We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.54.0.
New Features
- You can now define custom triggers for the HTTP / HTTPS service. These triggers are available as buttons in the web client GUI and as custom actions in the HTTP API. [server-side][http][https] [#3832]
- You can now configure the SFTPPlus Let's Encrypt resource with email addresses as contact information to be submitted to the ACME server. [#5351-1]
- SFTPPlus now supports the Let's Encrypt ACME v2 protocol. [#5351]
- 64bit packages for Windows x64 were added. [#5376]
Defect Fixes
- You can now define the password when creating a new account. This was a defect introduced in a previous version. [#5379]
Deprecations and Removals
- Let's Encrypt ACME v1 protocol is no longer supported. You will need to manually update your configuration to use an ACME v2 server. For example, you can use: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory. If you were using the Let's Encrypt V1 server at https://acme-v1.api.letsencrypt.org/directory, it will be automatically upgraded to https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory. [#5351]
You can check the full release notes here.