![Kubernetes banner](/static/images/articles/k8s.png)
This article describes managing the SFTPPlus configuration for a deployment through any Kubernetes Engine service.
It only looks at stateless configuration management. Data persistence is described in other articles.
The container image used in this example is the DockerHub SFTPPlus Trial.
The source of the container image is available from our public GitHub SFTPPlus Docker repository.
The example Kubernetes YAML file can be found in our GitHub SFTPPlus Kubernetes repository
It assumes that you already have a working Kubernetes cluster.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us for comments or questions.
Final result
Once completing the steps in this guide, you will have an SFTPPlus application with the following services:
- Port 10020 - HTTPS web based management console
- Port 443 - HTTPS end-user file management service
- Port 22 - SFTP end-user service
All these services will be available via your cluster IP address.
The management console will be used in read-only mode to verify the state of the SFTPPlus application.
Any configuration changes for SFTPPlus will be done by editing the cluster ConfigMaps or Secrets values.
The ConfigMaps changes are not observed in real time inside the pods. They are in-memory read-only data created together with the pod based on the ConfigMap value at the time of the pod creation. To have the SFTPPlus application use the updated configuration you will need to redeploy each pod. This can be done using the cluster rolling updates features.
![SFTPPlus GKE deployment diagram](/static/images/articles/sftpplus-gke-config-map.png)
Moving parts
For implementing the SFTPPlus service we will be using the following parts:
- The SFTPPlus Trial container image hosted at Docker Hub.
- A Google Kubernetes Engine. This is a prerequisite for this article. The article doesn't cover the creation of a new Kubernetes cluster.
- A Kubernetes Load Balancer service for connecting the application to the Internet. Instructions for creating this are provided below.
- A Kubernetes workload for hosting the SFTPPlus application. Instructions for creating this are provided below.
- A Kubernetes secret for storing the private key and other sensitive information. Instructions for creating this are provided below.
- A Kubernetes ConfigMap for storing the configuration file content. Instructions for creating this are provided below.
SFTPPlus cluster ConfigMap configuration
This section describes the process of creating the SFTPPlus configuration files that are managed inside the cluster as ConfigMap objects.
It assumes that you will upload the following YAML file named sftpplus-configuration.yaml to your cloud console:
apiVersion: v1 data: server.ini: | [server] uuid = single-server-uuid name = sftpplus-pod authentications = username-blocker-uuid, ban-ip-uuid, DEFAULT-AUTHENTICATION manager_authentications = ban-ip-uuid, DEFAULT-AUTHENTICATION password_minimum_strength = 4 password_minimum_length = 8 password_hashing_scheme = crypt-sha512 ssl_certificate = /opt/sftpplus/secrets/server_certificate.pem ssh_host_private_keys = /opt/sftpplus/secrets/ssh_host_rsa_key [authentications/DEFAULT-AUTHENTICATION] enabled = Yes type = application name = SFTPPlus Accounts and Administrators description = This authentication method allows authentication of accounts and administrators defined in this configuration file. [authentications/username-blocker-uuid] enabled = Yes type = deny-username name = Deny Admin Accounts description = Deny all administrator accounts. ; You can add more accounts to the list. usernames = root, adm, admin, administrator [authentications/ban-ip-uuid] enabled = Yes type = ip-time-ban name = Ban IP with multiple failures description = Will ban the source IP for 10 minutes after 10 consecutive failures. ban_interval = 600 ban_after_count = 10 [event-handlers/e137661a-150d-48f4-9239-4d9661492c11] enabled = True type = standard-stream name = Standard Output Logger entry_content = {timestamp.iso_8601_local} {id} {component.uuid} {account.name} {account.peer.address}:{account.peer.port} {message} [services/DEFAULT-MANAGER] enabled = Yes name = local-manager type = manager address = port = 10020 ssl_cipher_list = secure ssl_allowed_methods = tlsv1.2 tlsv1.3 [services/sftp-1] enabled = Yes name = sftp-service type = ssh sftp = Yes scp = No address = port = 10022 ssh_cipher_list = secure ignore_create_permissions = No idle_connection_timeout = 300 maximum_concurrent_connections = Disabled [services/https-1] enabled = Yes name = https protocol = https address = port = 10443 [resources/DEFAULT-LETS-ENCRYPT] enabled = no name = Lets-Encrypt-Client type = lets-encrypt [resources/DEFAULT-SQLITE] name = Embedded DB type = sqlite path = log/cache.db3 [resources/DEFAULT-EMAIL-CLIENT] name = Email-Client type = email-client email_from_address = sftpplus@example.com email_to_recipients = admin-team@example.com address = smtp.example.com port = 25 [resources/DEFAULT-ANALYTICS] enabled = Yes type = analytics name = Analytics engine monitor_interval = 600 [administrators/DEFAULT-ADMINISTRATOR-UUID] enabled = Yes name = admin password = $6$rounds=80000$oPp2OCqqSflb2YN5$KdXiAO6fhkObjBx6tJnS/EZ3bzcxeO1RPvJchBVXR00Gnj5O35fAC07psTBz4KE2AGbq/lZ.ifS7SrkDZmow00 role = DEFAULT-ROLE [roles/DEFAULT-ROLE] enabled = Yes name = Default Super-Administrators [groups/DEFAULT_GROUP] name = DEFAULT_GROUP enabled = Yes home_folder_path = /srv/home create_home_folder = Yes [accounts/bdb99c31-1119-4b8b-b609-63672a9a0b6f] name = test_user type = application enabled = yes group = DEFAULT_GROUP home_folder_path = /srv/storage/test_user password = $5$DfjfEI8R1.fpGQg9$A95Q7ENuO2Bfk95k8gCwOP6YzWmVe8vTz2fcPkGpmp6 ssh_authorized_keys_content = ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC4fV6tSakDSB6ZovygLsf1iC9P3tJHePTKAPkPAWzlu5BRHcmAu0uTjn7GhrpxbjjWMwDVN0Oxzw7teI0OEIVkpnlcyM6L5mGk+X6Lc4+lAfp1YxCR9o9+FXMWSJP32jRwI+4LhWYxnYUldvAO5LDz9QeR0yKimwcwRToF6/jpLw== Comment for this key kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: sftpplus.configuration namespace: default
You can modify the content of the server.ini ConfigMap key to match your desired configuration.
