The service configuration options have been moved from dedicated files into the main configuration file.

All configuration options in the [service] section of each service configuration file need to be copied inside the dedicated section for each service in server.ini, along with specific configurations in server.config.

Here is an example of a service section definition for an FTP protocol:

name = ftp-partners
enabled = yes

Protocol options copied from configuration/ftp-service.config file:

name = ftps
banner = Welcome to the FTP/FTPS Service.
passive_port_range = 9000 - 9200

All services_ prefixes need to be removed, otherwise those options will be completely ignored. Migrating groups and users configuration

Groups and accounts configurations have been moved from the dedicated file into the main configuration file. All accounts and groups should now have an associated UUID.

OS_GROUP is now a regular group, and accounts are not automatically associated to this group. We recommend renaming it as os_group, to suggest that it is just a normal group.

APPLICATION_GROUP has been renamed as DEFAULT_GROUP. DEFAULT_GROUP is automatically associated to all accounts for which a group was not explicitly defined. These are operating system accounts not defined in the configuration file or legacy SFTPPlus WebAdmin accounts.

The ${DEFAULT_GROUP} placeholder has been renamed as ${DEFAULT_OS_GROUP}. The new name should make it clear that it is referring to a group defined by the operating system.

The ${DEFAULT_USER} placeholder has been renamed as ${DEFAULT_OS_USER}. The new name should make it clear that it is referring to an account defined by the operating system.

Configuration sections for groups are now in the format [groups/550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440001], and the name of the group is now a configuration option. 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440001 is the group unique ID. The type configuration option is no longer of any use.

Configuration sections for accounts are now in the format [accounts/550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000], and the name of the account is now a configuration option. 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 is the account unique ID. This allows renaming for accounts.

Here is an example of a new accounts definition:

 name = john
 type = application

2.7.9. SFTPPlus manual upgrade on Linux and macOS

To upgrade SFTPPlus to the latest version, you have to stop its running service, then extract and copy the new files over the existing installation sub-directory. Before proceeding with the upgrade, ensure you have a backup copy of the server configuration file.

To find out more about the latest version and changes from your version to latest release, please consult the Server Release Notes.