We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.50.0.

New Features

  • The embedded Let's Encrypt client now has the option to debug the HTTP ACME protocol. [#5287]
  • It is now possible to install multiple SFTPPlus instances on the same Windows operating system, all operating and active at …

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.49.0.

New Features

  • You can now use PXF / PKCS#12 certificates in SFTPPlus without converting them to the PEM format first. [#2596]
  • The HTTP file transfer server web UI now has dedicated ID for each UI element making it …

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.48.0.

New Features

  • HTTP POST event handler can now be configured to automatically retry on network and HTTP errors. [server-side][http-api] [#2619]
  • It is now possible to configure a file transfer service to emit debugging events for the low-level …

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.47.0.

New Features

  • You can now configure multiple domains for a free Let's Encrypt certificate using the subjectAlternativeName field. [server-side][ftps][https] [#5108]
  • A new event handler of type external-executable was added to execute external scripts or programs. [#5234 …

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.46.0.

New Features

  • The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service now supports downloading multiple files at once as a Zip file. [server-side][web-api][http][https] [#5093]
  • It is now possible to set up password expiration for accounts and groups. [server-side …

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.45.0.

New Features

  • It is now possible for SFTP/SCP clients to change their own password using the SSH command execution service. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5129]
  • It is now possible to transfer files using temporary names, renaming to their …

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.44.0.

New Features

  • It is now possible to configure the name associated to the sender email address in the email client resource. [#3069]
  • It is now possible for file transfer users to change the password associated with their accounts …