With the YAML file available in the cloud console, you can create the service by using the following command:
kubectl apply -f sftpplus-configuration.yaml
Certificates and private key management
The certificates and their associated private keys, together with the SSH private keys are managed inside the cluster using the Secret configuration object.
For simplicity, we will use a single opaque secret that will store both SSL certificates and SSH keys.
It assumes that you will upload the following YAML file named sftpplus-secrets.yaml to your cloud console:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: sftpplus.secrets namespace: default type: Opaque stringData: server_certificate.pem: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEqzCCApOgAwIBAgIRAIvhKg5ZRO08VGQx8JdhT+UwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw CONTENT OF YOUR SSL CERTIFICATE EACH LINE STARTING WITH 4 empty spaces. n5Z5MqkYhlMI3J1tPRTp1nEt9fyGspBOO05gi148Qasp+3N+svqKomoQglNoAxU= -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAzLUJYbSpjSAOSpxfns/w111mRls/FrHIC358fCxZsWzVXX/6 CONTENT OF YOUR SSL PRIVATE KEY 3042tKnu6zmZTLfcZFxQ8rCrrzzezs2odb9FxVA3bTc18tmudeAUyQ== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ssh_host_rsa_key: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAzLUJYbSpjSAOSpxfns/w111mRls/FrHIC358fCxZsWzVXX/6 CONTENT OF YOUR SSH PRIVATE KEY 3042tKnu6zmZTLfcZFxQ8rCrrzzezs2odb9FxVA3bTc18tmudeAUyQ== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
For security reasons, the above example does not include real keys and certificates. You will need to replace them with your own data. It is important to use the same indentation for the content of the file.
kubectl apply -f sftpplus-secrets.yaml
Kubernetes load balancer and Internet access
This section describes the process of creating a Kubernetes load balancer service to allow external Internet access to the SFTPPlus application.
It assumes that you will upload the following YAML file named sftpplus-service.yaml to your cloud console:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: finalizers: - service.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-cleanup labels: app: sftpplus-app name: sftpplus-app-load-balancer namespace: default spec: externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster ports: - name: 10020-to-10020-tcp nodePort: 30500 port: 10020 protocol: TCP targetPort: 10020 - name: 443-to-10443-tcp nodePort: 32013 port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 10443 - name: 22-to-10022-tcp nodePort: 32045 port: 22 protocol: TCP targetPort: 10022 selector: app: sftpplus-app sessionAffinity: None type: LoadBalancer
With the YAML file available in the cloud console, you can create the service by using the following command:
kubectl apply -f sftpplus-service.yaml
Application pods
This section describes the creation and configuration of a workload that will run one or more pods hosting the SFTPPlus application.
It assumes that you will upload the following YAML file named sftpplus-workload.yaml to your cloud console:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: sftpplus-app name: sftpplus-app namespace: default spec: progressDeadlineSeconds: 600 replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 10 selector: matchLabels: app: sftpplus-app strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 25% maxUnavailable: 25% type: RollingUpdate template: metadata: labels: app: sftpplus-app spec: containers: - image: proatria/sftpplus-trial imagePullPolicy: Always name: sftpplus-trial resources: {} securityContext: privileged: true terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File volumeMounts: - mountPath: /opt/sftpplus/configuration name: sftpplus-configuration - mountPath: /opt/sftpplus/secrets name: sftpplus-secrets dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always schedulerName: default-scheduler securityContext: {} terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 volumes: - name: sftpplus-configuration configMap: name: sftpplus.configuration - name: sftpplus-secrets secret: secretName: sftpplus.secrets
The content of the cluster secret is available inside /opt/sftpplus/secrets. The cluster ConfigMap is available inside /opt/sftpplus/configuration.
Each key of the Secret or ConfigMap object will be converted into a file with the same name as the key name and the same content as the key content.
With the YAML file available in the cloud console, you can create the workload by using the following command:
kubectl apply -f sftpplus-workload.yaml